DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE WALL? - Have you ever wondered why there - TopicsExpress


DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE WALL? - Have you ever wondered why there appears to be so much hostility (even hatred) by Arab people towards those from Israel and western countries; America in particular? - Have you ever REALLY considered why some people resort to acts of terrorism, which cause fear, instability, and destroy the lives of innocent people? - Is there any difference between an Israeli, a Jew or a Zionist Jew? - Do you know what an illegal settlement or outpost is, or the REAL purpose of check-points and roadblocks WITHIN the occupied Palestinian Territories of The Gaza Strip and The West Bank? - Is there more to this never ending conflict than the age old issue of religious intolerance? Maybe like me, you didnt FULLY understand (or perhaps even care to comprehend) the truth behind one of the longest running and seemingly unresolvable conflicts of our lifetime. I encourage you to invest just one hour to watch this astonishing video. This is not another attempt to spread propaganda, but rather a carefully researched, balanced, and thoughtfully presented talk by Anna Baltzer, an American Jew. She has lived and worked in these territories and has experienced first hand, the heartbreaking events and unbelievable atrocities that have been taking place in occupied Palestine for decades. Most of these events have been falsely reported by the mass media or even deliberately hidden (from the rest of the world) by the Israeli and American Governments in particular. In this comprehensive introduction to the conflict, you will discover why. Despite what you may already accept as fact, I sincerely encourage you to take the time to further educate yourself on the matter (even if it is to simply reinforce what you already believe). I welcome your thoughtful comments after youve watched this important video. This is far to significant an issue to continue to ignore (or to not pay proper attention to) due to ignorance, discomfort or apathy. I know I personally, will never be able to turn my back on this issue or claim I didnt know what was (and is) really happening to my fellow human beings. If you care AT ALL about human rights and social justice, you need to watch this video.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:19:14 +0000

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