DO NOT BE SURPRISED WHEN WE TAKE OVER GOVERNMENT COME 2016......... In 1984 due to its external debt problem, Zambia had no choice but to enter into the first phase of a Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP) agreement in order to receive balance of payments loans. Two years later serious riots broke out on the Copperbelt after subsidies were withdrawn from the basic food commodity, maize meal. Threatened by this civil unrest, President Kaunda retracted this measure. In May 1987 he formally withdrew from the IMF/World Bank programme, promising to take adjustment steps on his own and appealing for continued international assistance. But all aid- loans, grants, - immediately dried up except for a few minor exceptions. By June 1989, faced with a collapsing economy, Kaunda had to return to the IMF/World Bank and negotiate for a resumption of a SAP. Donor assistance was resumed. The government resisted backing down on a maize meal price increase in June 1990, despite further bloody riots and an attempted military coup. But in late 1991, as elections drew close, Kaunda again pulled back from implementing some unpopular SAP measures (e.g., civil service reforms). This resulted in donor assistance being frozen once again. The one-party rule of President Kenneth Kaunda began some reforms in 1984, but followed them up on a very irregular basis. Severe social suffering increased Kaundas unpopularity...... WHILE ITS TIME GENTLEMEN & LADIES,LETS GO GREEN.....!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 14:41:38 +0000

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