DISCLAIMER: This is not another post bemoaning the NC Bar Exam, - TopicsExpress


DISCLAIMER: This is not another post bemoaning the NC Bar Exam, which I pledged to refrain from. However, after a few days to reflect I want to address a few things. I have received an overwhelming amount of messages, comments, calls, etc. inquiring about how I did, as well as to offer such kind words of support and encouragement. Thank you all so much!!! I would have never gotten to this point without each of you!! As for the test and my impression about how I did. After the first day of essay questions I was extremely confident. I believe I did well on that section, even though going in I was more concerned about the essays. I seemed to know the issues and rules each question was looking for, and I think I answered each effectively. Day 2 and the multiple choice section was a different story. With a majority of the questions it was fairly easy to disregard 2 of the answer options. With the way it was written, it became almost a coin flip to determine which of the remaining 2 options was the best answer. I have never taken a multiple choice exam where so many of the questions had 2 answer options that could be correct. So after Day 2 my confidence level decreased dramatically from Day 1. When I say I have no clue about how I did I am not being evasive, dramatic or pessimistic. I did not leave Raleigh thinking I failed it, whatsoever, but I did not leave with a sense that I know I passed, either. It will depend heavily upon which of the 2 options was the best option, and how many of those I chose. Though I have no clue exactly how the exam is scored, 350 of a possible 500 points is required to pass (70%). If past history is reflective upon this current exam, around 60% will pass and 40% not. So, out of the 1200 who took it with me, around 700 will get letters of congratulations while 500 will get instructions on how to apply to retake it in late February. By no means is it automatic that anyone who took it will pass, including me. In order to be prepared for any result, I am spending the next 6 weeks hoping I did pass, while making alternative back-up plans in case I didnt. The results will be known sometime in early to mid-September. Until then, I honestly dont have a clue.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:38:21 +0000

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