DO YOU AGREE THAT NIGERIA IS A FAILED NATION!??? I will not tired of saying that i am always proud of Nigeria to continue be as a one Nation, irrespective of our Religion/differences. But sadly Nigeria seems to be as a Nation without empathy, a nation where there is: 1- sectionalism/marginalisation. 2-Nepotism. 3- Religious/ethnic sentiments. 4- Political instability. 5- Bribery/corruption, etc. Despite all this five things that i mention, do you agree to call our country a failled nation??? Fellow citizens, i strongly believe in Federalism as our system of Government because it is one of the best system of Government in the world. But do you agree our country practice true Federalism???? Just up recent, in the Southestern part of Nigeria. Abia and Imo are the two states that tried to denied Northerners from enjoying one of the basic fundamentals Human Right, as provided in our constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. That is Right to Freedom of movement. While their people are heveanly enjoying all the basic fundamentals Human Rights as provided in our constitution. Every where you go in Northern Nigeria, i believe if you meet five people or more than that sitting together they always talked about this current inhuman that is happening to our brothers/sisters in the Southeast. But since the Northerners especially youths organisations start advocating to their state Government, to apply the same thing that is happening to their people in the Southeast, so this simply indicates that the Southeast people start or they are getting nearly to achieve their ambition of DISINTEGRATION OF NIGERIA, because it has been a long time that they are advocating for DISINTEGRATION! FELLOW NORTHERNERS DO YOU PREFER TO STAY AS ONE NIGERIA OR YOU PREFER FOR DISINTEGRATION???? Do you people need new REPUBLIC OF AREWA??? Since our country people doesnt want us to be in the same country??????
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 16:49:19 +0000

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