DO YOU THINK THIS IS OK? WELL I DON,T AND IM GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS ASAP WILL YOU JOIN ME !!! PLEASE SHAR THIS EVERYWERE!!!! OR NOTHING WILL BE DONE (LEE DAY RABBI OTIS,S MOM ) please,please share and like this post if you don,t share this it IT WILL HURT THIS SWEET DOGS CHANCES TO BE FEE FROM THESES CHAINS SO PLEASE SHARE THIS NOW!!! please join our fight for all animals rights and to stop animal abuse and you can all do that by joining rabbi Otis,s brother ramsey and sister lucy and myself lee day but putting a like on rabbi Otis page and shareing this post love and hugs to you all and thank you all for careing for the animals lee day rabbi Otis. ramsey and lucys mom Spread the news... We are more than a FB page... visit our website here:https://facebook/RabbiOtis?ref=hl Nazi, animal animal abuser Bengt Holst. don,t for get theis ugle monsters face!!! rabbi otis stays with marius the last baby he murdered SOAR sure DOESNT, and we want to know why the Clark Co. Attorney thinks it is: SOAR has tried to bring charges against Rockys former owner, however, Clark Co. Attorney, Brian Thomas, will not act on it. It seems its ok to leave your dog starving on the end of a chain in Winchester. We think Rockys owner should be held accountable for his actions of cruel neglect, which falls under State Statute KRS 525.130 Not only that: The same day SOAR rescued Rocky, we tried to help this Pit Bull (below) who STILL SITS PADLOCKED on a very short, heavy chain!! SOAR was there, Animal Control was there, The dog Warden was there and the police. And nothing, The director of the Animal Shelter went straight to the County Attorneys office to file charges ( she was doing this the same time we were across town helping Rocky), and sadly, Brian Thomas says no laws are being broken and refuses to do anything to help this dog! I also sent him pictures. The owner of this beautiful Pitbull behaved like a punk and threw a fit that anyone questioned him about his dog, who he claims is well taken care of. This situation was very hostile and we were basically surrounded by thugs and had no choice but to leave. Change MUST take place in Clark Co.! Animal Control is not even allowed to do their job, they cant leave notices or remove animals, instead they have to call the police to come and the police can make the decision. How dumb is that? The system in Clark Co. is completely broken, yet their officials have no interest in changing the good ole boy way of doing things. They are outdated and do not help the animals in any way. Below is a list of the City Commissioners and the County Attorney. We urge you to CALL AND OR/EMAIL THEM and ask them Why this is ok?. As elected officials they need to address this matter. Rocky was lucky, SOAR was able to finally help him. But, what about this Pitbull that sits hopeless, dont we need to Speak Out for him too? Please be professional, we can get the point across without swearing. Clark County Attorney: Brian Thomas clarkcoattorney 859-745-0220 Commissioners Ed Burtner Mayor eburtner@winchesterky (859)744-2821 Rick Beach Commissioner rick@reesop Kenny Book Commissioner no email listed Shannon Cox Commissioner scox@winchesterky Kitty Strode Commissioner kws416@aol
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:22:37 +0000

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