DIVIDE AND CONQUER The Jewish population is less than 0.2% of the - TopicsExpress


DIVIDE AND CONQUER The Jewish population is less than 0.2% of the whole World Population that’s just one out of every 514 people in the world that’s Jewish, and only a fraction of this minority are ruling this beautiful planet. HOW DID THEY DO IT?.....Well; THEY DON’T HAVE TO FIGHT WITH US, THEY SIMPLY GET US TO FIGHT EACH OTHER SEPERATE, DIVIDE, SPLIT UP, BREAK UP, PARTISION, DISUNITE, FRAGMENT, SECTION, DISJOINT, DISSOCIATE, DISASSOCIATE, SPLINTER, SHATTER, REJECT, DISMISS, ALIENATE, ABONDON, DISREGARD, BRUSH ASIDE, BRUSH OFF, DISSOLVE, IGNORE, EXCLUDE, NEGLECT, LEAVE OUT, OVERLOOK, OMIT...etc...etc YOUNG, OLD, MALE, FEMALE, EMPLOYED, UNEMPLOYED, WHITE COLLAR, BLUE COLLAR, RACE, COLOUR; BLACK, WHITE etc, GAY, LESBIAN, BI, STRAIGHT, FAT, THIN, RELIGION, POLOTICS, RICH, POOR, CLASS, STATUES, FINANCIALLY SECURE, FINANCIALLY IN-SECURE, LANGUAGE BARRIORS, In politics and sociology, divide and rule (or divide and conquer) is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures and prevents smaller power groups from linking up. Elements of this technique involve: • creating or encouraging divisions among the subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign • aiding and promoting those who are willing to cooperate with the sovereign • fostering distrust and enmity between local rulers • encouraging meaningless expenditures that reduce the capability for political and military spending Historically, this strategy was used in many different ways by empires seeking to expand their territories. The concept is also mentioned as a strategy for market action in economics to get the most out of the players in a competitive market. https://youtube/watch?v=3pkDF8uwmAs LOVE IS ALL WE NEED
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 21:18:04 +0000

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