DOCTRINES BORN-AGAIN EVIDENCE AND ATTITUDE 1-CONVERSION Jesus said, VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, EXCEPT YE BE CONVERTED, AND BECOME AS LITTLE CHILDREN, YE SHALL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN-Mt 18:3. Two conditions are given for entering the kingdom of heaven. 1. A person must be converted. 2. A person must become childlike before Almighty God and before the Word of God. He must learn to receive correction as a little child would receive correction from his father, and not with a hostile, prideful, and hardened attitude. Many people claim they have been converted from this or that, to Jesus, yet there is no evidence. There is no evidence that they have been converted from the ways of the world to the ways of Christ. They claim they follow Jesus, yet they do not follow His ways. The evidence of a conversion in their attitude does not exist. 2-NEW BOTTLES It is written, AND HE SPAKE ALSO A PARABLE UNTO THEM; NO MAN PUTTETH A PIECE OF A NEW GARMENT UPON AN OLD; IF OTHERWISE, THEN BOTH THE NEW MAKETH A RENT, AND THE PIECE THAT WAS TAKEN OUT OF THE NEW AGREETH NOT WITH THE OLD. AND NO MAN PUTTETH NEW WINE INTO OLD BOTTLES; ELSE THE NEW WINE WILL BURST THE BOTTLES, AND BE SPILLED, AND THE BOTTLES SHALL PERISH. BUT NEW WINE MUST BE PUT INTO NEW BOTTLES; AND BOTH ARE PRESERVED-Lk 5:36-38. A change is required in a persons life. A person needs to become as a new garment and a new bottle. This means a changed attitude must come forth. If that changed attitude has not occurred in a person, it is very positive evidence that the person has not been born-again or converted. Or at best, they are very worldly or carnal or lukewarm. 3-A NEW ATTITUDE When people asked John the Baptist, what they must do to be saved, he did not answer with repent. He did not tell them they needed to be baptized. He did not tell them they were to receive Jesus by faith. Rather, he began to show them that they must have a changed attitude. Their attitude was to become much different than the worlds attitude and way of doing things. He showed them some of the evidence of being converted. 4-A HUMBLE ATTITUDE Mans attitude is prideful. Man does not like to admit he is wrong. Man does not like to humble himself before anyone. Yet for those who follow Jesus, a different attitude comes forth that reflects a conversion has taken place. A man needs to become broken and humble. The attitude of a converted person is one of unworthiness. It is written, John preached saying, THERE COMETH ONE MIGHTIER THAN I AFTER ME, THE LATCHET OF WHOSE SHOES I AM NOT WORTHY TO STOOP DOWN AND UNLOOSE-Mk 1:7. HE IT IS, WHO COMING AFTER ME IS PREFERRED BEFORE ME, WHOSE SHOES LATCHET I AM NOT WORTHY TO UNLOOSE-Jn 1:27. THE CENTURION ANSWERED AND SAID, LORD, I AM NOT WORTHY THAT THOU SHOULDEST COME UNDER MY ROOF-Mt 8:8. AND (she) STOOD AT HIS FEET BEHIND HIM WEEPING, AND BEGAN TO WASH HIS FEET WITH TEARS, AND DID WIPE THEM WITH THE HAIRS OF HER HEAD, AND KISSED HIS FEET, AND ANOINTED THEM WITH THE OINTMENT-Lk 7:38. Note, the repentant, humbled, meek, loving attitude of submission from her heart. AND JESUS ANSWERING SAID UNTO HIM, SIMON, I HAVE SOMEWHAT TO SAY UNTO THEE. AND HE SAITH, MASTER, SAY ON. THERE WAS A CERTAIN CREDITOR WHICH HAD TWO DEBTORS: THE ONE OWED FIVE HUNDRED PENCE, AND THE OTHER FIFTY. AND WHEN THEY HAD NOTHING TO PAY, HE FRANKLY FORGAVE THEM BOTH. TELL ME THEREFORE, WHICH OF THEM WILL LOVE HIM MOST? SIMON ANSWERED AND SAID, I SUPPOSE THAT HE, TO WHOM HE FORGAVE MOST. AND HE SAID UNTO HIM, THOU HAST RIGHTLY JUDGED. AND HE TURNED TO THE WOMAN, AND SAID UNTO SIMON, SEEST THOU THIS WOMAN? I ENTERED INTO THINE HOUSE, THOU GAVEST ME NO WATER FOR MY FEET: BUT SHE HATH WASHED MY FEET WITH TEARS, AND WIPED THEM WITH THE HAIRS OF HER HEAD. THOU GAVEST ME NO KISS: BUT THIS WOMAN SINCE THE TIME I CAME IN HATH NOT CEASED TO KISS MY FEET. MY HEAD WITH OIL THOU DIDST NOT ANOINT: BUT THIS WOMAN HATH ANOINTED MY FEET WITH OINTMENT. WHEREFORE I SAY UNTO THEE, HER SINS, WHICH ARE MANY, ARE FORGIVEN; FOR SHE LOVED MUCH: BUT TO WHOM LITTLE IS FORGIVEN, THE SAME LOVETH LITTLE. AND HE SAID TO THE WOMAN, THY FAITH HATH SAVED THEE; GO IN PEACE-Lk 7:40-47,50. 5-GOOD FRUITS ARE THE EVIDENCE OF BEING CONVERTED Does a person have a sweet spirit or attitude? Does their attitude reflect they earnestly desire to study and obey Gods Word? Do they love correction? How do they act under difficult conditions? What do they do under extreme hardships and various situations? Do they respond in a Christ-like manner or a manner that is in line with the way the world would react? Is their attitude like a serpent, hateful, judging, and being critical of people? These things reflect if a change in a persons attitude has taken place. These reflect the result of a conversion. It is written, BRING FORTH THEREFORE FRUITS (or evidence) WORTHY OF REPENTANCE, AND BEGIN NOT TO SAY WITHIN YOURSELVES, WE HAVE ABRAHAM TO OUR FATHER: FOR I SAY UNTO YOU, THAT GOD IS ABLE OF THESE STONES TO RAISE UP CHILDREN UNTO ABRAHAM. AND NOW ALSO THE AXE IS LAID UNTO THE ROOT OF THE TREES: EVERY TREE THEREFORE WHICH BRINGETH NOT FORTH GOOD FRUIT IS HEWN DOWN, AND CAST INTO THE FIRE-Lk 3:8,9. All that do not bring forth good fruit that is in harmony with being converted, shall perish for eternity. 