DNA 103 Turn-Stile and Interface DNA Sequences and Celestaline. I - TopicsExpress


DNA 103 Turn-Stile and Interface DNA Sequences and Celestaline. I have taken the information for tonight’s topic from the MCEO Freedom Teachings as Scribed by E’Asha Ashayana Dean. And is taken from Voyagers, Secrets of Amenti as well as from her Kathara Healing level 1 program and from the Emerald Covenant, Masters Templar Stewardship Initiative. Tonight I will conclude our introductory series on DNA that was started two weeks ago. Last week I brought our audience up to the point where DNA Strand braiding was being accomplished with the Activation of the Fire Codes and the fusing of the Base Codes and the Acceleration Codes into Fire Letters. Here each Fire Letter contained 12 minute Vector Codes that were responsible for receiving, mixing and transmitting the particle and anti-particle frequency that entered into the DNA via the fusing of the Code Pairs. When the Human Body was functional properly one Base Code pair would fuse and the 12 Vector Codes would normally hold and build up particle and anti-particle frequency until a critical amount of scalar-frequency is reached. Once this building up of scalar frequency has reached its maximum level the 12 Vector Codes would translate the scalar frequency blueprints of the Fused Base Pair into the “chemical clothing” of the Sugar-Phosphate molecules that form the “Handrails” or the “Siderails” of the double Helix. At Critical Mass accretion, each Vector Code blueprint becomes one chemical that becomes one Chemical Nucleotide Base upon which the genetic alphabet is built. Now upon the critical mass saturation of scalar frequency, the Vector Code DNA template blueprint chemically translate into the Nucleotide Base and Nucleotide Base Pairs that form the chemical DNA “ladder rungs” that join the two Heli together, and of which the gene and chromosome sequences of the Human Genome are built. Now, if the 12 Strand DNA was fully present and functioning properly, the 12 Vector Codes per Fire Letter would create 12, not just 4, Nucleotide Base Chemicals of the full Angelic Human, genetic alphabet, 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA Template. When operating correctly, when the full 12 Vector Codes are active, or to put it another way, when the “doorways” of the 12 Vector Code are “open”, these Vector Codes allow the 12 Sub-Frequency Bands in each dimension to flow freely between the 12 Base Codes and the 12 Acceleration Codes of 1 Keylon or Fire Letter. This allows a natural flow of electromagnetic dimensionalized scalar-frequency that runs the properly sequenced chemical conduits of the Nucleotide Base Pairs that make up the Genes and Chromosomes. So, one natural Chromosome would be composed of 12 PRIMARY GENE / EXON sequences; (“Coding DNA Sequences” which become the chemical blueprints for Protein / Amino acid manufacturing). Each PRIMARY GENE / EXON Sequence is literally composed of millions of Nucleotide Base Pairs, and has one equal and corresponding set of 12 PRIMARY INTRON Sequences (Non-Coding DNA), or what has come to be known as “Junk DNA”. I know this subject matter is difficult to grasp. I am not geneticist so it took me years of going over this subject matter and using my Intuitive mind, not my Ego’s metal mind facility to attempt to understand these concepts. Using the Mental 3D mind It will not work. So those of you out there who are stumped by this material tonight, don’t discard it as if you will never get it, rather just put it down for the time being and allow what you can grasp to be integrated more fully and then give yourself some time before you go back over this material once again. I did this numerous times before I began to acquire even a remedial understanding of it. Eventually it will begin to make more sense. So don’t give up! Now to continue, between each Nucleotide Base Pair that forms each “Gene”, in the region now identified as the “Hydrogen Bond”, (hydrogen molecules that form a weak magnetic link between the Nucleotide Bases of each Heli) there would be a set of Chemical Nucleotide Base Pairs called “Turn-Stile DNA Sequences”. Presently these Base Pairs sets are not active but could be turned on and off. Now in the DNA Template, this set of Base Pairs that are referred to as the “Turn-Stile DNA sequence”, remains dormant until certain interdimensional frequencies are activated, such as those contained within the Star Gates. So when the Star Gates naturally open during a Stellar Activation Cycle, like the one this planet is currently engaged in, Star Gates in conjunction with in coming higher dimensional frequencies, causes the polarity in the Turn-Stile Base Pair DNA sequences to naturally reverse. This allows these Turn Style DNA sequences to merge, at which time the Turn-Stile DNA sequence is now “turned on”. This in turn causes the 12 Nucleotide Base Paris to merge to form a new, chemical compound called Celestaline. Celestaline is the “chemical associated with atomic transmutation”. It is the natural chemical product that forms in the Chemical DNA through activation of the Turn-Stile DNA Sequence within the Hydrogen Bonds, when the particles and the anti-particles in the DNA template Vector Codes fuse to transform the Base-Acceleration Code Pair of each Fire Letter into electromagnetic Micro-Merkaba fields. Here I am going to stop as this now gets even more complex and for those who may want to continue on with the next steps in DNA Strand Braiding you can acquire this information from the manual on Masters Templar Stewardship Initiative. Suffice to say that there is enough information here to inspire any geneticist into developing a much deeper and broader understanding of DNA and how it operations on a multi dimensional level. Merkaba 101 We will begin this next topic for tonight with a brief review of Merkaba and Merkaba mechanics that I began last week. In ancient Egyptian “Mer” means Light, “Ka” means Spirit, and “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the Spirit/Body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of Light and is a vehicle to transport one’s physical body through a Star Gate from one dimension to another. Merkaba and Merkaba mechanics are a vital part of everything that is in manifest form. Everything we see has this interdimensional structure. Everyone has seen the Jewish symbol called the “Star of David” This 6 pointed star was in existence way before it became