DNA ACTORS WORKSHOP AUDITIONS AT THE JOBURG THEATER TUESDAY JANUARY 27TH AT 9.00 THE SCRIPT: To those who want to start now preparing, here is the script that will be used on Tuesday for the auditions for the workshops.... Kindly note that the entire script has to be done in English. Monwabisi is male and Buli is female.. INT. BULIS OFFICE - DAY BULI is on her desk, doing some work when Monwa walks in. MONWA Molo! BULI is thrown off guard when she sees him. BULI What are you doing here, MONWA? I already told you that I dont want to see you. So just get out, okay? MONWA Im not here to see you, Im here to see the manager. Where is he? BULI immediately looks nervous. BULI Why do you want to see him? If youre trying to fill his head with lies about this baby, you can just forget it- MONWA cuts her off. MONWA BULI! I actually have important business I need to discuss with him. Business that doesnt concern you. BULI MONWA, please. Thats what you say. But I know you. As soon as you see him, youre going to start filling his ears with your nonsense MONWA Not everything is about you, BULI. At this point I actually dont care if the father of your baby is the boss’s driver. BULI looks shocked. BULI What? Thats disgusting...How can you even say something like that.. MONWA (angrily) You should have thought about that a long time ago when you…. He cant bring himself to saying it. He breathes, to calm himself down… (calmer) So, where is he? BULI I swear, Monwa, if you are planning to embarrass me with you stories.... MONWA (cuts her short) Are you going to tell me or should I just go and look for him myself... BULI This is my place of work, I swear Monwabisi, You dare do something foolish, I will kill you with my bare... Monwabisi does not let her finish, he proceeds to walk inside the office and leaves Buli in the middle of her sentence. She seethes, not knowing whether to follow him or not. She bangs her desk in frustration, but Monwa is gone, and whatever damage he is about to cause, unstoppable
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 09:54:56 +0000

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