6-THE ATTITUDE OF A CONVERTED PERSON It is written, AND THE PEOPLE ASKED HIM, SAYING, WHAT SHALL WE DO THEN? HE ANSWERETH AND SAITH UNTO THEM, HE THAT HATH TWO COATS, LET HIM IMPART TO HIM THAT HATH NONE; AND HE THAT HATH MEAT, LET HIM DO LIKEWISE-Lk 3:10,11. This is not the way of the world, but it is the way of God. It is an attitude that reflects being converted. THEN CAME ALSO PUBLICANS (or tax collectors) TO BE BAPTIZED, AND SAID UNTO HIM, MASTER, WHAT SHALL WE DO? AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, EXACT NO MORE THAN THAT WHICH IS APPOINTED YOU. AND THE SOLDIERS LIKEWISE DEMANDED OF HIM, SAYING, AND WHAT SHALL WE DO? AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, DO VIOLENCE TO NO MAN, NEITHER ACCUSE ANY FALSELY; AND BE CONTENT WITH YOUR WAGES-Lk 3:12-14. It is interesting that to each group, he told them to do that which might be the most difficult for them. For example, to the soldiers that normally get very low pay he said, BE CONTENT WITH YOUR WAGES. Dont complain. Dont strike. Be content. It is written, AND SO WAS ALSO JAMES, AND JOHN, THE SONS OF ZEBEDEE, WHICH WERE PARTNERS WITH SIMON. AND JESUS SAID UNTO SIMON, FEAR NOT; FROM HENCEFORTH THOU SHALT CATCH MEN. AND WHEN THEY HAD BROUGHT THEIR SHIPS TO LAND, THEY FORSOOK ALL, AND FOLLOWED HIM-Lk 5:10,11. The Messiah found them. Once Jesus told them to forsake all, they did not hesitate. They left their family, their job, even everything to follow Jesus. The way of the world is to prosper and get ahead and make money. The way of a converted Christian is to follow Jesus even to the death of a cross. It is written, BUT I SAY UNTO YOU WHICH HEAR, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, DO GOOD TO THEM WHICH HATE YOU, BLESS THEM THAT CURSE YOU, AND PRAY FOR THEM WHICH DESPITEFULLY USE YOU. AND UNTO HIM THAT SMITETH THEE ON THE ONE CHEEK OFFER ALSO THE OTHER; AND HIM THAT TAKETH AWAY THY CLOAK FORBID NOT TO TAKE THY COAT ALSO. GIVE TO EVERY MAN THAT ASKETH OF THEE; AND OF HIM THAT TAKETH AWAY THY GOODS ASK THEM NOT AGAIN. These are not the ways of the world. These are the ways of God. These are reflections that a person has been converted or may not have been converted. The world would say to hate your enemies, to curse them that curse you, and to get revenge against them which despitefully use you. AND AS YE WOULD THAT MEN SHOULD DO TO YOU, DO YE ALSO TO THEM LIKEWISE. FOR IF YE LOVE THEM WHICH LOVE YOU, WHAT THANK HAVE YE? FOR SINNERS ALSO LOVE THOSE THAT LOVE THEM. AND IF YE DO GOOD TO THEM WHICH DO GOOD TO YOU, WHAT THANK HAVE YE? FOR SINNERS ALSO DO EVEN THE SAME. AND IF YE LEND TO THEM OF WHOM YE HOPE TO RECEIVE, WHAT THANK HAVE YE? FOR SINNERS ALSO LEND TO SINNERS, TO RECEIVE AS MUCH AGAIN. BUT LOVE YE YOUR ENEMIES, AND DO GOOD, AND LEND, HOPING FOR NOTHING AGAIN; AND YOUR REWARD SHALL BE GREAT, AND YE SHALL BE THE CHILDREN OF THE HIGHEST: FOR HE IS KIND UNTO THE UNTHANKFUL AND TO THE EVIL. BE YE THEREFORE MERCIFUL, AS YOUR FATHER ALSO IS MERCIFUL. JUDGE NOT, AND YE SHALL NOT BE JUDGED: CONDEMN NOT, AND YE SHALL NOT BE CONDEMNED: FORGIVE, AND YE SHALL BE FORGIVEN: GIVE, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU; GOOD MEASURE, PRESSED DOWN, AND SHAKEN TOGETHER, AND RUNNING OVER, SHALL MEN GIVE INTO YOUR BOSOM. FOR WITH THE SAME MEASURE THAT YE METE WITHAL IT SHALL BE MEASURED TO YOU AGAIN. AND HE SPAKE A PARABLE UNTO THEM, CAN THE BLIND LEAD THE BLIND? SHALL THEY NOT BOTH FALL INTO THE DITCH-Lk 6:27-39. Some of the previous items that reflect a person is converted are so important that they are repeated in another Gospel. It is written, YE HAVE HEARD THAT IT HATH BEEN SAID, AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH: BUT I SAY UNTO YOU, THAT YE RESIST NOT EVIL: BUT WHOSOEVER SHALL SMITE THEE ON THY RIGHT CHEEK, TURN TO HIM THE OTHER ALSO. AND IF ANY MAN WILL SUE THEE AT THE LAW, AND TAKE AWAY THY COAT, LET HIM HAVE THY CLOAK ALSO. AND WHOSOEVER SHALL COMPEL THEE TO GO A MILE, GO WITH HIM TWAIN. GIVE TO HIM THAT ASKETH THEE, AND FROM HIM THAT WOULD BORROW OF THEE TURN NOT THOU AWAY. YE HAVE HEARD THAT IT HATH BEEN SAID, THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR, AND HATE THINE ENEMY. BUT I SAY UNTO YOU, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, BLESS THEM THAT CURSE YOU, DO GOOD TO THEM THAT HATE YOU, AND PRAY FOR THEM WHICH DESPITEFULLY USE YOU, AND PERSECUTE YOU; THAT YE MAY BE THE CHILDREN OF YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN: FOR HE MAKETH HIS SUN TO RISE ON THE EVIL AND ON THE GOOD, AND SENDETH RAIN ON THE JUST AND ON THE UNJUST. FOR IF YE LOVE THEM WHICH LOVE YOU, WHAT REWARD HAVE YE? DO NOT EVEN THE PUBLICANS THE SAME? AND IF YE SALUTE YOUR BRETHREN ONLY, WHAT DO YE MORE THAN OTHERS? DO NOT EVEN THE PUBLICANS SO? BE YE THEREFORE PERFECT, EVEN AS YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN IS PERFECT-Mt 5:38-48. The ways of the unconverted are much different than these. The unconverted does not resist evil or turn the other cheek. They do not go the extra mile. They do not love their enemies or bless them that curse them. They do not choose to do good to them that hate them. They do not pray for those that despitefully use them or persecute them. It is written, THAT YE PUT OFF CONCERNING THE FORMER CONVERSATION THE OLD MAN, WHICH IS CORRUPT ACCORDING