DIT - DAILY INSPIRATION THERAPY TRANSITION TAKES TEACHABLENESS TUESDAY - Humility promotes learning As weve been doing for the last few days, today we continue to dig into and extract golden nuggets from the book HOW TO MAKE IT FROM THE CLASSROOM TO THE CUBICLE - by Prophet Deon Duncan. Our focus today is on making a smooth transition into the workplace for first timers and veterans alike. This book is available online @ amazon and deoneduncan. Consider this:- People are people - Newcomers to the working world and veterans alike often struggle with this concept. The people who you work with are NOT robots. They are human beings who have lives outside of work just like you do. We all have issues, Good days and bad days come our way as with every body else. The one who smiled with me yesterday may not do so today. Adopting such a perspective takes away some of the built-in stress associated with unmatched expectations. It should also prevent you from placing folks on imaginary pedestals where they need not be and also save us from frustration and discouragement if they fall. Co-worker first and co-worker second - For added emphasis, co-worker first and co-worker second! Too many people put too high a premium on friendship when it comes to relationships in the workplace with detrimental results to a great percentage of them. That said, it is very important to understand that civility, respect and cordial interaction are required in the workplace. However, you must always be mindful that you have a job to do while at work. Anything else, unrelated to finishing that task, can become a distraction. Just to be clear, I am saying that in the workplace the primary focus is doing your job! Solid and trusting relationships add to overall workplace chemistry and productivity. If, however, true and lasting friendships blossom out of those relationships then that is a bonus. If not, do not expend valuable energy unnecessarily, trying to make it happen. Its a persons choice to befriend you or not. Learn everything you can - One of the ‘cardinal sins’ of entering a new job is acting like you know everything. It is a very grave mistake to make, especially when that new job is in a new place. Such a mindset can render you unteachable and it can be a turn-off to those who work with you. Being teachable speaks to your humility, which is an essential aspect of learning. It also prevents you from displaying the wrong attitude. Always remember that academic qualifications may get you through the door, but it is correct attitude that will keep you and advance you in the workplace. Believe in God - You can spend quite a time getting frustrated when you encounter difficult problems in the workplace that seem to test the limits of your human capabilities. The wise ones turn to a power that’s higher than their own understanding. That is what I have learnt to do to deal with my own situations. The Bible speaks volumes about success and how God empowers us to succeed. One interesting scripture is Revelation 4:5, which showcases the 7 dimensions or manifestations of The Holy Spirit. Two of these are very relevant to this discourse. They are the Spirit of Intelligence and The Spirit of Wisdom. God, through The Holy Spirit, can endue you with supernatural wisdom and intelligence to handle problems, which are beyond your capacity. The onus is solely upon you to invite Him into every situation that you face. I guarantee that you will see positive results. Holy Spirit enables you to think outside of the proverbial box and formulate ideas of which others with years more experience than you have never thought. So, on this TRANSITION TAKES TEACHABLENESS TUESDAY, lets all learn from Daniels experience as a stranger in Babylon - Daniel mastered his situation because he trusted God and operated with the Spirit of Excellence. [Dan. 5:12].
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 10:48:28 +0000

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