DO YOU WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO STAY AWAY FROM YOUR GUNS??? WE ARE READY TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!!! WILL YOU STAND WITH US??? Americans from across this nation have gathered to form Operation American Freedom. We have come together due to the continual and outright disregard for the Constitution of the United States by the President and his administration. We have unified for one cause, setting aside our differences to take a stand, to demand that this administration either remove itself, or be removed. While we live in the chaos that has become every day life in this country, we are reminded daily of this administration’s shortcomings. We have an administration who has ignored the threat of having our borders so easily purged. They have turned a blind eye to the threat of attacks by terrorists, here on our soil. They have turned a deaf ear to the threat of an impending Ebola pandemic. Their refusal to implement a ban on travel from a World Health Organization declared Hot Zone from the onset of its inception more than substantiates our concern of their deficiency of governance. This is undeniable proof that this administration has had a total disregard for the safety and well-being of American citizens. These issues are among over 1,000 Constitutional Violations that highlight the need to restore this country to a Constitutional Republic, where governing officials answer to the people. This in all aspects is our first priority, far above all else. We, as American citizens, can no longer remain silent. We are watching our country being destroyed by a so-called leader and his administration, all of whom have lost all touch with the will of the people. Operation American Freedom, as a group of united, concerned Americans will travel to Washington, D.C. to publicly address the President and his administration. We will outline our concerns, and give just cause for the removal of this entire administration from office. Operation American Freedom is comprised of our Elected Speaker, Press Corps Leader Allen Cheetham, Press Secretary Brandy Harris,an Intel Team, Press Corps, Security Team, and American citizens from across the nation. https://facebook/groups/773013642754673/
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:29:25 +0000

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