TO THE DECEITFUL LUSTS; AND BE RENEWED IN THE SPIRIT OF YOUR MIND; AND THAT YE PUT ON THE NEW MAN, WHICH AFTER GOD IS CREATED IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUE HOLINESS. WHEREFORE PUTTING AWAY LYING, SPEAK EVERY MAN TRUTH WITH HIS NEIGHBOUR: FOR WE ARE MEMBERS ONE OF ANOTHER. BE YE ANGRY, AND SIN NOT: LET NOT THE SUN GO DOWN UPON YOUR WRATH: NEITHER GIVE PLACE TO THE DEVIL. LET HIM THAT STOLE STEAL NO MORE: BUT RATHER LET HIM LABOUR, WORKING WITH HIS HANDS THE THING WHICH IS GOOD, THAT HE MAY HAVE TO GIVE TO HIM THAT NEEDETH. LET NO CORRUPT COMMUNICATION PROCEED OUT OF YOUR MOUTH, BUT THAT WHICH IS GOOD TO THE USE OF EDIFYING, THAT IT MAY MINISTER GRACE UNTO THE HEARERS. AND GRIEVE NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, WHEREBY YE ARE SEALED UNTO THE DAY OF REDEMPTION. LET ALL BITTERNESS, AND WRATH, AND ANGER, AND CLAMOUR, AND EVIL SPEAKING, BE PUT AWAY FROM YOU, WITH ALL MALICE: AND BE YE KIND ONE TO ANOTHER, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER, EVEN AS GOD FOR CHRISTS SAKE HATH FORGIVEN YOU-Eph 4:22-32. The ways of the world are much different than Gods ways. The ways of the unconverted Christian are to have their conversation in vanity and the lusts of the flesh. The way of the world is to lie when it is profitable or something needs to be hidden. The way of the world is to have anger and wrath and hate. The way of the world is not kindness and forgiveness. It is written, AND JESUS ANSWERING SAID, A CERTAIN MAN WENT DOWN FROM JERUSALEM TO JERICHO, AND FELL AMONG THIEVES, WHICH STRIPPED HIM OF HIS RAIMENT, AND WOUNDED HIM, AND DEPARTED, LEAVING HIM HALF DEAD-Lk 10:30. BUT A CERTAIN SAMARITAN, AS HE JOURNEYED, CAME WHERE HE WAS: AND WHEN HE SAW HIM, HE HAD COMPASSION ON HIM, AND WENT TO HIM, AND BOUND UP HIS WOUNDS, POURING IN OIL AND WINE, AND SET HIM ON HIS OWN BEAST, AND BROUGHT HIM TO AN INN, AND TOOK CARE OF HIM. AND ON THE MORROW WHEN HE DEPARTED, HE TOOK OUT TWO PENCE, AND GAVE THEM TO THE HOST, AND SAID UNTO HIM, TAKE CARE OF HIM; AND WHATSOEVER THOU SPENDEST MORE, WHEN I COME AGAIN, I WILL REPAY THEE-Lk10:33-35. The way of the world is not to get involved, because it is a stranger that is wounded. Let him lie there, they may say. The ways of God are compassion, kindness, and a willingness to help. It is written Jesus said, FATHER, IF THOU BE WILLING, REMOVE THIS CUP FROM ME: NEVERTHELESS NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE, BE DONE-Lk 22:42. Again, we note that our attitude is to change from doing our own will to doing Gods will. Gods will, will always be in harmony with the Scriptures. AND HE SAID, ABBA, FATHER, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE UNTO THEE; TAKE AWAY THIS CUP FROM ME: NEVERTHELESS NOT WHAT I WILL, BUT WHAT THOU WILT-Mk 14:36 NOW THEREFORE THERE IS UTTERLY A FAULT AMONG YOU, BECAUSE YE GO TO LAW ONE WITH ANOTHER. WHY DO YE NOT RATHER TAKE WRONG? WHY DO YE NOT RATHER SUFFER YOURSELVES TO BE DEFRAUDED-1 Cor 6:7? Again, we note the attitude of a converted person is much different than the worlds attitude. The way of the world is to seek revenge. The way of God is to take wrong (or to be wronged by another without retaliating). THEREFORE SEEING WE HAVE THIS MINISTRY, AS WE HAVE RECEIVED MERCY, WE FAINT NOT; BUT HAVE RENOUNCED THE HIDDEN THINGS OF DISHONESTY, NOT WALKING IN CRAFTINESS, NOR HANDLING THE WORD OF GOD DECEITFULLY; BUT BY MANIFESTATION OF THE TRUTH COMMENDING OURSELVES TO EVERY MANS CONSCIENCE IN THE SIGHT OF GOD-2 Cor 4:1,2. Once again, we note the ways of a converted person are much different than the worlds ways. Dishonesty, craftiness, and using Gods Word deceitfully are the ways of the world. The ways of the converted Christian are the opposite. It is written, GIVING NO OFFENCE IN ANY THING, THAT THE MINISTRY BE NOT BLAMED: BUT IN ALL THINGS APPROVING OURSELVES AS THE MINISTERS OF GOD, IN MUCH PATIENCE, IN AFFLICTIONS, IN NECESSITIES, IN DISTRESSES, IN STRIPES, IN IMPRISONMENTS, IN TUMULTS, IN LABOURS, IN WATCHINGS, IN FASTINGS; BY PURENESS, BY KNOWLEDGE, BY LONGSUFFERING, BY KINDNESS, BY THE HOLY GHOST, BY LOVE UNFEIGNED, BY THE WORD OF TRUTH, BY THE POWER OF GOD, BY THE ARMOUR OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ON THE RIGHT HAND AND ON THE LEFT, BY HONOUR AND DISHONOUR, BY EVIL REPORT AND GOOD REPORT: AS DECEIVERS, AND YET TRUE; AS UNKNOWN, AND YET WELL KNOWN; AS DYING, AND, BEHOLD, WE LIVE; AS CHASTENED, AND NOT KILLED; AS SORROWFUL, YET ALWAY REJOICING; AS POOR, YET MAKING MANY RICH; AS HAVING NOTHING, AND YET POSSESSING ALL THINGS-2 Cor 6:3-10. These are not the ways that the world wants to follow. Yet these are the ways of a converted Christian, who is to die to self and follow Jesus. Note some of the words: PATIENCE, AFFLICTIONS, NECESSITIES, DISTRESSES, STRIPES, IMPRISONMENTS, TUMULTS, LABOURS, WATCHINGS, FASTINGS; PURENESS, KNOWLEDGE, LONGSUFFERING, KINDNESS, THE WORD OF TRUTH, THE POWER OF GOD, DISHONOUR, BY EVIL REPORT, AS DECEIVERS, AS UNKNOWN, AS DYING, AS CHASTENED, SORROWFUL, POOR, AS HAVING NOTHING, AND YET POSSESSING ALL THINGS-2 Cor 6:3-10. It is written, AND, YE FATHERS, PROVOKE NOT YOUR CHILDREN TO WRATH: BUT BRING THEM UP IN THE NURTURE AND ADMONITION OF THE LORD. SERVANTS, BE OBEDIENT TO THEM THAT ARE YOUR MASTERS ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING, IN