DO YOU KNOW THE MUSLIM WOMENS CLOTHES OF THE MOMENT?? The World is now moving in a destructive way to the extend that the muslim women continue to inculcate the undecent clothes of the Unbelievers which is so disguisting!!!. The Unbelievers have designed or fashioned this shorts called Stretch which is supposed to be weared under the Abayah is now wore with a tea-shirt exposing the shape of the Muslim woman which is so disgracing to see!!! The Muslim woman has turn this stretch as the shorts of the moment and you could walk in the street of the community seeing this ladies wearing this stretch walking shamelessly and with enticing walk causing temptation to the Ummah! subhanallah!! My dear Sister, If you think that this tight exposing stretch is hijab, then am Sorry.… tight jeans and short shirt just don’t cut it You can’t wear tight jeans and a short shirt with a piece of cloth on your head and think this is Hijaab!. Nor can you wear anything else that is tight, describing the shape of the body in any way, even if it is long. The Prophet (p b u h) said: In later (generations) of my ummah there will be women who will be dressed but naked. On top of their heads (what looks) like camel humps. They will not enter into paradise or (even) get a smell of it.(Muslim) This is really shocking!! but what is happening now? Wa eyyaazu Billah!! Believe me or not there is this long dress called straight dress which is so horroble to see!. Infact this dress contradict with all the terms of hijab! wearing this dress exposed the shapeness of the womans body and it cause the attention of men and the most bad thing is that it can be seen-through it! But do you know what?? that is the clothes weared by our young ladies mingling almost naked in the society!. A muslim lady is honoured among all women so please appreciate your honour please! Remember, you are not a runway model displaying the latest fashion. Walk with modesty and hayaa and you will be respected.The Prophet (p b u h) said: “There are two types of the people of Hell that I have not seen yet….women who are clothed yet naked, walking with an enticing gait…..” (Muslim). But our young ladies walk almost naked exposing their adornment and causing temptation. What about make-up and perfume that they apply??? Wearing make up is also part of the zeenah that Allaah orders us not to display in surah Ahzab. So if your head and body are appropriately covered yet you are wearing bright red lipstick or dark eyeliner such that people confuse between you and a rsacoo, uh sorry, that’s not Hijaab. And keep those nice fragrances for the home, between you and your husband. If you are not married then be patient please! My dear sister, a women are very special and dignified in the sight of men! How could you wear stretch with t_shirt exposing your nakedness whiles you are special?? How could you wear straight dress which expose your nakedness whiles there is abayah for you! Dont degrade yourself please but appreciate yourself. Wallahi, the world is just a deceitful world! Today maybe yours buh tomorow may not be yours. Allah will not come and change you untill you change yourself! Let us wear a true clothes to be presented as a true Muslimah please!. May Allah guide us all. Ameen. ( DONT FORGET TO SHARE)
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:42:42 +0000

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