DIVORCE IS NOT ALLOWED PART 4 Written by Adeniran Oluwadarasimi - TopicsExpress


DIVORCE IS NOT ALLOWED PART 4 Written by Adeniran Oluwadarasimi Ayodeji The concluding part. Reasons why people cry for divorce. Have mentioned 4 reasons why people cry for divorce in part 3. Here I will mention the remaining two that I have with me,if you have any,you can add it as well,we are learning. 5.Lack of family altar (PRAYER)-this is the most very paramount aspect that most couples neglect nowadays. You as a couple you must have good quality family altar where both of you will wake up either in the morning or middle of the night and pray to God. The Bible says pray without ceasing 1Thessalonians5vs17 “pray constantly” for God to tell you to pray constantly,He has a reason for it. God did not say pray once in a while,no,it is pray constantly. God knows that you can not handle that marriage on your own,He knows that you will need His help. God will not come and meet you or force you to pray to Him,He will only come when you call upon Him. The cry of the devil is to destroyed every marriage especially the godly ones,the devil did not want every godly marriage to succeed,but once you call upon God He will ans you. When you discovered that something not conducive is happening in your home,call upon the name of God immediately,dont allow the devil to ruins your family,divorce is not the best solution,but prayer. Once you dont have family altar,you dont pray with your wife,hardly you do morning prayer together,hardly you share the word of God together it shows you are telling God you dont need Him. Once God is not in your home definitely the devil will be the controller of your home and once he take over your home,he will destroyed the marriage. Once he destroy the marriage,what next? Divorce, that is not the solution,God is the solution,create family altar in your home,pray constantly. By doing so the devil will not have the chance in your home. 6.Lack of co-operation-when you as a couples did not co-operate with each other definitely you will have problem in your marriage. There must be a tight co-operation between both of you. When your husband say YES dont say NO,when your husband say A dont say B. Once there is no co-operation things will not work well the way its ought to be. Let there be co-operation between both of you. That is why you as a wife you must submit yourself unto your husband totally,when you dont submit yourself unto him,you will find it so difficult to co-operate with him. Husband and wife let there be co-operation between both of you. By the time there is co-operation you will enjoy each other and have happy home. You as a man dont say because you are the head of the house then you can take decisions on your own without letting your wife to know. Any decisions you want to take as a man you must carry your wife along likewise the wife also. The Bible says and a man will leave his father and mother house and cleaves to his wife and they shall become one flesh. Now that you have become one flesh,you cant take decision on your own,it is when there is no co-operation between both of you,that is when you start to take decision on your own without letting your wife or husband to know. Once there is lack of co-operation,things will not walk out and once things are not moving well you will think divorce is the best solution. No, co-operation is the solution you need. Divorce is not allowed,work on yourself,by the time you work on yourself and pray constantly your marriage will work out. I pray for every family facing one challenges or the other,thinking that divorce is the best solution the Almighty God will intervene and peace will calm IJN. I wish you happy marriage and a blissful home IJN, I also pray for those of you that are still single,you will not marry the wrong partner IJN. Have a glorious weekend
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 10:12:04 +0000

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