SINGLENESS OF YOUR HEART, AS UNTO CHRIST; NOT WITH EYESERVICE, AS MENPLEASERS; BUT AS THE SERVANTS OF CHRIST, DOING THE WILL OF GOD FROM THE HEART; WITH GOOD WILL DOING SERVICE, AS TO THE LORD, AND NOT TO MEN-Eph 6:4-7. These again are not the ways of the world. The world often provokes their children to wrath. They do not bring them up in the ways of the Lord. They are not obedient to their employers with a single or pure heart. Rather the worlds ways are to do things that can be seen, to look good while the boss is watching, but behind the scenes they are deceitful and much different. They do one thing to your face, but behind your back they do other things. The attitude of a converted Christian is much different than that of a unconverted person. It is written, YE HAVE CONDEMNED AND KILLED THE JUST; AND HE DOTH NOT RESIST YOU-Ja 5:6. The ways of the world are to resist and struggle and get revenge if possible. It is written, FOR TO ME TO LIVE IS CHRIST, AND TO DIE IS GAIN-Phili 1:21. Again, the way of the world is not obedience to Christ. To die is not gain for the people of the world. It is written, LET NOTHING BE DONE THROUGH STRIFE OR VAINGLORY; BUT IN LOWLINESS OF MIND LET EACH ESTEEM OTHER BETTER THAN THEMSELVES-Phili 2:3. Selfishness is the way of the world; however, to esteem others even better than yourself is the way of God. AND THEY TURNED ASIDE THITHER, TO GO IN AND TO LODGE IN GIBEAH: AND WHEN HE WENT IN, HE SAT HIM DOWN IN A STREET OF THE CITY: FOR THERE WAS NO MAN THAT TOOK THEM INTO HIS HOUSE TO LODGING. AND, BEHOLD, THERE CAME AN OLD MAN FROM HIS WORK OUT OF THE FIELD AT EVEN, WHICH WAS ALSO OF MOUNT EPHRAIM; AND HE SOJOURNED IN GIBEAH: BUT THE MEN OF THE PLACE WERE BENJAMITES. AND WHEN HE HAD LIFTED UP HIS EYES, HE SAW A WAYFARING MAN IN THE STREET OF THE CITY: AND THE OLD MAN SAID, WHITHER GOEST THOU? AND WHENCE COMEST THOU? AND HE SAID UNTO HIM, WE ARE PASSING FROM BETHLEHEM-JUDAH TOWARD THE SIDE OF MOUNT EPHRAIM; FROM THENCE AM I: AND I WENT TO BETHLEHEM-JUDAH, BUT I AM NOW GOING TO THE HOUSE OF THE LORD; AND THERE IS NO MAN THAT RECEIVETH ME TO HOUSE. YET THERE IS BOTH STRAW AND PROVENDER FOR OUR ASSES; AND THERE IS BREAD AND WINE ALSO FOR ME, AND FOR THY HANDMAID, AND FOR THE YOUNG MAN WHICH IS WITH THY SERVANTS: THERE IS NO WANT OF ANY THING. AND THE OLD MAN SAID, PEACE BE WITH THEE; HOWSOEVER LET ALL THY WANTS LIE UPON ME; ONLY LODGE NOT IN THE STREET. SO HE BROUGHT HIM INTO HIS HOUSE, AND GAVE PROVENDER UNTO THE ASSES: AND THEY WASHED THEIR FEET, AND DID EAT AND DRINK-Judges 19:15-21. The way of the world would be to leave the person in the street. Yet, Gods ways are to take the stranger, especially those of the household of faith, and care for them and take care of their needs. The ways of God are hospitality. Yet the world might say, Pay me such and such, and I might help you. Those few that are truly converted from the ways of the world to the ways of God have a much different attitude. It is written, THEN SHALL THE KING SAY UNTO THEM ON HIS RIGHT HAND, COME, YE BLESSED OF MY FATHER, INHERIT THE KINGDOM PREPARED FOR YOU FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD: FOR I WAS AN HUNGRED, AND YE GAVE ME MEAT: I WAS THIRSTY, AND YE GAVE ME DRINK: I WAS A STRANGER, AND YE TOOK ME IN: NAKED, AND YE CLOTHED ME: I WAS SICK, AND YE VISITED ME: I WAS IN PRISON, AND YE CAME UNTO ME. THEN SHALL THE RIGHTEOUS ANSWER HIM, SAYING, LORD, WHEN SAW WE THEE AN HUNGRED, AND FED THEE? OR THIRSTY, AND GAVE THEE DRINK? WHEN SAW WE THEE A STRANGER, AND TOOK THEE IN? OR NAKED, AND CLOTHED THEE? OR WHEN SAW WE THEE SICK, OR IN PRISON, AND CAME UNTO THEE? AND THE KING SHALL ANSWER AND SAY UNTO THEM, VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, INASMUCH AS YE HAVE DONE IT UNTO ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE MY BRETHREN, YE HAVE DONE IT UNTO ME-Mt 25:34-40. The ways of the world are not to help the converted Christian, that is, those that follow Jesus. Yet the true converted Christian does help his brothers in Jesus. He does feed them. He does give them drink. He does take them in. He does give them clothes. He does visit the sick and does go to the prison to visit those that are locked up. It is written, IF A BROTHER OR SISTER BE NAKED, AND DESTITUTE OF DAILY FOOD, AND ONE OF YOU SAY UNTO THEM, DEPART IN PEACE, BE YE WARMED AND FILLED; NOTWITHSTANDING YE GIVE THEM NOT THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE NEEDFUL TO THE BODY; WHAT DOTH IT PROFIT? EVEN SO FAITH, IF IT HATH NOT WORKS, IS DEAD, BEING ALONE-Ja 2:15-17. The world may say, We will pray for you. If the converted Christian is able, he will also give that which is needful. It is written, CHARGE THEM THAT ARE RICH IN THIS WORLD…THAT THEY DO GOOD, THAT THEY BE RICH IN GOOD WORKS, READY TO DISTRIBUTE, WILLING TO COMMUNICATE; LAYING UP IN STORE FOR THEMSELVES A GOOD FOUNDATION AGAINST THE TIME TO COME, THAT THEY MAY LAY HOLD ON ETERNAL LIFE. O TIMOTHY, KEEP THAT WHICH IS COMMITTED TO THY TRUST, AVOIDING PROFANE AND VAIN BABBLINGS, AND OPPOSITIONS OF SCIENCE FALSELY SO CALLED: WHICH SOME PROFESSING HAVE ERRED CONCERNING THE FAITH. GRACE BE WITH THEE. AMEN-1 Tim 6:17-21. The world is not rich in good works and ready to distribute to the converted Christian. The world embraces profane and vain babblings. The