DLP: No Longer Relevant To Barbados First there was the lost of - TopicsExpress


DLP: No Longer Relevant To Barbados First there was the lost of consumer and investor confidence, then a capital flight from Barbados and now a brain-drain has been triggered. There was also a time when all of the young men and women were taken from Africa and only the old (who could not re-produce) were left. Barbados is in serious trouble but the Government has not yet realise! A country without its youth and or its best, fertile brains, is doomed. But, this is the society the DLP is building. Not long ago, (and as one of its trademark excuses) the DLP was telling this country that it cannot do anything to ease the pressure locally, until and unless President Obama in America, Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain and Prime Minister Steven Harper of Canada - get it right in their respected country. Well, two days ago, Canadians came with job offers and within the first session, over 800 young Barbadians had responded directly. Obviously feeling irrelevant but wanting to claim credit for jobs being created outside of Barbados and on the strength of the same Canadian economy the DLP said it needed to be strong - in order for it to do similar things here - a shamed Labour Minister comes out of hiding but only to beg potential employers to come through the DLP, with vacancies, first. She and this-failed-DLP-Government, which plans to send-home a secret number of thousands - still do not get it! Barbadians no longer see this-failed-DLP-Government as being relevant to their needs. One of the major expenditure items for any Government of Barbados, going forwards - will be: Retiring Benefits or Pensions. A few years ago when the BLP was in office - the issue of population aging was being discussed in a serious way. The concern then was that there would be fewer people of working age to provide pensions for a rapidly growing, retired and retiring population. The DLP alleges that it is building some society but issues like population aging are not on its agenda or at the top of its, to-do-list: sending home people, causing an increase in the cost of living, the rate of poverty and unemployment and creating human suffering - is! The DLP has practically gone into hiding! There was a time when you could not keep DLP Ministers off CBC- TV! Some nights, all 18 members of its large; unproductive Cabinet were in the news, touring buildings or doing some frivolous thing. Imagine! The DLP passed Constituency Council legislation, which commits DLP Parliamentarians, legally - to report to their constituents but they even now break the law in their desperation to avoid any and all contact with the very people they should be representing and reporting to by law - but are causing to suffer and feel that they (DLP Parliamentarians) now need police and other protection, from. What vulgar crap that the Opposition is not putting forward anything or ideas on the table? What can the Opposition do to cause investors and consumers to have or restore confidence in this failed-DLP-Government? This is pure distraction, intended to downplay the fact that this fiscal crisis is purely of the DLPs making - caused by it Fatted Calf Doctrine and the same political entitlement spending, which the Opposition warned against? In desperation, because it has been caught holding the smoking gun, the DLP is in panic mode and wants to implicate the BLP even more so than fixing the mess it has created - hence it still proceeding with its political entitlement programme, while asking the country to make more sacrifice - than will not fix the current problem. Sleepy, how can anybody blame the BLP when it is the dems who lied; deceived and betrayed the country? The DLP has now abandoned the people and has figuratively and literally - left them in the dark, as regards a number of things, including: the Rihanna Deal; the Sandals Deal, the true state of the economy; how many people it bloated the Public Service with since January 15th 2008; and what is the real position with the IMF! Fortunately for Barbados and Barbadians, Mia Mottley and Team BLP are the ones holding the peoples hand in the darkness! Mia Mottley has been shining the light and is the beacon of hope and as any patriotic-guardian would - she is the one handing drowning Barbadians life-jackets, while - with sleeves rolled-up - is trying to steady the sinking Barbados, to safe harbour, despite strong and loud objection from armchair critics and others. This is bizarre, especially since it is already known that the DLP has long abandoned ship, leaving it rudderless, with terrified Barbadians on-board! You know the crisis is serious when (with trade unions and the Church on its side) the Government tells the country that the Cabinet is discussing a list of names of people to be sent home (not the entire Cabinet resigning) but with the plan being that no two people from any one house will be placed on the bread-line. Sounds like and an excuse to do mischief. So the Government has now also become intrusive and will sit in an air-conditioned room, over luxury food and drink and determine who is NOT worthy for a serving of the fatted calf. In the mean time, everybody working in the Public Service must keep their head down and keep their mouth shut. Such fear now grips this country but neither the Church nor trade unions are bothered. Barbados needs a new politics and a fresh start! It has to be re-imagined! We need to build a much stronger and better society and economy. Mia Mottley is therefore the right Captain at the right time. She has remained with the people and has introduced progressive initiatives such as: Live and Direct Community Meetings; Rubbing Shoulders and the current Peoples Assembly, while even encouraging those who have - to adopt or partner with a family and help them survive this period. Mia Mottley is on the right track and hers is the correct and mature approach to governance. She is on the job, focused and busy attending to the peoples business! The first order of business is to re-imagine Barbados. I think she did that beautifully in her address to the Barbados Chamber of Industry and Commerce on September 29th 2010. Barbados has now to be rescued. If it is not - there will be nothing for anybody to lead in a years time! Barbados then has to be re-cast. We needs to build a better Barbados. Let us create history! There is work to be done -- let us get busy, each person according to his ability. This country, the CSME and the regions needs a new historic beginning that will immediately capture the attention of the world. Mia Mottley has already unveiled a blue-print for a new politics in Barbados. Given the perilous state of the country and the lack of confidence in the present Barbados-government - Mia Mottley could be the change Barbados and the region needs.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 20:31:14 +0000

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