DO YOU NEED PROOF JUDGES THINK AUTISTICS/ASPIES ARE WORTH 50-99% LESS THAN OTHER HUMANS? In 1996, Charles-Antoine Blais, age six, was killed by his mother, who did no jail time but served one year in a halfway house and then was appointed as a public representative by the Quebec Autism Society. In 1997, Casey Albury, age 17, was strangled by her mother with a bathrobe cord, after refusing to jump off a bridge. Her mother said to the police, “She was a misfit. People were scared of her because she was different. I wish it could have been quicker. I’d wanted to kill her for a long time.” She received a sentence of 18 months for manslaughter. In 1998, Pierre Pasquiou was drowned by his mother, who was given a three-year suspended sentence. In 1999, James Joseph Cummings, Jr., at the age of 46, was stabbed to death by his father inside the residential facility where he lived. Cummings, Sr. was sentenced to five years in prison. That same year, Daniel Leubner, age 13, was burned alive by his mother, who was sentenced to six years in prison. In 2001, Gabriel Britt, age six, was suffocated by his father, who dumped his body in a lake and then received a four-year sentence for pleading guilty to a lesser crime. Also in 2001, Jadwiga Miskiewicz strangled her 13 year-old son Johnny Churchi, and was sentenced to time in a psychiatric hospital; a medical examiner said that she had “’a rigorous standard of excellence’ she couldn’t live up to any more.” In 2003, Angelica Auriemma, age 20, was drowned by her mother, who had first attempted to electrocute her. Angelica’s mother said, “I worried obsessively.” Also that year, Terrance Cottrell died of asphyxiation when his mother and other churchgoers submitted him to an exorcism. A neighbor described the mother as explaining how, “They held him down for almost two hours. He couldn’t hardly breathe. Then she said the Devil started to speak through Junior, though he can’t really speak, saying, ‘Kill me, take me.’ She said the church told her it was the only way to heal him.” She was not prosecuted; the minister who had led the exorcism was sentenced to two and a half years in prison and fined 1200 dollars. In 2003, Daniela Dawes strangled her ten-year-old son Jason, and was given five years of probation. Her grief-stricken husband testified, “Until that day she was the best mother anyone could want.” In 2005, Patrick Markcrow, age 36, was suffocated by his mother, who received a two-year suspended sentence; that same year, Jan Naylor shot her 27-year-old autistic daughter, Sarah, and then set the house on fire, killing herself as well; the Cincinnati Enquirer wrote that they both “died of hopelessness.” In 2006, Christopher DeGroot was burned to death when his parents locked him in the house and set it on fire. Each of them was sentenced to six months in jail. In 2006, Jose Stable slit the throat of his son, Ulysses. He called the police and said, “I just couldn’t take it anymore.” Jose Stable served a three-and-a-half-year sentence. In 2007, Diane Marsh killed her son, Brandon Williams, age five; the autopsy said he had died of multiple skull fractures and an overdose of Tylenol PM tablets; his legs were covered in burn scars because his mother used to discipline him by dipping him into scalding water. She was sentenced to ten years. In 2008, Jacob Grabe was shot by his father, who pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. In 2010, Stephanie Rochester was accused of smothering her 6-month old son. After she did so, she and her husband “talked about they wanted to have fun in life. Stephanie said that she knew they would not have fun while they were caring for a severely autistic child.” She was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Also, the mother of 8-year-old Jude Jordan is charged with murdering him in 2010; Christopher Melton was murdered in a murder/suicide by his mother in 2010; Ebony was cruelly abused and starved by her parents in 2010. Chad Jackson’s mother is charged with murdering Chad in 2011. Gwen Freaney, 11, was killed by his mother in 2011. In 2011, Margaret Jensvold murdered her 13-year-old autistic son, Ben Barnhar. George Hodgin’s mother killed him in a murder/suicide in 2012. The mother of 4-year-old Daniel Corby is charged with murdering him in 2012. In 2012, George Hodgins was shot by his mother, who then turned the gun on herself; the head of the center the young man had attended said, “He was a good kid, a very good kid. He loved to be outdoors, he loved hiking and walking and doing things like that." ~ Andrew Solomon
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 07:22:38 +0000

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