DITTO TO RON & Everyone who love these idea essences given to - TopicsExpress


DITTO TO RON & Everyone who love these idea essences given to humanity of SETH: YES INDEED, THE GIFTS OF THE PROVERBIAL gods !!! Each and every thought is an AFFIRMATION given from the ocean of energy which is the pure spiritual energy which you are, and in these terms you grow yourself from within;,each idea feelings of emotion is the material psychic stuff used to create for you your joy or your sadness, your happiness, for your personal good or for your unfortunate experience as being ill, or for serious sickness or disease. Be therefore always consciously responsible in deliberate intentional mindfulness of EVERY THOUGHT you focus upon with your personal DIVINE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPIRITUAL ENERGY. YOU yourselves are meant to recognize your THOUGHTS are all creative. It does not matter what you call and name them, either good, bad or negative, or ugly are beautiful. You are responsible for them, each everyone, or ALL thoughts. In simply truth your thoughts are micro-gods. All of your thoughts projected carry within them the creative energy you were endowed with. In a strange magical manner man has been endowed with the greatest CREATIVE GIFTS known within any Universal Reality, which is nothing LESS THAN THE AWESOME ASTONISHING ABILITY TO FORM AND CREATE HIS OWN REALITY. With this gift comes an awesome responsibility. Men sometimes sees his own possession of DIVINITY as a curse, and not as the MAGNIFICENT blessing that it is, simply because ALL THOUGHTS are creative, and man has yet learned to teach himself to use his CONSCIOUS MIND and employ his consciousness properly nor to its fullest capacity for intelligent spiritual creative purposes. This is the dilemma of all immature conscious identities, within each plane, upon and within every dimension and within all Universes. Man would be more because he thinks and believes in his own worthlessness. Unless the CONSEQUENCES of all of his thoughts are experienced as REAL emotionally, regarding the necessity of becoming consciously responsible spiritual human Intentional Conscious Co-creators, as forming the basis of his REALITY, both the agonies , the sorrows, the joys and the NIGHTMARES suffered in illness or diseases and in his petty wars of seeming catastrophes man would never learn anything associated with VALUE FULFILLMENT to appreciate his own unique divinity of identity. ~ NOW: Throughout each of your Reincarnational Existences you are meant to expand your conscious ( I D E A S ), to grow your conceptual framework, to increase your perceptions, to elevate the EMOTIONAL QUALITY of your values, to acquire a sense of REVERENCE for the sacredness of the life of each and every individual and add this sense of perspective to all EXISTENCE and each and every consciousness within your Universal Spacious Present. This is not nearly as hard nor arduous as it may first appear to seem. Once your acquire the facility of a mental attitude of total HONESTY, it becomes spontaneously automatic to literally break away from all [ * SELF-ADOPTED-RESTRICTIONS * ], there will almost, if not always seem then to you as if you no longer have to think about it and it will become as easy as breathing seems to your familiar manner of thinking. You will learn to cast aside limiting beliefs and misconceptions as easy as it was to throw stones as a young child. However your rate of learning depends entirely upon your combined ATTITUDE, your INTENSITY OF EMOTIONAL DESIRE. No one can teach you anything you HAVE NO DESIRE TO LEARN or MASTER. However, If you continue to insist upon clinging to tightly to your present outworn limited old dogmatic ideas, or rigidly held ideas , beliefs , and CONCEPTS, of good and evil, of gods and devils, of a FEAR of death and a refusal to embrace all life offers and provides, and you continue to think worrying of salvation and damnation then you will STUNT your own spiritual growth and conscious expansion adding to your spiritual conscious essence. Too narrow idea of the true nature of existence can and surely will follow you through several lives, if you do dot choose to become spiritually and psychically flexible. AGAIN: You have a CONSCIOUS MIND, while DEAD or ALIVE. Your mind is your conscious responsibility to use and employ as you see fit under the auspices of your own FREE WILL. * ~ * You of course possess and have, however, and inner guideline, which you have called your INTUITIONS. You are meant to teach yourself how to learn to trust it and use it to your fullest advantage. It is ridiculous idiocy NOT TO TRUST YOURSELF. THERE CANNOT EVER BE ANY HOPE FOR THE HABITUALLY SORRY HABIT AND PRACTICE OF MENTAL LAZINESS. The Universe makes no excuse for any individual. There are no gods nor angels or ascended masters who can intercede for those found guilty of conscious irresponsibility by being mentally lazy and slothful. Sloppy ideas and misconceptions about SPIRITUALITY and DOGMATIC RELIGIOUS DOCTRINES can lead many individuals to rely upon needless futile dis-functional ritual prayers, and endless practices in MEDITATION, none of which tend to obviate their deep guilt from their own habitual mental laziness. True Believers of these mindless world organized insidious religions believe and think they deserve to be rewarded for their assume righteousness in some NIRVANA or within some stupid idealized romanticized Heaven; all of these so blinded are in for a monumental psychic and emotional traumatic shock after the DEATH EXPERIENCE. I must inform you each in total honesty that, THEY ARE ALL GOING TO EXPERIENCE THE PSYCHIC REALITY THE VERY IDEA MANIFESTED AS THE HELL THEY HAVE FEARED, until they each in their own personal manner acquire the spiritual wisdom, courage and HONESTY necessary to allow them to awaken from their own self-imposed MENTAL STUPOR. Neither in DEATH nor LIFE can any individual escape the consequences of their own BELIEFS.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:14:59 +0000

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