DO YOU KNOW HARAM RELATIONSHIP? AND DO YOU KNOW IT IS HARAM? Assalam alaykum Brothers and Sisters; The best kind of relationship is set for us buh it is unfortunate to see the youth of nowadays not heeding to that. People always say they are not ready for Marriage but it is obvious that they have gf whom they feed! They are not ready but they fornicate with them! And even the fasting that protect us from such temptation, they dont do it. Wa eyyazu billah! My Dear ;Islam does not allow the concept of a male and a female Intimate friendship in any way! There isnt a friendship or any relationship b/n a male and a female in Islam. Except theyll be having some Islamic chats with the bases that hell be teaching her. And even in teaching her, they shouldnt be alone. Bcs the prophet (s) saidwhenever theres a gathering of only two people, Shaitan is the third. Subhãnallah. If youve nothing Islamic to talk/chat with her abt, Its obvious you dont have anything to do with her, bcos youre not her brother, or any family member (mahram), and thus nothing will bring you two together. I just asked some three different Mallams today concerning this issue, Plus an Arab (sheikh from Egypt) been four Plus another Mallam been five. Here arrives a big problem! Lets magine those men who cant teach, who cant do any Islamic chat/teaching, cant teach her the Qurãn, Nor any Hadith, Nor something like such, its simply hes not an Islamic teacher. So hes not permitted. Even those who chat/teach Islamic knowledge, there are some limits for them, What do u think of those who cant teach? There shouldnt be lots of jokes b/n them even. Let me try and give the regulations and rules regarding this kind of chats in accordance with what my sheikhs said: The first Mallam told me that,Even if Im to be on Facebook, I should have an Islamic page or a group, For only Islamic issues, And that even women can join, A woman can only ask an Islamic or a serious and beneficial question, Buh when she ask a worldly or a non serious question, I shouldnt answer! Thats what he himself does on Facebook. Thus there shouldnt be Unislamic or unnecessary or chats needed therein! Such asWhat are you doing now?, What are you cooking?,which food do you like best?, N ALLLL that. Subhãnallah. Thats what the first Mallam said. For the second Mallam, I asked him wether there can be excuses of introduction between the two (man n woman) And he said yes, and also some shallow chats can be included in Shã Allãh. But But But These kinds of chats can easily generate gazal (غزل ) which means romantic words. Thats why ALLLL these should be minimized or controlled or stopped! So this is more or less like what the first Mallam said. And the third Mallam, He took me into more details and gave examples with Ahãdîth and Qurãn verses. He said ALLLL they said are the true, And thus hes already in support of their points. Let me try and mention the examples He mentioned these Ahãdîth: Innal Halãla bayyin Wa Innal Harãma bayyin (Verily Halãl is plain and Harãm is clear also) Its obvious that the seekers of truth like we Understand this as simple because its the truth we are all looking for. He said in a Hadith ThatAsk your own heart, (and youll know the truth yourself). Its like our heart tells us the truth always, But Implementing it is the problem. Subhãnallah. The prophet (s) said thatfitna will follow us even in our own rooms. Means we ourselves wont go and look for destruction, buh well see it in our own rooms. During that tym, it was been said that this kind of fitna is known by only Allãh and his messenger. But its in this generation that Mallams knew that this fitna mentioned in the Hadith is ALLLL about our phones, tvs, radios, computers, MP3s and ALLLL the likes used in our rooms. Subhãnallah I My dear Brothers and Sisters; with the issue of adding female friends on Facebook. We often add more female friends on Facebook, even more than the males. Some of us add about 1000 females on Facebook and even more just to enjoy their lustful desire on them. Subhãnallah. We used not to know, buh now we know. My dear Brothers and Sisters; the bes kind of relationship in Islam is Single, prior to marriage meaning engagement and the ultimate is Marriage. So please let eradicate dating and hold fast to fasting for Allah to protect you from this lustful temptation of this age. Please lower your gaze to avoid the temptation.I conclude this with a Qurãn verse which stated that: lirrijãlu naswîbun min Mã kasabû wa linnisã-i naswîbun min maktasabna. (For men theres reward for what theyve earned, (and likewise) for women theres reward for what theyre earned, and ask Allãh of His Bounty. Surely, Allãh is Ever All-Knower of everything. Lets see between Allãhs commands and His obedience (Islam) and our Desire which one do we follow? Weve to help change the Muslim world with every hand in Shã Allãh. This kind of destruction via the net, our (old) Mallams cant do it, They cant write or share as we can do We too hv our way of jihãd in Shã Allãh. The apostle of Allãh (s) said; Balligûannî walaw Ãyah (( convey my (message), even with (only) one Ãyah)). May Allah guide us all.Ãmeeeeen... {DONT FORGET TO SHARE}
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:00:56 +0000

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