DIVINE & PROSPERITY MEETING-15TH SEPT 2014-HQ,K.L GUEST SPEAKER:ACR.DR.RAVEE Quote of the Day: Until you Become clear with your Direction, you cannot Reach your Destination. Key messages shared by Asst. Comm. Rela Dr. Ravee :- 1. Dr Ravee gave very simple and deep clarity on how our positive thoughts and intention helps shape our lives in every way everyday. We have to constantly ask ourselves How many of the 24-hours are we positive? 2. He reminded that we should always focus ONLY on what we want and not otherwise. Generally, majority always talk about what they dont want, dont like etc. without realizing that they are attracting more and more of what they dont want into our lives. Sharing by Mdm.S Kavery: You Created your Destiny. Your Fate is Sealed, unless you Change. WHAT IS KARMA? For every action there will always be a reaction. Your actions create a ripple in the universe. Your thoughts and actions are powerful. They carry ENERGY. They are like an ECHO.WHATEVER YOU DO WILL EVENTUALLY COMES BACK TO YOU! You are RESPONSIBLE for your own KARMA. It is the law of CAUSE and EFFECT, an unbreakable law of the cosmos. You deserve everything that happens to you, good or bad. You create your happiness and your misery. What you did that’s what you get! CAN WE CHANGE or STOP OUR KARMA? Yes. You cannot STOP karma but you can CHANGE it. Anything you did in your past can be “undone” by doing good now. You have reaped what you sowed. You created your own destiny, now you can recreate it. HOW TO RECREATE? Regret is the starting point. Feeling bad about what you did sends a signal to the universe. You must really mean what you say. It’s about learning through compassion. That comes from very carefully imagining how others feel. You are saying that you understand your past actions were wrong. You have awareness. This is the beginning. You have started to undo what you did. Sometimes, you have to experience what you have done to others. If you ever harmed anyone, ask them for forgiveness. Their forgiveness will dissolve any bad karma and turn it into good karma. Your guilt will disappear. You will feel wonderful. An amazing clarity through own personal experiences about Good and Bad Karma and how we can actually change the bad karma. The solution is simply by focusing on the Good Feelings, Good Thoughts, Good Actions and Good Intention at every moment. These will create an echo-system within us which will manifest and slowly change our bad karma over a period of time. BE-AWARE The Law of Cause & Effect is working at every moment within us - hence, bad thoughts, feelings, actions and intentions will accumulate bad karma in our lives. Therefore, adopting good thoughts, feelings, actions and intention will produce only good effects.Always carry the DIVINE qualities within and the PROSPERITY will start flowing always.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:37:05 +0000

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