DO you suffer with a lack of will, fight, lack of JUST DO IT - TopicsExpress


DO you suffer with a lack of will, fight, lack of JUST DO IT ,tenacity, desire, those words are the only difference between those who get up and do what needs to be done to achieve the perfect LIFE/BODY and those that do not!! thats what you read right?? Lots of fitness photos with slogans that suggest all you need to do is a single adjective and your sorted... If you had enough will for instance, You would will yourself to go to the gym, you would will yourself to eat better, you would will yourself to get fitter, be happier, love more, want less, give more, take less oh the list is endless.. Unfortunately, there are so many layers to achieving and they get missed out. So instead of saying all you need to do is GET UP FIGHT FOR YOUR TODAY, I thought why not create a recipe for success that doesnt just stop at an adjective, then leaves you to work out the rest for yourself and when you cannot muster the will, you are back at square one feeling crap again and feeling like you cannot achieve ( if this is you sometimes or all the time maybe you are missing some vital ingredients to create your own success story. So this recipe is for you :) Sams Recipe for Success 1/2 cup of SELF LOVE, now if you dont already have self love, you can create this, by acknowledging one great thing you did each day, at first its not easy, but after a while you will find great things, the more you find the more you can start to love the person that you are, and build the person you want to become. You can also practice all of what is below and this will help toward self love. 1/2 cup of SELF RESPECT, You can find this by allowing yourself to say NO when you want to at first it might feel weird, but that may come from a fear of being rejected, but after a few times you will start to feel stronger and you will start to respect yourself for doing it, or standing up or speaking up for yourself again this may be hard but you can do it!! Remember you goal of success, you can also find SELF RESPECT by owning the choices that you make each day, by doing this you will start to make choices that will make you happy, you will also gain self respect by taking responsibility of your self and your actions. 1/2 cup of SELF ESTEEM, this van be found by setting yourself realistic goals, not ones that you cannot reach, thus causing feelings of failure, you can also find self esteem when you stop comparing yourself to other people. YOU are YOU and your journey is so precious and so beautiful, are RARE it happens only once, you cannot do it again... This is your beautiful life so own it. 1/2 cup of FUN & LAUGHTER , Fun can be found in whatever it is you love to do. Be it comedy shows, hanging with friends, going out for the odd drink, the cinema, reading, whatever its is you enjoy, make a space in your schedule to do it. Make it part of your plan. You will not be disappointed. If you dont make it pat of your plan, you may end up having a go at yourself for having fun!! And seriously, thats not part of the recipe for success. 1/2 cup of KINDNESS to yourself and OTHERS... Keep it friendly, and that means support those around you, you will feel great for being a good friend/mother/lover/daughter/son/etc. Try doing one thing each day for someone you dont know, hold a door and smile, anything, make a effort to be kind its good for your heart, and your inner voice will love you for it. 1/2 Cup of BELIEF, Now you can find belief somewhere between setting realistic goals, and learning from your failed ones. If you learn you heal, if you do not learn and make the same mistakes over and over, like picking the same scab and hurting over and over and over, then you may loose your belief in yourself and your mission. So set small goals for each day, so you can start to build a good sense of achievement. 1/2 Cup TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF. Hopefully by the time you have added all the ingredients above, taking care of yourself might become a by product, because you will love yourself that bit more and have belief in what you are doing and why. 1/2 cup PERSEVERANCE, dont give u just because it didnt work the first time, remember that new things take time for the brain to register, and learning a new behaviour is no different! Enjoy the process, Finally add a dash of crazy, for the sake of keeping it real :)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 10:39:49 +0000

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