DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE DOCTRINE OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD? The message of the Kingdom which John the Baptist and Jesus came preaching is the missing secret of the restoration of our purpose, identity and divine destiny as having become the sons and daughters of the Most High. Without understanding the doctrine of the Kingdom we do not understand the full purpose of salvation. We miss the restoration that came to our minds, will and emotions restoring us back to Gods original purpose for man. Without understanding the doctrine of the Kingdom as Jesus preached it and instructed it to be preached you will persist in a religious ideology and philosophy that approves the wearing of clergical garb and other such traditions of men as having become valid because of the Vatican Council. Without understanding the Kingdom we mix the traditions of men with the word of God and expect that Gods manifestation would somehow be beyond our emotionalism but the traditions themselves provoke the emotionalism in a showing display yet the people arent really being transformed. Words like Kingdom and Destiny become cliches when all that is really taking place is more of the religious same. Without understanding the doctrine of the Kingdom as Jesus preached it, leaders will continue to preach Bible story after Bible story in hopes of making the people faithful, while encouraging them to hold on and hang in there because their breakthrough is coming. Words like Citizenship and and Authority sound good but the experience of the truths escapes those who have not learned that their everyday life is to be submitted to the King. Do you understand Jesus preached doctrine of the Kingdom and if not, then why not? In all likelihood your lack of knowledge can be traced right back to the lack of knowledge your religious leaders have continued to walk in. You will always become the culture of those who you are among. Your Kingdom citizenship becomes marginalized by your lack of proper theology. Religious concepts dominate where the King is supposed to. If you are a leader, an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor or/and Teacher then you must learn today that your gifting is not enough. Those Jesus called into the five-fold all knew the Kingdom message and had experience in preaching that same message BEFORE Jesus sent them into the ministry He ordained for them. You cannot be a successful leader today after the standards God has established in His Son who He sent to bring you into the Kingdom and bring the Kingdom into you, without you coming back and relearning the Kingdom from the mouth of Jesus as He preached, taught and demonstrated the Kingdom recorded in the gospels. When you read post like this there is but one thing God is endeavoring to do, and that is not challenge you, but change you. If you dont know the doctrine of the Kingdom of God as Jesus preached it but you know all the Bible stories from A-Z then you still dont know as you should know and could be one who is ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. Such men and women make the truth to be complicated for they get away from the simplicity that be in Christ, fancying themselves to be deep when on a whole they are merely shallow men wallowing in a theology void of the doctrine of the Kingdom, the very message Jesus came preaching, teaching and demonstrating to all. My brother, sister here is a fair warning to all. The hardest learning is unlearning and the religious pretentions of men will not abate. As long as man wants to have power over others they will continue to pontificate as though theyve arrived. They will continue to wear the clergy attire of the Vatican in a religious pretense of authority and many will embrace the terminology of the Kingdom without having been transformed by its reality. Let not such a hypocrisy be found in you. Begin today to start studying the Kingdom of God out of the mouth of Jesus. Let Him teach you that the Kingdom is present now yet also eternal to come. Let Jesus teach you the urgency, power and priority of the Kingdom and allow Him to instruct you on the importance of preaching the same message He preached. Brothers, sisters, saints of the Most High, dont take my word for these things. Try all things indeed. Try the spirits to know what is of God. Be those who were Berean in that they searched the Word to see if the things that are said are so. The Holy Spirit is not obligated to teach you the truth of the Kingdom if you dont want to know it. Here the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth and the unction we have from the Holy One but He is not honor bound to lead you and guide you into all truth if you dont want to know what He knows. The only thing the Holy Spirit can do is lead and guide you into the truth you are willing to receive and understand. The Holy Spirit can also comfort you and empower you but the Holy Spirit cant get you to change your mind. For this revelation of the Kingdom of God, the hidden message that once embraced, will signal the restoration of your purpose, identity and divine destiny, you must humble yourself and become like a chidl regardless to denomination, religious institutions of higer learning or position in ministry. Leaders, whether you are running 10 people or hundreds of thousands you cannot help them mature in the fullness of the truth without revealing to them the secrets found in the preached doctrine of the Kingdom of God. All you will raise is narcissistic, passive pew sitters that dont know their purpose, who will struggle unnecessarily because of the knowledge of the Kingdom that you failed to give them. Remember, they become the culture of the doctrines and the people theyve aligned themselves with. If you fight the doctrine of the Kingdom you only draw people to yourself that become as limited as you are in having not seen the realty of the urgency, power and priority of the Kingdom of God in this generation. Make the change....lest you be those leaders that the Lord Himself will reprove for having fed yourselves with the wool of the sheep but having not fed the sheep what God wanted them to know the most. STUDY THE KINGDOM! Leonard 267-357-9816
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:49:27 +0000

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