DISCRIMINATION AND OPPRESSION: Disclaimer: This is an emotional - TopicsExpress


DISCRIMINATION AND OPPRESSION: Disclaimer: This is an emotional posting of what I am thinking right now. I am the object of oppression in this case, so please saddists DO NOT READ or give me grief. I am getting enough of that from Kadaga and his crew as it is at the moment. Honestly Ugandans we have problems. Apparently who ever was worried about my work and popularity in Busoga has decided to take the oppression as far as Electricity House Bills and cutting off electricity for a debt of 100,000/=. First, Rt. Hon. Kadagas crew photocopied and presented tens of thousands of a letter got from her and presented to any Musoga who cared, saying I had been chased from work by His Excellency President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, through the press. In fact Monitor News Paper still refers to me as Ex Presidential Advisor. Second they punished all the Basoga by politically forcing a non popular person as Kyabazinga just to prove a point they have more political, financial and legal muscle than me. Successfully destroying my ground work without due regard to the Basoga who are suffering as a result. As if grass can ever fight with an elephant. Third they make an order without my employers knowledge to have my office car removed on allegations that I had given it to HRH Edward Columbus Wambuzi. Afunvuwe Mukama was Busoga. Who apparently is not good enough to sit in a Government Vehicle. Fourth, they send people to spy inside my home and as if they have not collected enough information to assassinate me, they have now labelled me FDC. FDC is the name on my electricity bills. The guy who came to cut off the power for FDC asked if I had any other homes and where they were. It is not about electricity bills anymore, it is about cutting off power from each building owned by FDC. Shame on you Kadaga. Kawugu Mugaino Chairman LC5 Kamuli might be out of your way sleeping in his grave where you helped him to get, Kategere may be on the street where you got him but trust me even if you successfully killed me, I would not be buried before you. I do not go to spiritualists for spiritual power, I am a spiritualist my self subscribing to the Modern Spiritual Church, checl it out on the internet. Remember you got your power, financial and political might from my Chiefdom of Busambira at Nyenda Hill. I happen to be the authentic, traditional, cultural and spiritual Princess of that Chiefdom, in spite of its deliberate political destruction by your type. Trust me physically or spiritually we are so closely connected therefore you cannot destroy me without destroying your self. You are activating a suicide bomb. Even Colonel Kiiza Besiigye, my father who started FDC, has a name which is KIIZA BESIIGYE and people call him so. I am proud to be recognised as the changer of the world but kindly leave my private life out of this. My appointment was not conditioned on becoming a member of NRM and you did not do anything to welcome me either. The best you have done is to torture me and discriminate against me. My appointment was an agreement with my father H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni whom I love and will always pay all my allegiance to as my mentor and President of Uganda. He can terminate me by phone any time and I will be ready and obliged. I cannot count how many criminal cases, Kadaga, you have put up against my name with your aide Juuma Munuulo in attempt to jail me. Just tell me, other than having children and a husband which you dont, what exactly can a church mouse like me have that you dont and have to come after me with all that weight. You closed the Poverty Alleviation office in Busoga as if you have the time and interest to serve the people it was serving. Surely I am a poor woman with nothing to offer you, why cant you try people like Hon. Min. First Lady Janet Kataha Museveni who have, Hon Kyambadde, Cecilia Ogwal with the potential to become President other than poor people like me. Try having children, then you will stop chasing around other peoples children. You went to school with my mum, that makes you my mother. Please do not force my hand to disrespect you publicly. Uganda worships you only because we the people of Busoga cover your deeds but if we exposed the interviews with people of Kamuli your constituency, you will be surprised what they think about you. They have the power to tell the world who you are so please slow down on the community oppression. I am beyond your destruction claws, and even if you killed me, my name would live a lot longer than yours. Kindly give me a break. FDC people are Ugandans and in fact I am going to work with them to spear head development in Busoga because they are honest and hard-working. Grow up NRM Oppressors, not every Ugandan wants to take your political jobs. Some of us already have valuable and peaceful jobs. I might still be on the FDC records as a member, I have never submitted my name to any NRM register, so you are right to discriminate against me as a none NRM member but that does not make me less Ugandan. At least I do not deny my FDC roots, neither have I denounced it as a party for any reason other than personal choice which I am entitled to. You are NRM during day and FDC at night which makes you a hypocrite and me possibly a stupid but honest member of the community.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 18:12:20 +0000

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