world embraces so-called science that contradicts Gods Word. Yet the true Christian should crave the preaching of Gods pure Word. They should rejoice when they can find one of those few preachers who are not afraid to teach THE WORD in its fullness and in truth. They should rejoice if they can find a preacher that will teach just GODS WORD, which is not diluted by multitudes of worldly stories added in. They should detest vain stories and preaching of vanity and foolishness. The evidence is very strong. Very few people that claim they are converted crave this sort of teaching. It is written Jesus, WHOSE FAN IS IN HIS HAND, AND HE WILL THOROUGHLY PURGE HIS FLOOR, AND WILL GATHER THE WHEAT INTO HIS GARNER; BUT THE CHAFF HE WILL BURN WITH FIRE UNQUENCHABLE-Lk 3:17. The lukewarm, the unconverted, the carnal, will be burnt up as the chaff. The wheat, that is, the converted Christian that brings forth good fruit will be gathered unto Jesus and will forever be with the Lord. 7-CORRECTION: THE UNSAVED OFTEN LOOK LIKE THEY ARE SAVED Oftentimes, the unsaved look like they are saved. It is written, WOE UNTO YOU, SCRIBES AND PHARISEES, HYPOCRITES! FOR YE ARE AS GRAVES WHICH APPEAR NOT, AND THE MEN THAT WALK OVER THEM ARE NOT AWARE OF THEM-Lk 11:44. Most religious leaders were and are today as graves. They lead people to hell. Yet they do not appear to be graves. They do not appear to be people that lead others to destruction. People hear them and are led by them and are not aware that these people are blind leaders. They are not aware that they are being led to hell. They look like they are saved, but they are not. They make people TWOFOLD MORE THE CHILD OF HELL THAN them SELVES-Mt 23:15. FOR SUCH ARE FALSE APOSTLES, DECEITFUL WORKERS, TRANSFORMING THEMSELVES INTO THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST-2 Cor 11:13. These people look like they are of Christ, but they are not. AND NO MARVEL; FOR SATAN HIMSELF IS TRANSFORMED INTO AN ANGEL OF LIGHT-2 Cor 11:14. Satan often comes to us in various ways. He lies to us but makes us think that it is God talking to us. Satan deceives the whole world-ref Rev 12:9. THEREFORE IT IS NO GREAT THING (or it is no big surprise) IF HIS MINISTERS (the ministers, the clergy, the priests, the missionaries, the elders, and others that are following Satan) ALSO BE TRANSFORMED AS THE MINISTERS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. In other words, they look like they are of God. They look like they are ministers of righteousness. WHOSE END SHALL BE ACCORDING TO THEIR WORKS-2 Cor 11:13-15. They themselves are positive they are of God. They do not understand they are ministers of darkness. They do not understand that both they and the people that are under them shall perish to the lake of fire for eternity. It is written, IF THE BLIND LEAD THE BLIND, BOTH SHALL FALL INTO THE DITCH-Mt 15:14. If a person persists in following a preacher, priest, rabbi, elder, etc., that is not walking with God, he shall perish along with the blind leader of the blind. To give a few examples of how the unsaved look like they are saved, note the following. They draw near to Jesus with their mouth. They honor Jesus with their lips. They worship Jesus, but they are not saved-ref Mt 15:8,9. On the outside they look righteous and holy. They tithe on everything. They sit in important places. People greet them. They do not appear unsaved. Men are not aware that they are unsaved. Men come to them. They appear to be something that they are not. They call Jesus, Master. They believe they are saved. They have religious positions of authority. Men obey them. They build the graves of the prophets. They have a form of knowledge, yet they are not saved-ref Lk 11:39-52. They have a zeal of God, but they are unsaved-ref Ro 10:2. They seek to enter heaven. They knock on Gods door. They pray and call upon the name of the Lord. They take communion. He taught in their streets, yet they are not saved-ref Lk 13:24-27 and Mt 7:21. They prophesied in the name of Jesus. They cast out devils in the name of Jesus. They do many wonderful works in the name of Jesus, but they shall perish-Mt 7:21-23. They trust that they are righteous. They pray long prayers. They give thanks to God. They appear sinless. They fast twice a week. They give tithes of all they possess, yet they are not saved-ref Lk 18:9-14; Lk 20:47. This is only a brief list of examples from Gods Word of how the unsaved look like they are saved. Sometimes a person might be asked the question, Do the unsaved look like they are saved? The answer is, Many times, yes they do. How then can a person know if a clergyman is saved? Answer, it is very difficult. Throughout history many, many, many, people have followed blind leaders that looked like they were saved right to destruction. Now they are in hell, screaming in torment. The answer to this is, by the fruits of the Spirit and their love for the true followers of Christ. The answer to this can also include their doctrine. There was one indication that the Bible showed over and over that revealed the religious leaders were not saved. That way was correction. Time after time, Jesus corrected the people and religious leaders that looked like they were of God. However, when they were corrected by Jesus or the Apostles, they would