DISCOVER A KINGDOM There was a young man, Hassan ibn Umar, who - TopicsExpress


DISCOVER A KINGDOM There was a young man, Hassan ibn Umar, who inherited so much wealth from his rich and influential father, but by unrestricted indulgence in luxury, he dissipated the wealth. One day, he was seen in the outskirts of the walls of Basra, prostrated on the ground, tearing his hair, reproaching Allah, blaspheming the Prophet, blaming his friends, charging his relations for ingratitude, and calling upon the angel of death to release him from his misery! While he was bewailing, he heard a voice telling him: My son, listen. Allah intends good for you. Hassan raised his eyes and saw an old man smiling at him with a comforting look. Begone, old man, Hassan cried, unless you can work a miracle for me. Can you give me back my possessions --my vineyards, my fields, cattle, gold and money? The old man said: That is not hard to do. Just follow my unsolicited advice and you will have a kingdom. Fulfill these conditions and the kingdom is yours: GOVERN YOUR PASSIONS, MODERATE YOUR DESIRES, HATE THE WINE-CUP, WORK FOR YOUR BREAD, EAT ONLY WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY, AND SLEEP AND REST WHEN YOU ARE WEARY! Hassan decided to carry out the directions of the old man. He joined a caravan of merchants and set out on a long journey. He began to rise early and worked all day long. Plain water and few dates formed his simple meal. At night, he lay down by the side of the camels and enjoyed a repose that he had never known before. A year passed away and Hassan returned to Basra. At the walls of the city, he prostrated and prayed: Now, Allah, give me the kingdom promised by the old man. He heard a voice, a gentle voice, saying: Hassan,your kingdom is yourself. Allah has taught you to rule it. Hassan looked up and saw the old man, smiling at him, adding: Remember what the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Be fulfilled and you will be the richest of men. Hassan started up and declared: Indeed, my kingdom is in myself and I have to discover it. HAVE YOU DISCOVERED YOUR KINGDOM, MY FRIEND? [M. EBRAHIM KHAN, Anecdotes from Islam]
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 03:45:12 +0000

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