DO WE HAVE DEMOCRACY? Someone asked me Do you really think we - TopicsExpress


DO WE HAVE DEMOCRACY? Someone asked me Do you really think we have democracy? He further argued- How is a misuse of the sedition act democracy? How is it democracy when citizens of Malaysia dont share the same rights and policy is based on race not needs? How is it democracy when what is printed on the media is controlled by the government? What we have is oppression of anyone who wants to make a real change in society. * It is worth mentioned that the Malaysia Government is never aspire to be a liberal democracy country where a total freedom of the individual is upheld. So when there seems to be a slightest undemocratic act by the government of the day, we should not feel cheated or even become an apologist. Looking at the sedition blitz alone may allow ourselves to be biased due to partisan views. Instead, we should ask ourselves whether our right to be a democratic citizen has been stifled or not. Please consider: Where can you find an undemocratic country where the civil servants can threaten and force the government to make a U-turn about the new salary scheme that was purely intended to revamp the bloated and inefficient civil service? Only in this country can the governments education policy can be sabotaged by the stakeholders. The inconsistency of PPSMI and SPM Trial Result are very telling. Worse is, some government secret and private information can be leaked by the officials. The corporate deal like share swap can be rescinded due to the strong pressure from union workers. Genuine foreign investor, namely those in rare earths business has been put under Parliament Select Committee’s (PSC) scrutiny because of public uproar. Here, politicians are free to switch camps- jumping from one to another without the law forbids it. This happened if they no longer hold the same view with the party they represented. It is in Malaysia that someone who made fun of the national anthem; or made seditious comments about flying the national flag upside down; or undermining a national Olympic hero; can walk freely without being prosecuted. In fact, Malaysian has also freely spit vulgarities against their own Royalties, Prime Minister and their families. One should wonder whether such is possible in the “greatest democracies in the world” such as USA, UK, Germany, France. Actually, most of these countries are not that liberal. Say some nasty anti-anti-Semitism remarks will land you in jail for years. Strangely, when the authorities want to maintain the rule and order of the country by charging those who clearly over the limit, it is called oppression. Admittedly, there seems to be lenient for some groups. Even there are cases that the person shouldnt be charged. But they still get a fair trial in court. The AG has already lost few cases and isnt that strange for this undemocratic country to allow the court to act independently? To say our country is not democratic simply because the citizens of Malaysia dont share the same rights is doesnt make sense. Every citizen in Malaysia has their own special privileges. Where else in the world where the right to learn your mother tongue is guaranteed by the constitution? Most importantly everyone has the same rights when it comes to democratic rights. One vote from the Malay is equal to one vote from the Indian and Chinese. There are no provision that say only certain races that enjoy the right to assemble, to associate and to express. You may choose to disagree with me and you may want to list down all the things that you deemed as undemocratic. But please, tell me which country in this world that guarantees a total freedom where you can practically say or do whatever you want. What actually are your democratic rights that have been denied by this country? Looking at reasons stated above, it is obvious Malaysia democracy is robust and very much alive albeit these rights are not absolute.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 11:25:05 +0000

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