*****DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE MISLEADING TITLE OF THE VIDEO************** Labels. has anything good ever come out of labeling things? With label comes judgement. with judment comes predjudice or pre conceived notion over something that has been cultually or societally decided as something the crowd mentality should follow. Anymore these labels with our sophisticated technologies and knowledge of the human brain and human interactions in a society many labels are specifically, purosefully pigeonholed into specific ideologies through fancy gimicks, advertising and conditioningin an attempt to steer much of humanity to desired belief systems. The whole hippie movement of the 60s is one of those such misunderstood labels. Even me, myself and my cultural conditioning had much mis information and interpretation of what it was really about. Just blows my mind. but then again, everything does these days when you really start digging. This little clip is John Lennon, from 1968. The guy gets it. I watched this like ten times. hats off to what he was really attempting to do, and seeing through the matrix of the same world that we are still seeing today. One clip of what he says: Every country has had a violent revolution for one reason or another throughout time and not one of them have the freedom that we are always talking about. We are just saying give peace a chace, as no one has ever done it before. You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. This is thousands of years of insanity. We are not barbaric monkeys anymore. We must evolve past this. If you believe that war is the way you are insane. That would mean then, that Jesus is wrong. That Krishna was wrong. That Buddha was wrong. that Martin Luther King Jr was wrong. That mother Theresa was wrong. That Gandhi was wrong. That Mandela was wrong. I am sure the list goes on forever. War brings more war. hate, more hate. intolerance, more intoleranve. Violence, more violence. and then, it breeds new generations of more hate, wars and violence. its always has. it always will. Its time to stop the insanity. Be well today friends. _/|\_ ***DISCLAIMER, DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE TITLE, IT IS MISLEADING.**** DONT NITPICK THE POST, YOU KNOW THE INTENTION OF WHAT I AM TRYING TO PORTRAY************
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:27:35 +0000

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