[DISCUSSION] New trailer for ORAS released! So. more info has - TopicsExpress


[DISCUSSION] New trailer for ORAS released! So. more info has been released on Primal Groudon and Kyogre. Primal Groudon gets Desolate Land, which prevents weather-changing moves and (*gasp*) makes Water-type moves completely useless. It also gets a new move, called Precipice Blades. Primal Kyogre gets Primordial Sea, which prevents weather-changing moves and makes Fire-type moves completely useless! It gets a new move like Groudon, named Origin Pulse. Theres also in-game footage of the Mega Evolutions that were recently unveiled - Camerupt, Sharpedo, and Gallade. Primal Groudon is going to dominate the planet. It gets rid of its 4x weakness to Water completely, and with that powerful sunlight boosting its STAB Fire-type moves (note that Primal Groudon is Ground/Fire and cannot be burned), its going to be an absolute monster. What do you guys think of Precipice Blades? My guess is that itll be a Ground-type move capable of hitting Flying-types, since those spikes look reaaaally nasty. Primal Kyogre, however... this thing is going to be one of the greatest team players. Being able to completely nullify Fire-type attacks is going to make Pokemon like Scizor and Ferrothorn the greatest annoyances in the Pokemon world. However, its not like Primal Kyogre only relies on teammates, as it has a new move to show off, Origin Pulse. Whats your guess? Looking at the animation, I feel like its going to be a Water-type Psychock. Blissey and Chansey, beware! Whats unknown is whether a weather-changing ability can change this weather, or how long this weather lasts. Can Rayquazas Air Lock ability stop weather like this? Will Rayquaza have to Mega Evolve as well to stop the two titans from destroying Hoenn? Only time will tell...
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:04:14 +0000

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