DO YOU HAVE A SMALL BUSINESS, GET IT NOTICED FOR LESS! Marketing budgets and business needs don’t always go hand in hand. Have a look at these five great ways for raising the online profile of your small business without damaging your bottom line. From killer content to offline marketing strategies, there’s plenty to get your teeth into! 1. Making the most of social media Use social media for your business like you use social media for yourself. Get close to influential figures in your industry. Share your thoughts. Listen more than you speak. And don’t sell overtly. No-one wants to see links to your products. You need to engage with your audience in social media channels as though you were just another personality. Your networking and comments are examples of long term marketing investments – and from an SEO point of view they work by getting your fans and connections to re-tweet what you say, and to link to your comments or blog posts on their own Facebook feeds. It’s slow going, but it works. 2. Understand what counts as useful information Social media SEO is all about giving your audience something for free – usually useful information. You need to understand, then, what useful information means in this context. You’re trying to find things that your audience already wants, and use them to make your business a trusted provider. The key is to understand what kinds of information can be linked naturally to your industry, your products and your services. In many cases, you will be able to post information directly linked to the use and enjoyment of the things you sell. Video clips showing how to use your products, for instance, or master classes showing how to solve common problems. 3. Find content that lasts “Evergreen” content is the stuff that remains relevant no matter when your consumer enters the social media stream. You’re looking to post advice, information and resources that have genuine long term uses to the people who engage with them. It’s impossible to create something that lasts forever, of course, because technology and markets change over time. Look at all your content and grade it in terms of long, medium and short term usefulness. The stuff that lasts the longest is of most value to you in exciting new business users and strengthening your relationship with older ones. 4. Get more from each content item This is called “content repurposing” and it can save you a great deal of time and effort. Look at your surveys and white papers. How many of these could be turned into blog posts – or, even better, split up into multiple posts that can be rolled out over a period of time? Repurposed content isn’t cheating; it’s simply a way to make the best use of your available resources. 5. Go offline to bring them in One of the hardest things about SEO and online marketing is guaranteeing an audience. Even perfectly optimized pages and information streams have no guarantee that people are looking at them. A “real world” opt in session is ideal for getting a snapshot of the interest your online presence might generate. Invest in some fliers for your site and services, and target places for handouts that are frequented by your intended audience. The inspiration and targeting are all up to you! VALUE TECHNOLOGY Website Designing, Website Hosting, Website Maintenance, Bulk SMS, Printing & Publishing, Branding & Identity. Free Website Hosting and Free Three Months Maintenance of Your Site. Contact: 07063327792, 08189220759 Email: [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 19:05:07 +0000

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