not believe the correction, and they would not repent. Oftentimes, but not always, they became angry when they were corrected. They were strifeful. They were not meek and childlike when they were corrected. Their attitude, when they were corrected from Gods Word, was a very good indicator if they were of God or not. In other words, they do not believe some parts of Gods Word, even though they teach Gods Word. One example, might be a man and woman living together. They might have had permission from their parents. They might even have children. However, they are not married in the eyes of a holy God. They are following the tradition of a country, but not Gods Word. It is not possible for them to be saved, no matter how much they teach Gods Word. They are blind, yet they are positive they are not blind just as the Pharisees were. They are living in fornication. Now, when they are confronted with Gods Word on this subject, they are so filled with wrong thoughts, teachings, traditions, fears, and pressures from relatives and their community, that they will not or cannot understand in their heart. They do not understand that they are living in wickedness and sin and that they are not walking with God, no matter how much they may look like they are walking with God. They will not believe Gods Word. They may even become argumentative and strifeful and say that Gods Word does not mean this or that. They may say, That is your interpretation. They may say, God knows my heart. They do not understand that without holiness, no man will see the Lord-ref Heb 12:14. They do not understand that THE HEART IS DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS, AND DESPERATELY WICKED: WHO CAN KNOW IT-Jere 17:9? Because they will not believe the Bible on this subject, neither would they believe a missionary, an angel or even Jesus Himself or anyone sent to them from God to correct them. Their own traditions and sin have blinded them to the truth. Such persons need to repent. They need to be broken and humbled. They need to beg for Gods mercy and deny themselves. They should separate, and then get married Gods way. Then after, they should get baptized by immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Then henceforth, they should continue walking with God. Again, it needs to be said. Because they will not receive correction as a little child with a childlike, humble, meek attitude, it shows clearly they are not walking with God. Some of these people are so positive they are saved and so blind, that even when they are left behind in the Rapture or even when they are at the judgment, they try to argue with Jesus. Nevertheless, because they would not depart from iniquity, they shall surely perish for eternity. It needs to be understood. What sin is, is not defined by traditions of a people or a country. It is not defined by a persons emotions. It is not defined by what you think sin is or is not. Sin is defined by Gods Word and Gods Word only. It is Gods Word that shall judge you. It does not matter if you, your parents, your friends, your church, your community, or your country, are positive that you are right; it is Gods Word that will judge you. It is Gods Word that will declare if you are in sin or not. WE ARE OF GOD: HE THAT KNOWETH GOD HEARETH US; HE THAT IS NOT OF GOD HEARETH NOT US. HEREBY KNOW WE THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, AND THE SPIRIT OF ERROR-1 Jn 4:6. IF ANY MAN HAVE EARS TO HEAR, LET HIM HEAR-Mk 4:23. Many think they have come to the light. They teach Gods Word. They go on missionary trips. They evangelize, but they will not come to and surrender to Gods Word in truth. It is written, AND THIS IS THE CONDEMNATION, THAT LIGHT IS COME INTO THE WORLD, AND MEN LOVED DARKNESS RATHER THAN LIGHT, BECAUSE THEIR DEEDS WERE EVIL. FOR EVERY ONE THAT DOETH EVIL HATETH THE LIGHT, NEITHER COMETH TO THE LIGHT, LEST HIS DEEDS SHOULD BE REPROVED (or made known or corrected). BUT HE THAT DOETH TRUTH COMETH TO THE LIGHT, THAT HIS DEEDS MAY BE MADE MANIFEST, THAT THEY ARE WROUGHT IN GOD-Jn 3:19-21. 8-FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT BORN-AGAIN EVIDENCE AND ATTITUDE BUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE: AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW. AND THEY THAT ARE CHRISTS HAVE CRUCIFIED THE FLESH WITH THE AFFECTIONS AND LUSTS-Gal 5:22-24. 9-EARTHLY SPEECH BORN-AGAIN EVIDENCE AND ATTITUDE Listen to a persons speech. Listen to your own speech. How much of your daily speech is centered on the things of God? How much of your speech is centered on the things of this world? How much of your speech is of faith? How much of your speech contains doubt? How much of your speech is seasoned with grace? How much of your speech is not? Is only one or two percent of your speech during the average day centered on Jesus? Is only ten or twenty percent centered on Jesus? Consider carefully. These are reflections of your walk or lack of a walk with God. One hundred percent of the speech of Jesus was of God. It is written, HE THAT COMETH FROM ABOVE IS ABOVE ALL: HE THAT IS OF THE EARTH IS EARTHLY, AND SPEAKETH OF THE EARTH: HE THAT COMETH FROM HEAVEN IS ABOVE ALL-Jn 3:31. It is written, OUT OF THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART THE MOUTH SPEAKETH-Mt 12:34. A person whose