DIVINE IRONY: by Evangelist M.Tsigah “The woman took the baby - TopicsExpress


DIVINE IRONY: by Evangelist M.Tsigah “The woman took the baby and nursed him. When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son”. Ex 2:9, 10 NIV There is a Scottish saying, “The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft awry”. This is another way of saying, “If anything can go wrong it will”. We have all experienced the seemingly endless problems that arise when we try to fix something. It also happened to the Egyptian Pharaoh. He gave the command that the Hebrew boy children should be slaughtered but the Hebrew midwives were one up on him. With the power at his command one would have expected that one word from him and it would be done. He was afraid of the Israelites’ growing numbers. He thought they were dangerous. But his own daughter rescued a Hebrew boy child and presumably Pharaoh actually paid the child’s mother to bring up her own child! The irony of it was not lost on the writer of Exodus. But there was more to come. God was definitely on the side of Moses and his mother. For when Moses was taken into the royal household, the Pharaoh had to feed, clothe, house and educate the man who was going to set the Israelite people free and deprive the Egyptians of their slaves. All Pharaoh’s plans to eradicate the Hebrew boys were thwarted in his own household. When the authorities decided to persecute the first Christians in Jerusalem, the believers fled. In the process they took their faith with them and formed small communities of new believers wherever they went. The persecution helped to spread the Christian faith. Look for ways to turn disadvantage and opposition into positive gain for the message of Christ. PRAYER THOUGHT Lord, help me turn the tables on evil whenever I can.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:07:52 +0000

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