*****DO NOT SCROLL PAST THIS... DONT DEMEAN YOURSELF BY NOT LOOKING WATCH IT AND ALLOW IT TO GRACE YOUR HEART TODAY AND IF YOU BELIEVE LIKE YOU SAY YOU DO AT THE LEAST PRAY**** ....whats the excuse this time? You shouldnt have broken the law then this couldnt have happened? You should have just complied? The kid shouldnt have been sitting in the backseat like that? The fact that the kid knew to raise his hands... THE KID COULDNT HAVE BEEN OLDER THAN 6!!!! Yet and still GUNS ARE HELD ON HIS MOTHER AND HIM FOR A TRAFFIC STOP!!!! People still cry about 9/11... Theyre still scared of ISIS... And chasing Al Queda the ghost in the corners of your mind... THIS ISNT TERRORISM? We dont have terrorism in this country by idiots with a power complex and disgusting bias hidden in hypocrisy? This disgust me on a level that should NEVER BE REACHED. The country needs more police officers like the ones I know and feel I could trust not to demean me or my family. I know police officers and Im thankful to have gone to school with the brave men and women they are... WE NEED YOU ALL TO HELP WITH THIS... This should never happen to anyone!!!! If she had been giving him lip, or talking back WHICH IS YOUR RIGHT TO DO AND WEVE SEEN THAT RIGHT DISPLAYED BY ONE DEMOGRAPHIC... Why in Hades is this possible...? Whats the justification... People better start fixing this before the God they believe in starts swinging...YHWH loves justice... In every part of His law and commandments both from He and His son Do unto others as you want them to do unto you is the key to unlock every door with Him. You live a life overlooking and abusing this...you will answer for it... You dont have to believe it... Its true whether you acknowledge it or not. THIS HAS TO STOP!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:37:17 +0000

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