DISPARITIES IN AKUFO-ADDO AND MAHAMAs FREE SHS. Basically, it is clear that there is tangible difference between Nana Addos Free SHS and John Mahamas Progressive Free SHS promise which has been made obviously on the wings of vain hope. The former promise is a thought through one with all the significance considered, whilst the later is just a propaganda attempt designed to impair the awareness of the need and essence of the full Free SHS in Ghana, with the aim of enhancing their electoral fortunes in 2016 general elections, just as all the promises made and being made to deceive Ghanaians, which are now having serious adverse resultant effects on the majority of Ghanaians today. When Nana Addo first announced the Free SHS policy, the NDC with their shallow minded leadership told Ghanaians that, the Free SHS is not feasible; the idea is a misplaced priority; it will collapse Ghana educational system; it can only be implemented after 20 years time; anything Free is bad; Ghana cannot afford Free SHS; etc, etc; even after Nana Addo has reduced into fragments the budget to run the programme, the NDC/Mahama insisted that it is madness for anyone to think of introducing Free Secretary School education in Ghana. Now, seeing that Ghanaians have bought into the idea of the Free SHS policy and have voted convincingly for NPP Nana Akufo-Addo, and also anticipating that the NPP leader may come back again with the same Free SHS policy for 2016 (which off course Nana Addo will bring it back anyway), the NDC/John Mahama govt quickly turned round bearly 13 months after the 2012 general elections, telling Ghanaians that John Mahama-led govt intends to introduce the Free SHS program in 2016 election year, the policy they claimed in few months before that it was a lack of vision and misplaced priority to introduce it in Ghana. Translucently, this Progressive Free SHS promise by Mahama is another political gimmick just to hoodwink Ghanaians for votes. Nana Akufo-Addos Free SHS promise is a full set of policy which can truly change and improve the whole standard of Ghana’s education. It is a Full Free SHS program for both the Day and Boarding Students, Not progressively free with some percentage of fees taken off for the day students, but would be Full Free Senior High Schools for both Day and Boarding Students. Nana Addo in 2012 shown budget fully prepared and demonstrated to Ghanaians feasible it is, but John Mahamas Progressive Free only promises a part payment for Day Students, excluding the boarding students, dubbed progressive Free SHS. Nana Akufo-Addos Free SHS policy is a full package, dubbed Teachers first. This policy also aims at elevating Ghana teaching system into a level of adopting the UK teaching system whereby every teacher at any level in classrooms holds minimum of a degree certificate. Adopting this policy will also help to drastically reduce or prevent the brain-drain which usually occur at the field of teaching in Ghana whereby after a teacher applies for leave to study a degree course at university fails to return to class room after studying most often other professional courses. In order to maintain teachers in the classrooms after acquiring a degree, Nana Addo’s Free SHS package makes it possible to run a structured govt sponsored intensive degree courses for the teachers during their vacations, so that the marks obtained at every session of study would be kept, and at the end of 3-4 years, the total cumulative marks acquired (credit per course) should be equivalent to a two year full-time university study. By so doing, the teachers are being maintained in classrooms while acquiring the needed degree qualifications with corresponding salary increase as a result. Clear vision!! Nana Addo has vowed that under his government the economy would be managed in such a manner that resources would be available enough to manage education and teachers welfare. The institutionalised corruption through judgment debts would never happen. In his flagship Free SHS package, Nana Akufo-Addo pledges to institute a Govt Guaranteed Housing Loan Scheme for teachers with 10 or more years of service to have access to finance for a personal dwelling anywhere in the country, this in a form of mortgage financed and administered by a banks. This scheme would have no link with the govt top up conventional SSNIT teachers contributions. All these are aimed at putting teachers in the very top priority. It is intriguing to note that, even with the progressive free SHS for Day students in Ghana, President John Mahama administration has not been able to show Ghanaians how much fees the govt intends absorbing off the Day students. This is very Pathetic. Pathetic in the sense that, John Mahama and his cohorts aspire to present this honswiggle promise of progressive free SHS in 2016 in order to generate unnecessary counter argument to Nana Addos flagship policy, so as to deceive the numbskull Ghanaians to vote for them. How long are Ghanaians going to sit down to be bamboozled into believing all the lies of Mahama and his corrupt NDC gov’t? Mahama’s visionless, programmeless and policyless administration are destined to steal every good idea of Nana Akufo-Addo. Unfortunately, they Mimic, they Steal, and they Destroy the ideas. When Nana Addo pledged to introduce the Northern Development Authority project (NoDA, to develop the North and bridge the poverty gap between North and South; the NDC/Atta Mills mimicked the idea and decided that they would also introduce Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA); when NPP introduced NHIS, the NDC mimicked and decided to introduce one time NHIS premium; when NPP introduced National Youth Employment program (NYE), the NDC also promised Youth In Agriculture now GYEEDA; when NPP introduced Zoomlion Ghana Ltd, the NDC has also introduced Zoom Alliance Gh Ltd; NPP dubbed its 2012 manifesto People Matter, You Matter, the NDC also named their manifesto the same, etc, etc. Now, with all these mimicking and stealing of ideas from NPP and Nana Addo, the most aspect is that, the NDC and its leadership have carefully failed most of them and destroyed many of the ideas. NDC is only good in stealing ideas and destroying them, they cannot invent any innovative ideas to solve the national problems and generate wealth, hence, the corruption in left, right, centre, inside out. Very sad!! I want to say that, from now onwards, every well meaning Ghanaian who genuinely wish good for the future of Ghana have a daunting responsibility to pitch a cogent and convictive argument to Ghanaians for a regime change. Ghana deserves far better than this ineptitude. Let us have a holistic view of the happenings in Ghana and help the ordinary Ghanaian make a choice of leadership that will give a better future to our children, not just a leadership that thinks about winning the next elections. Nana Akufo-Addo deserves a chance, at least, lets give him and Bawumia the opportunity to offer the innovative ideas they evince can move the country forward.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:34:55 +0000

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