conversation is mostly of the things of this world, has his heart in this world. He that is worldly, or carnal, or unsaved, his conversation will be mostly of this earth and earthly things. He is of the earth. It is written, AMONG WHOM ALSO WE ALL HAD OUR CONVERSATION IN TIMES PAST IN THE LUSTS OF OUR FLESH, FULFILLING THE DESIRES OF THE FLESH AND OF THE MIND; AND WERE BY NATURE THE CHILDREN OF WRATH, EVEN AS OTHERS-Eph 2:3. Those of the earth, the worldly, the unsaved, and the carnal have their conversation centered in the things of this world, in the things of the lusts of the flesh. There conversation is centered in I, that is, in themselves. They say, I will, and I shall. It is written, THEY ARE OF THE WORLD: THEREFORE SPEAK THEY OF THE WORLD, AND THE WORLD HEARETH THEM. Note, the verse clearly states, that those whose conversation speaks of the world, they are of the world. They are not of God. WE ARE OF GOD: HE THAT KNOWETH GOD HEARETH US; HE THAT IS NOT OF GOD HEARETH NOT US. HEREBY KNOW WE THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, AND THE SPIRIT OF ERROR-1 Jn 4:5,6. These people that are of the world, WHOSE END IS DESTRUCTION, WHOSE GOD IS THEIR BELLY, AND WHOSE GLORY IS IN THEIR SHAME, WHO MIND EARTHLY THINGS. FOR OUR CONVERSATION IS IN HEAVEN; FROM WHENCE ALSO WE LOOK FOR THE SAVIOUR, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST-Phil 3:19,20. We would expect a new babe in Christ to have very worldly conversation. However, the Scriptures are clear and give guidelines for determining a persons walk or lack of walk with Jesus. The Scriptures identify a persons relationship or lack of relationship with Jesus. Just listen to your own conversation. Just listen to the conversation of others. The evidence of the abundance or overflow of the heart can be heard. The evidence that a person has been converted or may not be converted can be in their conversation. 10-CARNAL, WORLDLY, EARTHLY, LUKEWARM BORN-AGAIN EVIDENCE AND ATTITUDE 1. There are different circumstances underlying carnality or worldliness. The first is that a person has just been converted. They have not had much time to grow in Gods Word. When a person comes to Jesus by faith and repents, they are still very worldly or carnal. They may have been in a church all their life, but still their understanding is very limited. If they have truly been converted, they will have a great desire and hunger to get into Gods Word and learn of Jesus; as it is written, AS NEWBORN BABES, DESIRE (or craves or cries for, or greatly wants or hungers for) THE SINCERE MILK OF THE WORD, THAT YE MAY GROW THEREBY: IF SO BE YE HAVE TASTED THAT THE LORD IS GRACIOUS-1 Pe 2:2,3. Through Gods Word, they can grow in wisdom and knowledge. Their faith can grow. Note, a persons faith cannot exceed their knowledge of Gods Word. Indeed, FAITH COMETH BY HEARING, AND HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD-Ro 10:17. The first place that Satan can be expected to attack is the Word. Satan will use every possible trick to keep a person from submerging themselves in the Bible. He usually succeeds. The new Christian should begin reading many, many chapters a day. A person that reads only one, two, or three chapters a day, may not be serious about God at all. While in this very worldly or carnal state, Satan can often attack them very successfully, because they do not understand the many devices of Satan. It is like a new tree in your garden. When the new tree is very young and not very tall, it is easy to pull up and kill it. It will die easily and quickly if it is not watered. This is like a new Christian. Satan can more easily uproot a new Christian. If the new Christian is not in Gods Word being watered, he can die quickly. However, the tree that has grown to be a big tree with good nourishment, cannot be easily pulled up. The only nourishment that can help a Christian grow is Gods Word. 2. The second form of carnality or worldliness is a result of not being in Gods Word. A person that cannot read often fits into this category. They may have a zeal of God, but they have very little knowledge. Also a person that is busy with their job, or doing this or that, or wants to teach but does not want to learn, fits in this category. They spend very little time in Gods Word. They are very worldly, because they have never submitted themselves to dwelling in and learning Gods Word as they ought. 3. The third form of carnality or worldliness can be a result of sin or wrong thinking. These are people that are dull of hearing. This Christian still has the world in their heart. They are two-faced. Their one face looks to Jesus, but their other face looks back at the world and its possessions, pleasures, and lusts. Their mind is on Jesus some of the time, but it is also on loving this world part of the time. They want Jesus, but they also want the better things of this life and money. They have a struggle going on inside themselves. It is like each of their arms have a rope tied to it. One rope pulls them toward Jesus, but the other rope pulls them toward the world and Satan. Their heart will ultimately pick which direction they go. They are carnally minded. Their mind is not spiritual. It is written, FOR TO BE CARNALLY MINDED IS DEATH; BUT TO BE SPIRITUALLY MINDED IS LIFE AND PEACE. BECAUSE