DO NOT BE DECEIVED Christians exist who believe and teach that - TopicsExpress


DO NOT BE DECEIVED Christians exist who believe and teach that they have replaced Israel as the people of God, but the word of God does not support them in this false doctrine. Gentiles who have followed Jesus Christ have become one with the people of God, but have in no sense displaced or replaced the Israelites. Paul teaches in the letter to the Romans, that gentile believers have become grafted in with the natural branches, and so the two have become one people in Christ. Those Christians who teach otherwise will find themselves being called practicers of lawlessness by Jesus Christ when he returns. Read Romans 11 for the details. Christians exist who believe and teach that all our sins are forgiven, and so they go on sinning in the false belief that all their sins are forgiven. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once we believe in God’s grace for our salvation, we are required to repent and produce works worthy of repentance. Sins committed willfully no longer have a sacrifice to cover them, Paul teaches in Hebrew 10:26-39. If we stumble, we can stand again and continue to follow Christ, but if we continue in sin by our own choice, after coming to a knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. God brought disaster upon his people who had repeatedly turned away from following Him, bringing upon them sword, famine, and plague. He will do the same to the rest of the world who reject his standards of righteousness. Calling oneself a Christian and claiming to believe is not a guarantee of salvation. One must repent and follow Christ, putting on the new man, turning away from sin, or the end will be the second death. Do not be deceived. What you sow is what you will reap. If God brought judgment upon his people, it was to show that He is no respecter of persons, and that those who continue in sin will be judged. Read the second and third chapters of Revelation to see exactly whom Christ warned, which was not the world, but the churches.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 20:34:37 +0000

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