DISCLAIMER: I dont care what your stand is on vaccines so DO NOT - TopicsExpress


DISCLAIMER: I dont care what your stand is on vaccines so DO NOT comment below with your opinion. It will get deleted. This is EXACTLY how the whole autism/MMR vaccine thing started. Someone published an article in a journal yearssss ago claiming that there was a link. The scientist who performed the original study had falsified information, claimed to have performed a randomized study when really he hand selected 11 particpants. 11!!! That is NOT statistically significant!! The study wS retracted from the most reputable journal in medicine. Everyone wants there to be a link between autism and MMR to discredit the goodness of vaccines. It just soooo happens that the MMR vaccine is administered between 12-15 months of age; the same time that parents usually bring in their child because they notice different behaviors and subsequently receiving a diagnosis of autism. Vaccines save lives, period. Smallpox has been eradicated. Children are no longer dying from Haemophilis influenza B infections because of the HIB vaccine. The risks and side effects are minute compared to the devastating effects of these diseases. There are always risks when putting something into your body. Even food. You can have a reaction that you didnt expect. Thats just nature. If you would rather have your chikd suffer through any of thise disease, then I dont know what to tell you. Everyone is so wrapped up in the anti-vaccine campaign they FAIL to recognize how effective they have been. You receive the same type of immunity with the vaccine or if you were exposed to the actual antigen. Active acquired. I was immunized. I dont have autism, Ive never had a reaction. Im fine. I would rather suffer through a needlestick and maybe a day or two of feeling sick than to be infected with a disease, that at my age, could be fatal. END RANT!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:57:17 +0000

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