DO YALL REALLY WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? (Please read this - TopicsExpress


DO YALL REALLY WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? (Please read this without being defensive and negative) MARCHING was very powerful and effective back in the 1960s because thats almost all blacks had as a fighting tool for injustice and inequality. People pulled together to make a difference for an entire group of people and broader based issues of empowerment not just isolated incidents. When the Marching was done for that day people took action and day after day they would put their energy into finding PLANS OF ACTION and SOLUTIONS. Back in the older days they couldnt make a Big difference with Voting because the voting system was tainted from poll taxes, literacy test, white primaries.....However after 1965 Voting became at least a small tool even though it was a challenge Voting would then accompany the Marches & Rallies..........Now a days people March(with meaningful intentions), do Rallies, Riot and Loot( just an opportunity for a thief to steal) which causes more people to get arrested and raises more tension. Marching has become so common and expected and really seen now as being ineffective. LISTEN CLOSELY! What are people doing now after the march? Waiting on the next March then stop then wait on the next March..........I havent seen a Hoodie in forever because the next March takes over and the other March is forgotten because we focus to much on the MARCH and not on the underlying PROBLEM and we never come up with a SOLUTION or a PLAN OF ACTION........(CAUSE & EFFECT!) HELP IS HERE! VOTING is the NEW MARCH! VOTING is the most POWERFUL TOOL for CHANGE & ACTION!!! We will Vote during the Presidential Election but leave all other Voting opportunities to others. And most of your IMPORTANT things to VOTE on are brought up on the years where there is NO Presidential Election. Let me explain something to you. If you have an ongoing problem with your police department or deputies and it seems like it has become a regular practice unresolved then you must go to the top which is your City Council & County Commissioners (Most counties you can Vote for the sheriff) and the way you go to the top is by VOTING. You VOTE for Change. Every Official and every Law Enforcement takes an oath to serve the people and MOST of the Law Enforcement Officers that I personally know does a GREAT JOB I have worked along side them over 20 years. Most of the elected officials that I know personally works hard to do what they think and feel is best for the people. But Regardless of what they do. Its just as important what we do as VOTERS! If all the people on Facebook would go and VOTE during every election I know for a FACT we will see a difference in every community across the world because a VOTE is a VOICE that will be heard and you will see ACTION with a VOTE!( Some of you may call me a sell out, Uncle Tom or whatever makes you feel justified and good, but I am REAL & I go with FACTS and I look at the BIG PICTURE in every case. I dont jump on Band Wagons I will ride on a bicycle by myself or perhaps Walk alone with the TRUTH! I am not on this Earth for a popularity contest I am here to Love God & Love My Neighbor! ( I know people dont like me because some of the stands I have taken on different issues and cases but I have to stands with Facts & Truths NOT rumors and emotions! I am about SOLUTIONS & A PLAN OF ACTION. (So many peoples mind have been poisoned with always being the Victim but I pray that the next generation finds more peace, love and compassion for each and realize this is all about the HUMAN RACE yes there is going to evil an discord in this world BUT Remember people are Killed & Destroyed because of the LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.........I have just shared some LIFE SAVING KNOWLEDGE Be Blessed!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:41:51 +0000

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