DIVINE PROTECTION: Prayer Day 1 PSALM 91:1 “He that dwelleth - TopicsExpress


DIVINE PROTECTION: Prayer Day 1 PSALM 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus Christ, I hereby make a decision to dwell in Your secret place, the secret place of the Most High. I have determined this is the intent of my heart, but I need your help to stay consistent in remaining there and abiding under Your shadow. O Lord, In my own strength this is impossible. But, in You, O Lord, all things are possible. I choose to dwell, for I am tired of being a seasonal Christian. I am tired of being “a tourist Christian” who only comes in your presence on special occasions which are characterized by problems, needs, sufferings and the like. It is my prayer that I would abide, never to leave again. Father, forgive me for being in the past a child who only seeks you when I am facing difficulties. Forgive me for being a child who is easily distracted and attracted by sin which makes us depart from “secret place”, your divine presence. I refuse and resist any temptation that would get me out of your divine presence, in Jesus Name. Heavenly Father, I ask You to place a hedge of protection around me. It hides me from the enemy, familiar spirits, any and all demonic spirits, making it difficult, if not impossible for them to effectively track or trace me in the realm of the spirit. There shall be no perforations or penetrations to these hedges of protection according to your word in Psalm 91. I know that You will answer this prayer because I love You and I trust in Your name only. I pray that Your blood Lord Jesus will cover me and all that You have given me. That the enemy will not have access to what has been given to me Help me Lord, that in the year 2015 I can only be found in your divine presence, “the secret place of the Most High God”. Help me Lord that in this year 2015, I be stronger, more obedient to Your Word, more abiding in your presence. May I not be at the same level I was last year or ever lower level, no! Hold my hand Oh Lord, walk me through your steps of righteousness, and consume me with your love. Thank you for your divine protection in Jesus Name. Amen! PSALM 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” The Bible reveals special blessing to special people. The blessings that we will be looking in this Psalm are not meant for every believer, no, instead it is for specific Children of God. Those who go an extra-mile in the walk of faith and make up their mind to live in close fellowship with God. Majority of believers are satisfied with average Christian life, where they run to God in times of trouble and enjoy occasional approaches. However, this is not with Psalm 91:1, here the reference is to those who through rich grace obtain unusual and continuous communion with God, so as to abide in Christ and Christ in them, and become possessors of rare and special benefits, which are missed by those who follow afar off, and grieve the Holy Spirit of God. Using the Tabernacle illustration Psalm 91:1, speaks about those who endeavor in their Christian walk of faith, to them the veil is rent, the mercy-seat is revealed, the covering cherubs are manifest, and the awful glory of the Most High is apparent. Whereas, the average Christians get satisfied upon reaching the Holy Place, some with the outer court. “The dwelling” and “the abiding” factor refers to sitting down in the august presence-chamber where shines the mystic light of the Shekinah glory. Outer court worshippers little know what belongs to the inner sanctuary, or surely they would press on until the place of nearness and divine familiarity became theirs. The Omnipotent Lord will shield all those who dwell with him, they shall remain under his care as guests under the protection of their host. In the most holy place the wings of the cherubim were the most conspicuous objects, and they probably suggested to the Psalmist the expression here employed. Those who commune with God are safe with Him, no evil can reach them, for the outstretched wings of his power and love cover them from all harm. This protection is constant - they abide under it, and it is all-sufficient, for it is the shadow of the Almighty, whose omnipotence will surely screen them from all attack. No shelter can be imagined at all comparable to the protection of Jehovahs own shadow. The Almighty Himself is where his shadow is, and hence those who dwell in His secret place are shielded by Himself. What a shade in the day of noxious heat! What a refuge in the hour of deadly storm! Communion with God is safety. The more closely we cling to our Almighty Father the more confident we are to overcome. The secret is in PSALM 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Friend, Happy New Year! I hope you are taking your time in prayer and fasting in this first month of 2015. And during the rest of this month, let us meditate Psalm 91 and pray over it’s fulfillment in your life. Thank you and God bless you! Happy New Year!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:21:23 +0000

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