DO VULTURES GATHER WITHOUT A ROTTEN CARCASS? A story was told about a Hausa man who was gypped out of his precious fura, a local millet porridge popular with Hausa. He kept two average sized millet balls intended to be processed for use at bedtime. Unbeknown to him a thief has found treasure. Perhaps out of compassion or an arrogant desire to exploit the gullibility of the owner, the thief opted to be deceptive instead of the usual go and die method popular with thieves. He divided each of the two millet balls into two equal parts - taking one part and molding the remaining part into a new albeit, smaller millet ball. Not the stupid aboki hes believed to be by the considerate thief, it took the man only one look to know something was wrong with his millet balls. A closer observation confirmed his fear that his treasure was tampered with. Amazed by the silly attempt to con him, he sighed and said: Im not angered by the theft more than the attempt to assault my common sense. This, in essence, is the existing situation between Nigerians and some desperate Presidential aides working tirelessly to coordinate a cluster of equally desperate sponsored groups mostly prodded by hunger to promote President GEJs 2015 ambition. The media is agog with stories of regional accreditation of these groups said to be over a whopping 4000 (and still counting). But for the probable pecuniary benefits that could safely be assumed to be the motivation behind this frenzy, one could easily accept President GEJ as the most loved and popular President on the planet. Not even charismatic giants like late President JFK and former President Clinton could generate such goodwill despite the unwavering connection they had with the American public. Closer home, great leaders like late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, late Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe, Sir. Tafawa Balewa and late Sir. Ahmadu Bello - leaders that enjoyed blind support of their people for their unquestionable commitment to their people, were not so trusted to be so popular and enjoy such tremendous willing frenzy from political support groups. But wait a minute! This gimmick is an old one for anybody to fall for it. Nigerians went through this road with Daniel Kanu, a professional court jester of the Abacha one million man match infamy. Kanu it was that promised to organize one million willing Nigerians that will converge in Abuja to force reluctant Abuja to consider running for a presidential election that probably would have been conducted by Major Hamza Al-mustapha with his ever supportive Strike Force. Apparently they forgot to consult providence. The indispensable Abacha was checked by divine intervention. That was not the last of Daniel Kanu though. In 2010 he was sighted in USA promoting President GEJ using his Abacha days acquired skills. The clamor by sponsored groups to promote particularly candidates of ruling parties is not uncommon, though may vary according to momental exigencies. The tempo and ferocity of such sponsored groups is usually relative to performance index of the supposed beneficiaries of their clamor. The louder the clamor, the more defective the product. Thats by the way. In my opinion, what matters is the flagrant assault on the sensibility and intellectual make-up of the intended victims of such bizarre charades. Lets analyse the near impossible task ahead of these clownish groups in respect to their selfish aspiration to sell a dummy to an already conned Nigeria. What will be the strongest points to be used to convince Nigerians about the suitability of the candidacy of President Jonathan? Is it an improved educational sector or a more comprehensive and affordable health care delivery system? Certainly not! Recent 30% dismal SSCE score line must have put to rest any childish claim about fictitious dividend from Nigerias comatose education sector. To make matters worse for these 4000 groups of treasure hunters, sectoral decay is not the only wahala they will have to contend with in their ambition to squeeze water out of a mountain. Of course, they have to tell Nigerians why blood is running like water in our cities, including Abuja - Nigerias last security bus stop. Even more entertaining is their expected response (if they have any) as to why the President of FRN is evidently paranoid about his personal safety even in the. We need to be told why the President now celebrates historic events like Independence Day celebration in the fortified environment of the villa. Apparently the President has lost hope of restoring minimum level security even in the high brow Abuja environment to take chances with his personal safety or to be considered a functional president much less, one whose mandate could be renewed. Perhaps the most daunting huddle President GEJ campaigners may have to cross are the plethora of unsolved questions surrounding the Nigerias finances in the last few years. Questions like the $20bn discrepancy in oil sales exposed by former CBN Governor now Emir of Kano, Emir Muhammad Sanusi II. What about Nigerias security spendings that consumed over N3trn in the last 3 years yet, most communities have to rely on local vigilantes for minimum level security. These sponsored groups must tell us why such colossal sum could not secure Nigeria from miscreants to a point that the no one is now certain about the boundaries of Nigeria with our map daily being adjusted by Boko Haram. Im not ignorant of the effect of the appetizing aroma of a rotten carcass to hungry vultures. Even so, Im not ready to excuse the thousands of jobless youth that could be enticed into what I consider socially immoral and economically suicidal. Minister Abba Moro is a living reminder to these youth of their net value to this regime. In a more saner polity, rather than forming the nucleus of President GEJ campaign bazaar they will be thinking of places like Hague in the quest for justice for their trampled comrades who were killed for simply being Nigerians in search of non existing jobs advertised by moronic government accredited con-artists.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 14:59:29 +0000

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