^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DISPUTATION OF CHRISTIANITY - TopicsExpress


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DISPUTATION OF CHRISTIANITY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Though other religions are permitted to exist by G-d Almighty for certain reasons, they exist only meantime because in the end, with the coming of Messiah, the culmination of all religions will be in Judaism. Judaism is the only religion based upon G-ds Revelation in the giving of the holy Torah to a whole community of Jews of an estimated up to 3 million Jews and a few non-Jews at Mount Sinai. The first two commandments were actually heard by all those present, straight from the lips of G-d Himself! But because the spiritual experience was too much to bear, they all pleaded G-d that G-d give the rest of the Torah to Moshe, His prophet and that they will fully accept what he (Moshe) says to them about it. The spiritual level of the Jews at that moment of Revelation was so high that G-d was to admit them straight to heaven, alive, for posterity, which means we would not have been here to suffer the trials of worldly life but would have been born in heaven. The sin of the golden calf initiated by the converts from Egypt spoiled everything. This sin relegated us to life on this earth till a future redemption by Messiah and towards this end we have to work in every small measure as instructed in the second giving of the Torah (after the first set of tablets were broken). All other religions are, admittedly, only based upon the (alleged) personal revelation of one human being only, who has not even a single witness while we have millions of witnesses, our forefathers, and those millions have handed down the unaltered version of the Torah to every generation of Jews and to us till our own generation, and it was always forbidden to alter even one alphabet of the Torah. A concrete proof of the validity of our Torah is the fact that specific festivals commemorating the events that took place, we collectively unfailingly celebrate throughout the past centuries. Only Judaism is based on the word of G-d. The other religions are man-made. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Disputation of Barcelona ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I wish that you now read about a famous religious disputation between Jews and Christians of the year 1263 headed by a great Torah sage of that time, Ramban (as distinguished from Rambam who was his contemporary). A disputation was held in Barcelona (July 20–24, 1263) at the royal palace of King James I of Aragon in the presence of the King, his court, and many prominent ecclesiastical dignitaries and knights, between Dominican Friar Pablo Christiani, a convert from Judaism to Christianity, and Rabbi Nachmanides (whose full name, Rabbi Moshe ben Nahman Gerondi, is often abbreviated as Ramban), a leading medieval Jewish scholar, philosopher, physician, kabbalist, and biblical commentator. jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/judaica/ejud_0002_0003_0_02023.html An interesting dramatization of the above disputation is available for viewing on the Internet as follows. The actual disputation starts from part 2: The Disputation 2 of 5: youtube/watch?v=_-yzCYAAIvQ The Disputation 3 of 5: youtube/watch?v=1uSU8iBEjgg The Disputation 4 of 5: youtube/watch?v=7bfr1SW7VCM The Disputation 5 of 5: youtube/watch?v=H4ZQ3kgE8wI Yet another disputation took place in Paris in 1240 in the court of the reigning king of France, Louis IX (St. Louis). The disputation had four rabbis defending the Talmud against the accusations of a Franciscan Order member. Nicholas Donin represented the Christian side of the debate and four of the most distinguished rabbis of France, Yechiel ben Joseph of Paris (who headed the delegation), Moses of Coucy, Judah of Melun, and Samuel ben Solomon of Château-Thierry, represented the Jewish side of the debate. Donin was a member of the Franciscan Order and a Jewish convert to Christianity. He had persuaded Pope Gregory IX to issue a bill ordering the burning of the Talmud. The terms of the disputation demanded that the four rabbis defend the Talmud against Donins accusations that the Talmud was immoral, blasphemous, and spoke offensively of Jesus. Though the rabbis presented a proper defense of the Talmud, a commission of Christian theologians condemned the Talmud to be burned and on June 17, 1244, twenty-four carriage loads of Jewish religious manuscripts were set on fire in the streets of Paris. Both the great rabbis, Rabbi Yechiel ben Joseph of Paris and Rabbi Moshe ben Nahman (Ramban) of Barcelona immigrated to Israel soon after been banished from Paris and Spain, respectively, and in Jerusalem they spend the rest of their distinguished lives in the teaching of the holy Torah. A list of more such disputations is given in the web-link: jewishencyclopedia/articles/5226-disputations
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:01:52 +0000

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