DO NOT ACT LIKE THE DEVIL.................. By; Evangelist - TopicsExpress


DO NOT ACT LIKE THE DEVIL.................. By; Evangelist Adegbite james segun. Proof text: Roman 12 v 2. New Living Translation Dont copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know Gods will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Take note of the world “BEHAVIOR AND CUSTOMS OF THE WORLD”. Looking at what is going on around the word today, we can conclude that the behavior and customs of this world are influenced negatively by the devil. The devil is the author of every evil activities like stealing, killing and destruction going on in the society today. The bible says that the devil comes to steal, kill and to destroy why jesus christ came to give us eternal life. Looking at the highway of life, what stirs at you is evil- Evil of all kind, ranks and categories. Satan himself uses the faculty of human beings or any living creature to express his evil works and for this very reason, it is important »that we christians are alert in these realm of prayer service in order for us not to be used by the devil. I mean, in order for us not to ACT FOR THE DEVIL AND ACT LIKE HIM. As children of the most high God, we were created in the likeness of our father who is in heaven according to the book of GENESIS 1 v 27, since we are created in similitude with him, we must bear his likeness here on earth by refusing to ACT LIKE THE DEVIL. Our body is the temple of the holy spirit which must be purified and sanctified daily by good deeds. When you read your bible from genesis to revelation, you will agree with me that Mankind is designed to think, talk, act and plan with God. In order to ACT with God and not ACT LIKE THE DEVIL, the incorruptible seed must grow in our heart daily. The incorruptible seeds is the living and eternal word of God and it has the ability of equipping us not to be used by the devil to ACT WITH HIM OR ACT LIKE HIM. The devil can use any of our faculty to showcase his evil deeds, Just like an idle hand is a devils workshop, so also an idle HEART is a devil workshop. Satan in his wicked nature has tricks of getting a mans heart in submission to his will. He will not come physically, he comes through doubt and unbelief in our hearts and that was why the bible warned we christian to ”Beware, lest there be in any of us an evil heart of unbelief in turning away from the most High God. In order for we christians not to be used by the devil, it be important that our heart is rooted and grounded in the word of God by meditating on it Day and night according to the book of Joshua 1 v 8. The word of God is the seed of divine life that comes into our heart and causes faith to Grow. When the word of God comes into your heart. Then, you will begin to talk, think, plan and ACT with God and not with the devil. The word of God guides us against ACTING LIKE THE DEVIL. But take note, before your heart can be rooted and grounded in the word, something must first take place. The word of God must first dominate your mouth, IF the word of God dominate your mouth, it will surely dominate your heart and if it dominates your heart, it will influence your conduct and behavior. I mean, it will influence your life positively and when your life is positively influenced by the word, You will never ACT LIKE THE DEVIL. The scripture encouraged us in matthew 26 v 41 that we should watch and pray lest we fall into temptation. Satan tempts man daily to act according to his will. Temptation is. Presentation of evil, it is an opportunity to choose temporary pleasure rather than permanent gain. The greatest things satan aims at in tempting we christians to ACT LIKE HIM is to overthrow our position as children of God cutting of our dependence on God and as well as our duty and communion with him. And after he might have achieved all these, he will start using us to carry out the destructive works of darkness. THE QUESTION NOW IS; What are the evil activities going on in the society today that is actually being caused by the devil? Brethren in christ jesus, I want you to know that satan an his spiritual entities are the cause of stealing, killing and destruction everywhere. They derive joy in seeing corruption and violence everywhere. They are the cause of moral, economic and religious oppression going on it intolerance, occultic practices and ritual murder, they are the author. They uses man as a trap as a trap to man. THESE MUST NOT CONTINUE............MAN MUST NOT CONTINUE ACTING LIKE THE DEVIL. Something must be done to bring an end to all these, lets take a close view of How we can go about it. Take note, our enemy is not flesh and blood we are seeing but against the principality and powers of darkness that causes evil activities everywhere. In order to bring an end to all these, we must learn the value of Gods word. We must be prepared to fight against it since we have been called to do so. We are called by the most high God to soldier on and bring an end to every evil activities. Man must not continue ACTING LIKE THE DEVIL. The bible encouraged we christians here, Ephesians 6:17-18 New International Version (NIV) Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. In order not to ACT LIKE THE DEVIL, we christians must not rely on bits and Pieces from the scripture, our knowledge of the holy bible must be broad and holistic, we need the whole counsel of God, all the bits strung, laced and fastened together in our lives for us to develop into a strong spiritual is strength in our spiritual life that will guide us against ACTING LIKE THE DEVIL. Finally, I believe we all face temptation daily to ACT LIKE THE DEVIL but in order for us not to loss our position as children of God, we must equip ourselves with the great, clear and high thoughts of God, his sovereignty and the invisible world. In battling against the devil, we have a role to play. We must be alert at all times by reading the words of God daily and ACTING upon it. When we act upon the word of God, we will automatically have no opportunity to ACT LIKE THE DEVIL we will have to boldness to say to that temptation that No, I am a child of God, I will not give in to you. By so doing, we will continue to live blameless and upright in the sight of the lord until we finally rest in him. MAY THE LORD BLESS HIS WORD IN THE MIDST OF YOUR HEART AND GRANT YOU THE ABUNDANT GRACE NOT TO ACT LIKE THE DEVIL. Remain blessed!!! You are blessed to bless others, share these message with your friend.......
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:15:21 +0000

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