DO YOU HEAR THE COLOR BLUE? “The hour’s getting late,” as - TopicsExpress


DO YOU HEAR THE COLOR BLUE? “The hour’s getting late,” as Dylan sang once upon a time. It’s incredible, this refurbished world. All The Ramones are dead, unspeakable horrors have become commonplace, one of our favorite childhood comedians is under scrutiny for alleged rape, and the environment has more in common with Soylent Green than Mary Poppins. This world has slowly turned into Edward Munch’s painting “The Scream.” You can ask all day long what the hell happened, and likely you will not get one clear answer. So, where do we go from here? Do we shore up our walls in order to keep out the dark side, or do we join the dark side and try to fit in? Do we suspect everyone, everything, and never trust in what we cannot absolutely prove true and good? Do we play into self-pity, and doubt and fear and all those things that cease our growth? Do we protect ourselves at all cost? And will you not accept love because you believe it only exists in fairy tales and was never an obedient servant to you? The world has changed- as it always will, and even I will admit that my childhood years seem to be a wicked & beautiful myth I can only half remember. And the heroes of the myth, the dragons that threatened, the handsome warrior, the heroines which overcame all evils, one by one, are now only ghosts. In fact, You are also a ghost. You are haunted day and night, not only by things that once were, but by things that may or may not come to be. But in the silence, what do you hear? Self admonishing voices, dead loved ones, an endless trail of worrisome subjects? Do you hear the color Blue that may travel quietly through your being? I have spent a large part of my life trying to make people believe in magic, and of course it didn’t always take hold. Who’s going to truly believe in magic when on the outside it seems to be an impossible, unsustainable thing? But that doesn’t matter, and it probably doesn’t matter what I’m saying to you right now, but if it does, I want you to listen and know what I know. Sure, we all see the world differently, feel things differently, but we are all human. To be human today is not for the faint of heart, (if indeed it ever was) but there are certain truths, nonetheless, at least in my humble opinion. Here are a few: Our place right now on this Earth, as much as you might see it as very serious and trying, is only a blip on the screen of our entire “being.” We are not here right now to hate, suffer, feel guilty, be selfish, or make a pile of money. The reality is there is no reality. Everything you do & everything you say affects the entire world as we know it. It’s not realistic to expect that you should be able to go on vacation 4 times a year, have a “Second” Vacation house and be able to purchase all those groovy consumer trappings that serve no real purpose. You’re lucky if you have a home, and healthy food to eat. Period. Yes, you are powerful, but not so powerful as to ignore the inherent knowing of your soul, that is: Love Is The Bottom Line of Everything. Truly the only “judge” we ever face anywhere, anytime, is ourselves. Our dead loved ones are actually more alive than we are here, as humans. And Yes, you can talk to them.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 06:00:40 +0000

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