DISCUSSION BETWEEN ATHEIST AND MUSLIM ATHEIST: There is no God existing, we just found ourselves on this earth, no. judgement days at all MUSLIM: Subhanallah ATHEIST: What? MUSLIM: Let me ask you some questions. If an equipment/machine you never see before is brought to you to explain its mechanism, how will you do that? ATHEIST: ...‘’ Laughing’’... I am educated, i will demand for the manufacturer, inventor, producer, creator guide packed along with the machine and i will explain very well.......Simple MUSLIM: Good.... How does the universe come into existence? ATHEIST: Initially, there are single bounded body which now split into several bodies that gave rise to sun, moon, earth etc MUSLIM: ....And when did the scientist come to know all these? ATHEIST: You aren’t educated enough. It was about 100 years ago MUSLIM: ‘’Laughing’’...What they discovered 100 years ago has been mentioned in Al Quran suratul anbiya 21 vs 30 ‘’ Have not those who disbelieve known that the heaven and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then, we parted them? And we have made from water every living thing, will they not then believe?. Answer WHO COULD HAVE MENTIONED THIS 1435YEARS AGO? ATHEIST: .....Hmmmmm MUSLIM: (No problem lets continue).... Is the light of the moon its own light or reflective light? ATHEIST: ooohhh, it was discovered 200 years ago that the light of the moon is a reflective light MUSLIM: ‘’ hahahaha’’........Al Quran mentioned this 1435 years ago in suratul furqan 25 vs 61 ‘’ Blessed be HE who has placed in the heaven big stars, and he placed therein a great lamp (sun) and a moon giving a reflective/borrowed light. WHO COULD HAVE MENTIONED THIS 1435YEARS AGO? ATHEIST: May be your prophet Mohammed (Sallalahu Alaeyi Wassalam), he may be intelligent MUSLIM: (hmmm okay).. ....What’s the shape of the earth? ATHEIST: Everyone knows its spherical in shape has discovered long time ago 1597 by Sir Francisco MUSLIM: ...But Al Quran mentioned it 1435years ago in suratul Naziat 79 vs 30 @# ‘’ And thereafter, HE spread the earth and give it a shape of an egg’’..WHO COULD HAVE MENTIONED THAT? ATHEIST: That means your prophet is intelligent about science MUSLIMS: Our prophet (Sallalahu Alaeyi Wassalam) is an unlettered man has said in Bible and Al Quran. ... According to what we were taught in school (GEOGRAPHY), the sun is stationary. Isn’t it? ATHEIST: ‘’Happy mood’’ .. so is that in your Al Quran too MUSLIM: NO, NO, NO... that was what we were taught in school then. But Al Quran mentioned in Suratul Anbiya 21 vs 33 ‘’ And HE it is who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating. WHO COULD HAVE MENTIONED THAT 1435YEARS AGO? WHO WHO ATHEIST: ... Silent with no answer MUSLIM: Modern scientist just discovered that the universe is expanding which has been mentioned in Al Quran 1435 years ago ‘’ With power did we construct the heaven , verily. We are able to extend the vastness of space thereof..... Quran 51 vs 47 Water cycledicovered by scientist some hundred years ago has been mentioned in Al Quran in so many verses such as Quran 39 vs 21, Quran 30 vs 24, Quran 30 vs 48, Quran 15 vs 22, Quran 23 vs 18, Quran 25 vs 48 – 50. I can still keep talking Mr Atheist. The Al Quran mentioned two types of water in Quran 25 vs 53 ‘’ And it is HE who has let free the two sea (kinds of water); this is palatable and sweet, and that is salt and bitter and HE has set a barrier and a complete partition between them’’ Also, it was just discovered that mountain are the pillars that hold firm the earth from shaking which Al Quran mentioned 1435years ago in Quran 78 vs 6 – 7 ‘’ Have we not made the earth as a bed and the mountain as pegs’’ More so, Quran speaks about Spider (Quran 29 vs 41), Ant (QURAN 27 VS 17 – 18), Bee ( Quran 16 vs 68 – 69), Origin of human being ...(Thousands of scientific findings have been answered in Quran) MY QUESTION IS ‘’’’ WHO COULD HAVE MENTIONED ALL THESE 1435 YEARS AGO’’ ATHEIST:: It’s the CREATOR/ MANUFACTURER/ PRODUCER/CHERISHER MUSLIM: The CREATOR/ MANUFACTURER/ PRODUCER/CHERISHER is what we Muslim call ALLAH
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 07:35:06 +0000

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