DIVISIVE POLICIES Today, for the man on the street, all he can - TopicsExpress


DIVISIVE POLICIES Today, for the man on the street, all he can say to the present Government,is what Lord Cromwell said in House of Commons in the year 1653....”YOU HAVE SAT TOO LONG HERE FOR ANY GOOD YOU HAVE BEEN DOING LATELY...DEPART, I SAY; AND LET US HAVE DONE WITH YOU...IN THE NAME OF GOD, GO. Divisive policies which are being practiced by the govt could be detrimental to the unity of Indian state. Government is using all its resources...Be it media, be it intelligence agencies, be it beaurocracy and be it the police force to cling to power by appeasing minorities. It is up to the youth of the country to counter the policy of dividing India. In 40s, Jinnah and Muslim league played divisive politics and result is a divided nation. Present govt too is following same policy and have pitched Hindus and Muslims one against the other. Some of the statements and or actions by the Govt are indications of its intentions. Hindus are at their tolerant best for the time being. Main stream Media has been unleashed to take on the opposition parties and keep minorities on the right side of the Government. News rooms are being run like factories, manufacturing news to the comfort of the Government. Thanks to social media, some of us are able to put our point of view across Prime Minister saying “Muslims have first right over our assts and resources”...What about Hindus who have put in as much if not greater efforts in nation building? A state CM announcing free Scootys to Muslim girl students...What reactions does the CM expect from Hindu girls? J&K Chief Minister Grants Rs 50 Lakh for Free Vaccination of Hajjis....What about those who go to Amaranth Yatra? Ishrat has the entire establishment behind her, while Pragya Thakur is in jail without any charges....How does the Govt expect Hindus to react? Reportedly, BSF in the NE has been instructed not to fire on insurgents. In the process, it is BSF which is taking the beating. There are fears that Indian foreign policy is being islamised under pressure from the “Secular Brigade”. CBI and IB have come face to face; it is a matter of grave concern when two intelligence agencies are at each other’s throat which could have far reaching consequences to national security. There is a clear division between Armed forces and Civil services. Chief of Army staff used to be 4th in hierarchy, but, now is placed number 12 on the Warrant of Precedence which is one below the Cabinet Secretary. It was in 1971 during the war that India stood united to the extent Vajpayee compared Indira Gandhi to Durga. Unfortunately, once again, internal emergency of 1975 divided the nation. Before situation could be set right and salvaged,Mandal Politics took its toll and divideds ociety on caste basis. In fact, the day Nehru divided the states on linguistic basis we became Punjabi,Marathi,Bengali etc and preferred our regional identity than being called INDIANS. Let us be alert. Let us not fall into the trap being laid by the govt. Let us Stand united and Act united. Perhaps, it is time to remind Govt of Lord Cromwell’s words. Let us CHANGE INDIA
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:56:03 +0000

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