DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE TERRORIST PROPAGANDA - KNOW YOUR FACTS. STAND AGAINST TERRORISM, STAND WITH ISRAEL (SHARE it) I am neither an Israeli, nor a Palestinian Arab. I am neither a Jew, nor a Muslim. As an independent third-party Indian-Australian from Singapore, I stand with Israel in its fight against AL QYAEDA-linked terrorist organization because terrorism affects us all. Today Israel, tomorrow it could be you that these terrorists will target. Stand with whoever fights the terrorism. Stand with Israels right to self-defense and Israels war on terror. Difference between Israel and confession of HAMAS terrorists how they MISUSE CHILDREN as HUMAN SHIELD so that they can pretend to play victim to the international community. Real culprits are the parents that teach their kids to be suicide bombers. Real culprit is HAMAS that uses kids as human shield for their terror operations. Before your criticize, first ask HAMAS and HIZBULLAh to stop all this. Israel follows international treaties and tries to limit the civilian fatalities, HAMAS and HIZBULLAH as terrorists organizations follow no such rules. HAMAS used mosques, schools and Palestinian homes to rain rockets on Israeli homes. Thanks to Israels IRON DOME counter-missile defense system, thousands of lives of innocent civilians have been saved. Use of children as human shield by HAMAS is deplorable and Israel does its best to minimize such collateral damage. Loss of lives of civilians on both sides is sad. But, sometimes a war has to be fought to bring about the peace. Terrorists need to be eliminated so that we all can live in peace. HAMAS & HIZBULLAH are AL QAYEDA related terrorist organizations that extort, kill and misuse, not only Israelies, but also Palestinian Arabs. If you do not understand this, then you are either fooled by terrorist propaganda, or simply ignorant or a terrorist sympathizer. We all are the victim of terrorism. Remember this when you next time take a flight, security is so right these days due to terrorists. Flights are expensive due to high security costs. You all are paying in your day to day life for the deeds of terrorists. YOU AND I ARE VICTIMS OF TERRORISM. I was born in INDIA, a country that has been under repeated attacks of terrorists, I can proudly say that my father, my brother-in-law and several cousins have been part of scores of anti-terrorism mission of Indian army, thus keeping the world safe. My country of residence SINGAPORE has under threat from radical terrorists, remember MAS SALAMAT. My country of nationality AUSTRALIA has foiled many terror plots. Many of my compatriot Australians died in Bali terrorist bombing. Many of my friends countries have been victim of terrorism. If you are an INDONESIAN, remember terroristss BALI bombings and Marriotte Jakarta attack. Stand with Israel on its war against terrorism. If you are a FILIPINO, remember MILF, Abu Sayaf, and terroristss Manila bombings. Stand with Israel on its war against terrorism. If you are a SINGAPOREAN, remember MAS SALAMAT who wants to destroy us all. Stand with Israel on its war against terrorism. If you are a HUMAN, remember how HAMAS & HIZBULLAH are even misusing Palestinian kids as human shields, stand with Israel on its war against terrorism. YOUR IGNORANCE IS DANGEROUS Do not jump to conclusion without informing yourself. Any idiot can make noise. Investigate the issue in depth first, then make up your mind. If you only make illinformed noises against Israel and never spoke up against BUKA HARAM, AL QAYEDA, HAMAS, HIZBULLAH, then in my eyes you are a CONFIRMED TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER and potential SLEEPER CELL. Have the wisdom to explore this topic in depth, have courage to speak up on this issue even if it offends your terrorist-sympathizer friends. Do your part in spreading the awareness. SOLUTION TO ISRAEL-PALESTINE PROBLEM First, Palestinians and Arabs have to take OWNERSHIP of their problem and stop blaming others. They need to throw out the terrorist organization HAMAS and HIZBULLAH and install a peaceful govt that can negotiate a peaceful settlement with Israel. Unless Palestinians learn to live in peace with Israel, there will be no peace. RELIGION KILLS: NO RELIGION = LESS WAR This is another example, how religion promises to teach the LOVE but in action it makes people hate and kill. RELIGION KILLS. No religion means we have one less reason to hate and kill. One can be a good human being without believing in any religion. In the history of mankind, the religion is the biggest cause of the HIGHEST NUMBER OF HUMAN KILLINGS. Do not be a fanatic. Start with reforming your own religion, by purging it from the radical elements. Do not support radicals even if they are part of your religion. FIRST STAND UP AGAINST THE FANATICS AND ORTHODOXY IN YOUR RELIGION before you earn the right to speak on this issue. LET THERE BE PEACE. LET THERE BE NO TERRORISM.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:34:18 +0000

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