DO NOT SHARE THIS WITHOUT READING MY POST PLEASE I am sharing this not because I agree, but because I Totally disagree with the Original Poster a Tony Trutanich who obviously has never gone Hunting. And After Looking at The Original Posters Profile who is he to judge someone on how to spend their Money. Tony Trutanich is currently relaxing in the Bahamas at the Atlantis Hotel & Casino. So to call the hunter and his family Very Wealthy Well I could say the same thing about you Pal. But I dont begrudge someone that is well off from having busted their butt to earn money. You know, this guy has no clue what he is talking about by sharing this photo and with his remarks. This Family shown in the picture did pay big bucks to take this one elephant. But what idiots likethe Original poster dont realize is that selective restrictive hunting will actually help keep the herd healthy by culling older animals. Otherwise the Elephant herd will likely overpopulate the area and will starve. People dont realize exactly how much elephants eat and the fact that a herd can destroy vast amounts of land. Then you take poachers into the equation. So 90% of the money they paid to that country with regards to licensing fees and permits (they were legally authorized to hunt this animal, just like people in the USA hunt animals) will help protect more elephants. Is this toolbag going to go over to Africa and Protect the Poor Elephants from poachers? Also Guess what, elephants really do 2 thinks Eat or sleep. So to play the emotional rhetoric and tug on the heartstrings he emphasized that the poor innocent elephant was eating. During the Stalk up to this Elephant the animal was probably browsing as he slowly walked along. Also doesnt this idiot know that the BENGAL Tiger is native to India/South-East Asia so if there is one running around Africa then somebody imported it as an exotic animal. Wrong Continent pal. Have you ever seen what a human looks like after a poor elephant is done smashing them into jelly and flinging their body parts into trees. African Animals kill hundreds of poor (Insert African country of origin) Citizens each year. If that many people were killed in the USA there would be an severe outcry. You know one of the Deadliest? The Hippo. The Big 5 of Africa (the 5 animals most likely to turn you into a bloody or Dead mess) are Elephant, Rhino, Cape Buffalo, Lions, and Leopards. These animals will eat or kill you, they are not the gentle loveable creatures you see in Dumbo or other Disney Cartoons. Its great to care, but know what you should be caring about. You want to read a book, read Death in the Tall Grass by Peter Capstick. it will totally change your preconceived notions about the Disney-like animals of Africa. So I applaud this man pictured with the animal, who took his family with him to an exotic nation. I applaud him for Paying probably 20-30 thousand dollars to help the economy and to help pay for game wardens and protection of many Game species. He spent time with his family doing something that I myself also like to do, Hunting. My bucket list right now is to take a Large Bull Elk, but one day if I am well to do I would love to go to Africa and hunt some Dangerous Game.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 16:42:22 +0000

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