popularly known within the Jewish culture. This image of the 6 pointed star paints a general picture of just what this Symbol Code truly represents. In ancient times this Keylontic Symbol Code, along with a multitude of others, was called a Geomancy. Geomancies are the “living” subconscious symbol codes and base codes of matter. They act as a specific pattern of internal light (electricity) and sound (vibration/frequency) used in the mental direction of energy through the human morphogenetic field. This pattern of light and sound represents a specific scalar wave template, built upon specific electro-tonal units of sound frequency that are imbued with multi-dimensions electrical current. In greater terms Geomancies also represent stations of dimensionalized consciousness, portions of living, multi-dimensional intelligences containing vast amounts of condensed information and knowledge. This particular geomancy known today as the Star of David is a symbol code that carries the frequency of the 12th dimension within the Kathara Grid that is known as the Maharata Current, an essential element in the restoration of the 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA configuration as well as within the process of ascension itself. Geomancy Control Codes, like this symbol of the Star of David, are Wave-Guides that direct the focus and manifestation of wave spectra within each dimensional field in the 15 dimensional spectrum. Now what is a Merkaba? In simple terms, a Merkaba is a set of counter-rotating interdimensional, electromagnetic fields that look like a star tetrahedron form that form in the auric field, enabling biological interdimensional travel and ascension. Merkabas surrounds and is within everything we see. From a blade of grass to the human body, from a pencil to a planet, everything in physicality has a Merkaba. The Merkaba Spiral Sets are Ordered Wave Form Structures thought which Consciousness, as Primal Life Force itself, is perpetually circulated from and then back to God for renewal. In the Star of David we see two triangles one upright with point at the top and one upside down with point at the bottom. Both triangles are then superimposed one over the other. The triangle with the point at the top is composed of an (Dion) anti-particle, clock-wise rotating electrical spiral. It is considered a masculine energy spiral and pulls frequency from the sun downward into the centre of the planet. The triangle with the point at the bottom is composed of a (Mion) particle, counter-clockwise rotating magnetic spiral. It is considered a feminine energy spiral and moves energy up and out into space. The spin ratios are very important. There are other teachings out there that advocate various distortions to the ratios I am about to give you. Please be aware that these teachings may not be giving you all the facts and details regarding Merkaba and you should really do your homework before attempting any exercises that directly manipulate your Merkaba. The spin ratios that are considered an eternal life sustaining Christiac ratio is as follows. Merkaba Spine rations are expressed as Revolutions per Trillionth of a Nanosecond. In other words, a Trillion-Billion revolutions per second. The top electrical downward clock-wise spiral rotates at a speed of 33 1/3 RTN (this stands for Revolutions per Trillionth of a Nano Second or a Trillion-Billion revolutions per second). The bottom magnetic upward counter-clockwise spiral rotates at a speed of 11 2/3rd RTN or a Trillion-Billion revolutions per second. In the centre of the Merkaba field is where the form of an object is created. There are correct proportions between the Human form the Kathara Grid and the Merkaba Field. Here in this next diagram you will see the human form is in the centre of the Kathara Grid. Next the Density 1 Merkaba surrounds the both the Human form and the Kathara Grid with all three structures being connected in one central location called the AzurA point. As Merkabas circulate consciousness or Life Force Energies from Source into manifestation and then back to Source for renewal, Merkabas are considered the Breathing mechanism of God. It is the In breath and Out breath of God. Now as all things are interconnected we will now explore just how the Kathara Grid that I first introduced with its 12 signets and tis 12 dimensions fit into the picture of the Merkaba itself. If we take just one spiral half, let say the triangle with the point at the top. This “triangle” does contain full Kathara Grid and just like this this anti-particle male frequency spins clock wise, so too does the Kathara grid that is nested within it. The magnetic spiral with point at the bottom also has its own Kathara Grid which also spirals but does so in counter clock-wise fashion. Now the point, at which both Kathara Grids spins in their appropriate directions, is located between the 6th and 7th signet right in the centre of the Kathara Grid. This centre point is called the Christos Seed Atom formally known as the Azur-A point. The Azur-A also has its counter part located within the human body just below the thymus in the centre of your chest. Here, the Christos Seed atom or the Azur-A opens and closes at specific intervals to allow Life Force energies to return to Source and at the same time allows new life force to enter this point for renewed manifestation. For this reason the Merkaba is also known as the “breathing apparatus” of Creator Himself. Provided that there are no broken links in the ladder that links us within the densest portions to the Time matrix all the way up to Source. The “Out Breath” of God takes place within the Particum (PCM) Universe TOP Universal Merkaba Spiral Partika Anti-particle, base Electrical Clockwise Spin, the Incoming-Expanding, manifesting ManA spiral. The “In Breath” of God – Particum Universe “BOTTOM” Universal Merkaba Spiral PCM-Particle, Base magnetic counter clock-wise Spin, the out-going contracting “demanifesting” EriA Spiral. When you have a moment please look more closely at the diagrams that I have posted above. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here, there is more information provided within the diagrams that will add more depth to what we have covered tonight. Stay tuned for next week when I plan to go more into the wonderful world of Merkaba and Merkaba Mechanics.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 02:21:47 +0000

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