DIVINE HELP in the Gallipoli Campaign Gallipoli War in some - TopicsExpress


DIVINE HELP in the Gallipoli Campaign Gallipoli War in some supernatural events experienced Referring to allegations that Talha Uğurluel author, said: We see people who are his Friday prayers at the Battle. 5 to the time understand the prostrate, devout, faithful, death is not a lack of people who know that the real life of a door opening. These people believed that, Weve dones flagship thousand years to this religion. Allah will not leave us alone. Here heartily they believed it. Indeed, they saw serious help at the time based on the bones of the blade. Also told in memories: I have stayed in a difficult situation soldier during a serious collision on a front. The enemy succeeded. Our military front back savrulurken at the rear, low-ranking commanders, a time to cry Growing or Mohammed. the book goes I came to the fore. Thereupon came to us in a fervor. Its after we started to flow in and chased the enemy. we regained front says. They get a lot of important issues are. Naval battle, land whether wars. It is very important that people live. Author Basra Milk, divine help how it was said: Gallipoli battle indeed very key. Our present evidence as told by events we can not reveal to the people, Youll always telling such lies the wrong things. You can not tell the Dardanelles. You do your trade in this business, he they are accused, Im trying to be more book of things to tell. Now would come a divine help out a patience, a fight should be. Theres a detail: in Üryanizade memories: the trip is riding a car on the last day. this car takes se, facade materials, facade behind the wounded move was a person. I have a keepsake that there tell this person. for this reason, the divine help that. narrating, Nations held tight in this business. soldier de of did not even say. Yah this soldier is shot, bent the ear of the next softly, I shot I he says, quietly waiting for his rifle bullet would deliver the death. Is there such a patience, there is no such fortitude.mi Does not mean this fortitude divine help? Mentions again that coming, One day, we will carry ammunition to the front. Weve come to a position. Its raining bullets like rain. It came in a soldier shrapnel. He fell. Heavy were injured, dying. However, instead of wailing Oh my brothers. Our brothers in the front. Im dying. Oh grow this ammunition he says. it also gave us enthusiasm. alimallah we install it. it is raining bullets, not able to survive God not protect. Meanwhile, play began a soldier. We are looking at what she was, Yah is not forced either. it does not kill this Gavurini the bullet, he said. so that was so weird, around raining bullets, but nothing happens. its a mood. BLOOD BODY taking it, in Çanakkale STATEMENT OF LIFE FOUND Researcher and author of dairy Basra, he continued as follows: Hattatoğl Mustafa says a person. A person who has done duty at the beginning of the ball in the Gallipoli Campaign. Rises to an artillery observation posts in land battles and says, I to find my place from the battalion battalion behind a hill go lost. One is going for half an hour, going more than a battalion, half hours later, a battalion more. Evening up continues this incident. after the war stopped. I was worried about so many soldiers where he has gone. after the war I went to a site where I can see the result. I looked taking blood body. flowing from the soldiers who were martyrs blood so condensed that , has become a body to drag. I saw with my own eyes that it takes a body of blood. Historian and author Talha Uğurluel, Bigalı Mehmet both have a similar memory. He says, I was taking a middle of the night patrol. Im thirsty. I laid pitch black to dark bottle. No water looked. Does my does my sounded the voice of a creek. I close the stream. Although I could not see I filled my water bottle, I sewed my mouth. came a strange taste. I could not drink. I went to my camp site. I emptied my water bottle in the firelight. I looked at one, I fill the crimson blood. Creeks had blood flowing, he said.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 23:06:58 +0000

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