DO YOU SEEK GOD OR JUST HAPPY WITH WHERE YOU ARE WITH HIM? It is my blessed hope through the power of the Holy Spirit to share with you what I see wrong with many of those who say that they are His children and Love Him! God asked me a question, my son what is your #1 desire and why? I told DAD BOLDLY, DAD I WANT MORE OF YOU AND LESS OF MYSELF AND I DONT CARE WHAT I NEED TO GO THROUGH AND HOW PAINFUL IT MAY BE BUT REMOVE ANYTHING INSIDE OF ME THAT HINDERS THAT FROM HAPPENING! He smiled then I TOLD HIM WAIT HOLD ON DAD, I GOT MORE, MY # 2 DESIRE IS TO BE USED BY YOU!!! Beloved we have to SEEK GOD WITH ALL THAT WE ARE! This CALLING is not a temporary thing it is an ETERNAL THING. We are here for HIS GLORY, HIS DESIRES, HIS WANTS, HIS WILL, HIS LOVE, HIS THOUGHTS, HIS WAYS!!! We got it backwards due to misunderstanding through the evil one and false preaching, WE ARE NOT HERE TO BE BLESSED, WE ALREADY ARE!!! OUR EYES HAVE BEEN OPENED AND WE CAN SEE HIS TRUTH!! LOOK AROUND YOU AND SEE HOW MANY ARE BLINDED AND GOING TO HELL! IS THIS NOT THE ULITMATE BLESSING TO KNOW THAT JESUS DIED FOR YOU AND WILL LIVE IN YOU TO REACH OTHERS? WHAT MORE DO WE NEED? IF YOU TRULY WANT A HEART SOLELY FOR THE LORD LEARN FROM DAVID, it wasnt about being perfect but being purified and being a LOVER AND SEEKING OF GOD, to PURSUE GOD in song, in prayer, in quiet time, in crying out to Him, in worship, in his thoughts, in his words and in his actions. DAVID made many mistakes but NEVER WAS CONDEMNED AND FREELY GAVE IT TO THE LORD WITH REPENTANCE AND SORRY BECAUSE HE HURT GOD!! DAVID LOVED GOD IN ALL THAT HE HAD AND SOME!!! So my brothers and sisters in Christ lets being like Christ being HUMBLE AND MEEK truly be LOVERS OF OUR DAD POSSESSING THE LOVE AND COMPASSION OF CHRIST! LETS JOIN TOGETHER AS ONE BODY IN CHRIST UPLIFTING AND ENCOURAGING ONE ANOTHER, NO JUDGEMENT, GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF THOSE WHO ARE NOT REAL AND ARE NOT OF HIM BUT LETS SEEK HIM AND PURSUE HIM AND LOVE ON HIM AND watch how His presence will shape our minds, hearts and words. We will spend more time with Him and doing the things He wants us to do than things of this WORLD! IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE SO INLOVE WITH HIM
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 08:57:52 +0000

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