DIVINE INSIGHT DAILY DEVOTIONAL MONDAY 24TH MARCH 2014 TOPIC: GET WISDOM APPLY WISDOM BIBLE READING: JAMES 1:1-8 MEMORY VERSE: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you (JAMES 1:5) REFLECTION ON THE WORD Wisdom is a principal requirement in all aspects of life because it is essential for a meaningful and Godly life (Proverbs 4:7). It is difficult to succeed without wisdom and its application because lack of it exposes one to failures and other kinds of challenges. What then is wisdom? Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge to the glory of God. There is the wisdom that comes from God while another comes from man (James 3:13-17). The word of God made us to understand that there is a spirit of wisdom which is also the spirit of God (Isaiah 11:2); so, it is only God that can give it to whosoever that needs it. In any area of your life that you lack wisdom; whether in the management of your family, business, office or the people under your leadership, just ask God for it even as king Solomon did (1 King 3:8-12) and you will receive it in abundance. You need more than knowledge to succeed, there are many knowledgeable people in the land but applying it rightly makes you a wise man. A minister of God (Prophet) once saw in a vision how one sister in his church defecated in the church premises and on getting to the church the next morning; he saw the faeces by the corner but while members were expressing their anger over the incidence; he called the sister to his office, confronted her with the revelation and the sister admitted that she did it. That was wisdom at work because the sister would have been forced to leave the church without being saved if he had embarrassed her in the public. Having wisdom is one thing but applying it is what makes you different. Pray therefore for the wisdom of God and apply it in your daily life so that souls will be saved to the glory of God through you in Jesus Name.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:49:40 +0000

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