DO THINGS ONE AFTER THE OTHER I grew up watching many people full - TopicsExpress


DO THINGS ONE AFTER THE OTHER I grew up watching many people full of activities, hustling and bustling, yet at the end the day, there is no proof for their labor. They are as poor as when they started. I have long come to a conclusion that ACTIVITY IS NOT EQUAL TO PRODUCTIVITY... ..... I remember what happened in one church... They were conducting a deliverance on a madman... Everybody was praying, speaking in tongues and shouting Holy Ghost fire at the same time... After a while the madman said please stop! I have an advice for you all... They stopped and wanted to know the advice a madman will give them... The madman said I advise you pray one after the other! If this brother finish, this sister can start and by this this madness can go! They way all of you are shouting, I am becoming more mad! As funny as this story is, it captures the wisdom of ancients... Do things one after the other... God had the power to create the world the same day but he did not... From Atom to Adam and to you.... We all would have appeared on the first day of creation but God did not! God took his assignment one day at a time... (Genesis 1) Be like God Stop doing everything at the same time ..... WE BECOME EFFECTIVE BY BEING SELECTIVE Please take the madman advice seriously In our world of multitasking, you must learn to trim down Some activities may be GOOD but not RIGHT... You may be busy and not effective When your time is over on this planet, you will be remembered by just ONE THING! Not many things... ...We remember William Wilberforce for stopping SLAVE TRADE ...We remember Nelson Mandela for FIGHTING APARTHEID ...We remember Mary Slessor for stopping KILLING OF TWINS ...We remember Mother Theresa for feeding POOR CHILDREN in India ...We remember Martin Luther King for fighting for EQUAL RIGHT and JUSTICE for the blacks There are many things you are doing today that are inconsequential... Focus on your purpose in life and take things one at a time... You will succeed You will excel You will get to the top! I have prayed for you this week and I am positive YOU WILL MAXIMIZE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY BY DOING THINGS ONE AT A TIME... Remember I love and cherish you...
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 07:38:46 +0000

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