DO NOT JUDGE A STRANGER! YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HE/SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH... I want to tell you a short story. A young man, Jill was in a train in Texas and was telling his friend, Jack about a pretty lady in the train sitting across them. He began to curse, abuse and make jest of her to her hearing. He said: Jack Yo, how can such a pretty young woman be without breast, she is not even smiling. See her breastless, stinking body and frowning face. Who will even marry her sorry ass? I dont care about ladies without benefits, breasts and booty. She can go hug atomic bomb. The lady didnt betray any emotion. She brought out her note pad and a pen and scribbled a note. After about 10minutes she alighted at the next train stop and slipped the note into the pocket of Jill as she stepped out unbeknown to him. Jill got home thereafter and was about to hang his shirt when a note slipped from his chest pocket. He swiftly picked it up and read. It reads. Hello Jill, I am sure you do not know me. I am Jane, your girlfriends sister you have never met. I have seen your pictures on many occasions in our exchange of correspondence. I was just leaving St. Gregorys hospital in Minnesota where I had just undergone mastectomy (the severing of my two breasts) due to breast cancer. I have been battling with it for years, thats why weve never met. I was going home to rest. But now, youve told me the full implication of my predicament. By the time you will be reading this, I would have been dead as I am going to take my own life. My blood is on your hands. I will tell Jane everything you said to her only surviving sister. Thank you. Jill broke down in tears and lost his relationship to Jane whom he loved dearly after they found her corpse and a suicide note. Dont ever judge, criticise or abuse people, you never know what they are going through. That glutton you just abused might have eating and dietary disorder! Take heed! -Tosin Ayo, (The word bank).
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:13:31 +0000

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