DISSOLUTION OF CONTRACTS AND INITIATIONS, - Archangel Michael, Asana Mahatari, The Christ - Healing due to Gods Grace Beloveds, You are carriers of initiations and you are endued with contracts from many times. Energetic structures, which have been preserved until today, have an effect in you, and thereby some opening of your Being has been lacking until today[18th Jan 2015]. In this hour of God’s Grace, we totally dedicate ourselves to these issues and we, the Masters of the Light, mandate in unison with the human intention that today, here and now, all human Beings, who devote themselves to this message, will be liberated from all still existing contracts with the dark ones and from all dark initiations. The time for it has truly come and the time is ripe, because before the high levels of All-That-Is can be inhabited, the low vibrating agreements and arrangements from different levels of time, from different timelines, must be removed and suspended. Now it has come thus far. 1.) Dissolution of dark Contracts After the fundamental purification of your energy bodies has already occurred, we now begin with the dissolution of dark contracts or contracts with the dark ones from space-time. This applies to all levels, where you have ever been present. This is a healing, which happens now and due to the free human will and the almighty divine Grace becomes effective now. It occurs now. Pause… 2.) Liberation from dark Initiations At the same time you are now liberated from all dark ceremonies, the initiations, which you were subjected to on many levels of space-time. This is the next level after curses, and after many of you have already been liberated from curses: lichtweltverlag.blogspot.co.at/…/recognition-and… now the dark magic and light-starved initiations will be lifted, which hinder every divine Being in the exercise of the power of creation. It occurs now. Pause… Archangel Michael, Asana Mahatari, The Christ These healings are now possible, because you have arranged such. Supported by the power of the Ascended Masters and in the loving omnipresence of the Archangels, sufficient spiritual Light flows now to this healing, so that you can now be released from the initiations. The blue light of truth and the clarity of pure love work, Archangel Michael is present. The gold-violet flame of transformation and liberation works. Asana Mahatari is present. The pink-red ray of unconditional love, the Christ consciousness, works. The Christ is present. It occurs now. Pause… Opening of the Heart In the following step your hearts will be opened. The heart is the seat of the Christ consciousness, the place where love is manifested and wherefrom it spreads. If the heart chakra is healed, then the healing of all further chakras is ensured. Belief patterns, opinions, meaning mental fallacies, lock the access to the heart. And these hindrances are now being removed, so that by opening to the Christ Light you can attain Christ consciousness. Human Beings are nothing without Love, with Love human Beings are everything and human Beings have everything. This opening of the heart occurs in this instant, in all human Beings, who follow these words with great attention and inner dedication. And in the meantime all chakras of a human Being will be simultaneously worked on. Meaning: Any healing, which is now possible, will now be given. The living Christ is among us, the Christ consciousness, the Love for all that is, appears, in all, who are now ready for this step. It occurs now. Pause… Opening for the Divine Now the moment has come, in order to open you to the above, in order to open to the Divine, to open to the cosmos. Now the crown chakra is opened in all human Beings, who now follow these words of the Light. This occurs in all human Beings in an individual manner and with individual intensity, yet everyone receives the opportunity now to experience the touch with his divinity, whereby a uniquely delightful binding to the source of all sources, which is God, can now be experienced. It occurs now. Pause… The seventh chakra, which is located outside of the physical body above your crown, is now activated and opened. With all human Beings in different intensity, yet with all as far so that a touch with the divine can now be experienced. It occurs now. Pause… At the same time, all chakras are freed of all impurities, which can now be removed. The Ascended Masters, the Archangels and Angels work with us and on us. Be aware: It occurs now. Pause… The connection to the cosmos and to God has now been established and it remains established as long as you have determined it for yourselves. This is the gift, which I hand over to you today, because the light-filled streams from Heaven can only flow through a purified and open Being, and only a conscious human Being can recognize where the blockages are located, how hindrances build up and whereby they are to be removed. And I remind you of it, now, as the healings are in process or as you are healed. I ask you to establish within you this sacred condition of wholeness, which you have attained now, and not give it up flippantly. Experience the direct binding with God at every hour of the day, now it is possible. Hindrances, which build up and can hinder these conditions still are: 1.) Wrong thinking. a.) opinions b.) fantasies c.) belief patterns 2.) Foreign implants on different levels of your Being. a.) Dark energies can, in a moment of carelessness, take possession of your energy body and put subtle “deactivation implants” there. These create energy fields, which make you unreceptive for God’s Light and for the perception of higher levels of All-That-Is. And you are open then, when you do not recognize the dark ones as dark and you keep “familiar” company with these forces, instead of putting them to rout or to destroy them. Destroy the Destroyers This game is still the determining issue of this end time. Examine yourself daily about such dark programming. And act instantaneously, if you presume that an inappropriate energy may have established itself in your Being; destroy it whereby you guide the Light sword and/or you apply the tool of mandates. Destroy what wants to destroy you! Remove from you, what wants to keep you away from God or wants to remove you from God. Redeem from you, what wants to lead you astray from your redemption. This is the most significant task of the upcoming time! After you have been freed from curses, initiations and contracts and you have thereby oriented yourself toward God, it is necessary to take care so that your purified energy field also remains purified. Then your thoughts remain clear, your heart vibrates in Love, and your consciousness rises above any sluggish condition. Every healing originates from the heart. And for those, who never stray from the path of the heart, any healing is now possible. The living Christ is among you. Without any luggage, liberated from curses, initiations and contracts, you can now depart for the last journey back to the origin, to the Father of all Life, the Mother of All-That-Is. The journey into God’s custody. You remain healed and untouchable, as you choose this for you and as you remain vigilant in your life, perceive consciously and act decidedly. No power can displace you, from the place, which God has assigned for you. Because only the godless remain far from the Graces, but the ones inspired by God, live in His abundance and in His infinite Kingdom of Grace – eternally. I am That I Am. In infinite Love ASANA MAHATARI Trust in God – ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL: lichtweltverlag.blogspot.co.at/…/NACHRICHTEN%20A… 18th January 2015 The light world publishing and the author do not lead any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages published on this website.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:20:55 +0000

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