DISTANCE...IT BRINGS US CLOSER TOGETHER.... Do what you can, - TopicsExpress


DISTANCE...IT BRINGS US CLOSER TOGETHER.... Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.~ Theodore Roosevelt ;)~ Another Sunday...I guess it could be just like any other I have had, but its not...As I am waking up in a new and fascinating place today, I cant help but think of where I was at just one year ago today, and how much my life has changed since then... When I think of all of the TELEPHONE LINES that have been used to keep me in touch with this world I know, I think of how lucky I have been to remember all the right numbers to dial when I needed to talk to someone I loved...or still love...This morning, my Baby-Huey and I, shared some phone time and we talked about how, last year at this time, it had all started to unravel for me, and how I had to watch everything I had worked so hard for get taken away from me... I came home to a house that had been cleaned out, the girlfriend of 4 years had vanished, I was struggling with my car payments, and was facing eviction from the house I had just purchased on land contract some 3 months earlier...and, of course, winter was coming...Worst of all, I felt I had failed and let myself, my son, and the world I had built down...I had even started to doubt and question things as I beat myself up for making so many mistakes along the way...How could I have let this happen...again?... But, in the process of letting go of it, accepting that I had no control over it and that the fight to keep it was over, I was given something incredible in return...I was given the gift of an undeniable faith in the future...a future that I realized, once and for all, wasnt in my control... If this wasnt meant to be, something else was waiting to be...for me....and after I did what was in front of me and began the long climb back from utter destruction in my sobriety, I gained a new understanding of what was truly important to me in this life....It wasnt those possessions I could eventually replace...It was my life and living it to the fullest that was the key to my journey...All I had to do to recover was pick up that phone and dial up the one who could truly get me back on track... I knew HE would answer, and there wouldnt be busy signal when I called...and after a long conversation, in which HE picked up the long distance charges, I was once again given the solution to my problems....just keep going...and leave the rest to HIM.... It has been a year since that day, when I made the call...You cant deny the power of that call, because here I am...In Alaska...A place where dreams are made of, a place that, I never in my wildest dreams, thought I would end up at...But Im here...and all the things that are important to me are right here with me as well...My faith, my belief and my trust in HIM have never been as strong as they are now...and I have never been as grateful, today, for all that HE has made me experience then, because HE knew I needed too, so that I could finally understand what it meant when I heard.... For all the things you have lost....You have gained something else How true that is today for me...and how happy I am as well that I have lost and gained, and can now let all that regret, doubt, and bitterness towards myself be taken away with it...because you see, today I am alive and well, and I may not have what I had then, but I have the greatest thing I could ever have been given which is the knowledge that I do have...everything that I have now...which also happens to have with it, a number I keep on speed dial.... HIM....... Thanks for reading, Lance Rome ;)~ We continue because...we can youtu.be/S2ds8tCtomQ
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 18:29:14 +0000

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