THE CARNAL (or worldly) MIND IS ENMITY (or hatred) AGAINST GOD: FOR IT IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAW OF GOD, NEITHER INDEED CAN BE. SO THEN THEY THAT ARE IN THE FLESH CANNOT PLEASE GOD-Ro 8:6-8. AND I, BRETHREN, COULD NOT SPEAK UNTO YOU AS UNTO SPIRITUAL, BUT AS UNTO CARNAL, EVEN AS UNTO BABES IN CHRIST. I HAVE FED YOU WITH MILK (basic doctrines of Gods Word), AND NOT WITH MEAT (perfection): FOR HITHERTO YE WERE NOT ABLE TO BEAR IT, NEITHER YET NOW ARE YE ABLE. FOR YE ARE YET CARNAL: FOR WHEREAS THERE IS AMONG YOU ENVYING, AND STRIFE, AND DIVISIONS, ARE YE NOT CARNAL, AND WALK AS MEN? FOR WHILE ONE SAITH, I AM OF PAUL; AND ANOTHER, I AM OF APOLLOS; ARE YE NOT CARNAL? One may say, I am a Baptist. I am a Pentecostal. WHO THEN IS PAUL, AND WHO IS APOLLOS, BUT MINISTERS BY WHOM YE BELIEVED, EVEN AS THE LORD GAVE TO EVERY MAN? I HAVE PLANTED, APOLLOS WATERED; BUT GOD GAVE THE INCREASE. SO THEN NEITHER IS HE THAT PLANTETH ANY THING, NEITHER HE THAT WATERETH; BUT GOD THAT GIVETH THE INCREASE-1 Cor 3:1-7. Some carnal people follow CARNAL ORDINANCES, IMPOSED ON THEM-Heb 9:10. It is written, OF WHOM WE HAVE MANY THINGS TO SAY, AND HARD TO BE UTTERED, SEEING YE ARE DULL OF HEARING. FOR WHEN FOR THE TIME YE OUGHT TO BE TEACHERS, YE HAVE NEED THAT ONE TEACH YOU AGAIN WHICH BE THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF THE ORACLES OF GOD; AND ARE BECOME SUCH AS HAVE NEED OF MILK, (which is basic doctrines) AND NOT OF STRONG MEAT (which is perfection). FOR EVERY ONE THAT USETH MILK (or is learning basic doctrines) IS UNSKILFUL IN THE WORD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: FOR HE IS A BABE. BUT STRONG MEAT (which is perfection) BELONGETH TO THEM THAT ARE OF FULL AGE, EVEN THOSE WHO BY REASON OF USE HAVE THEIR SENSES EXERCISED TO DISCERN BOTH GOOD AND EVIL. THEREFORE LEAVING THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST (which is milk), LET US GO ON UNTO PERFECTION (which is meat); NOT LAYING AGAIN THE FOUNDATION OF (the basic doctrines which is milk, including) REPENTANCE FROM DEAD WORKS, AND OF FAITH TOWARD GOD, OF THE DOCTRINE OF BAPTISMS, AND OF LAYING ON OF HANDS, AND OF RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD, AND OF ETERNAL JUDGMENT. AND THIS WILL WE DO, IF GOD PERMIT-Heb 5:11-6:3. 4. Lastly, an unbeliever is carnal or worldly. 11-FAITHFUL, FAITHFULNESS BORN-AGAIN EVIDENCE AND ATTITUDE Faithfulness is seldom taught in the Church. Yet, when a person receives Jesus by faith, they begin a trip to test their faithfulness. Will a person be faithful and obey Gods Word, or will they not? A person that will not be faithful, ultimately will perish to the Lake of Fire. Only the faithful will hear Gods Word, WELL DONE, THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT-Mt 25:21. Jesus healed people. Then HE CHARGED THEM THAT THEY SHOULD TELL NO MAN: BUT THE MORE HE CHARGED THEM, SO MUCH THE MORE A GREAT DEAL THEY PUBLISHED IT-Mk 7:36. They would not be faithful. AND JESUS PUT FORTH HIS HAND, AND TOUCHED HIM, SAYING, I WILL; BE THOU CLEAN. AND IMMEDIATELY HIS LEPROSY WAS CLEANSED. AND JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, SEE THOU TELL NO MAN; BUT GO THY WAY, SHEW THYSELF TO THE PRIEST, AND OFFER THE GIFT THAT MOSES COMMANDED, FOR A TESTIMONY UNTO THEM-Mt 8:3,4. Some would obey Jesus. Some would not. Some were faithful, some were not. It is written, AND AS THEY CAME DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN, HE (Jesus) CHARGED THEM THAT THEY SHOULD TELL NO MAN WHAT THINGS THEY HAD SEEN, TILL THE SON OF MAN WERE RISEN FROM THE DEAD-Mk 9:9. The apostles obeyed Jesus. They were faithful. 12-CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING VERSES Note the word faithful in the following verses. 13-FAITHFULNESS: A REQUIREMENT IN STEWARDS It is written, MOREOVER IT IS REQUIRED IN STEWARDS, THAT A MAN BE FOUND FAITHFUL-1 Cor 4:2. 14-FAITHFUL IN THE LEAST, FAITHFUL IN MUCH It is written, HE THAT IS FAITHFUL IN THAT WHICH IS LEAST IS FAITHFUL ALSO IN MUCH: AND HE THAT IS UNJUST IN THE LEAST IS UNJUST ALSO IN MUCH-Lk 16:10. IF THEREFORE YE HAVE NOT BEEN FAITHFUL IN THE UNRIGHTEOUS MAMMON, WHO WILL COMMIT TO YOUR TRUST THE TRUE RICHES-Lk 16:11? AND IF YE HAVE NOT BEEN FAITHFUL IN THAT WHICH IS ANOTHER MANS, WHO SHALL GIVE YOU THAT WHICH IS YOUR OWN-Lk 16:12? 15-AT THE JUDGMENT, FAITHFULNESS BRINGS REWARDS It is written, AND THE LORD SAID, WHO THEN IS THAT FAITHFUL AND WISE STEWARD, WHOM HIS LORD SHALL MAKE RULER OVER HIS HOUSEHOLD, TO GIVE THEM THEIR PORTION OF MEAT IN DUE SEASON-Lk 12:42? It is written, WHO THEN IS A FAITHFUL AND WISE SERVANT, WHOM HIS LORD HATH MADE RULER OVER HIS HOUSEHOLD, TO GIVE THEM MEAT IN DUE SEASON-Mt 24:45? It is written, HIS LORD SAID UNTO HIM, WELL DONE, THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT: THOU HAST BEEN FAITHFUL OVER A FEW THINGS, I WILL MAKE THEE RULER OVER MANY THINGS: ENTER THOU INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD-Mt 25:21. HIS LORD SAID UNTO HIM, WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT; THOU HAST BEEN FAITHFUL OVER A FEW THINGS, I WILL MAKE THEE RULER OVER MANY THINGS: ENTER THOU INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD-Mt 25:23. AND HE SAID UNTO HIM, WELL, THOU GOOD SERVANT: BECAUSE THOU HAST BEEN FAITHFUL IN A VERY LITTLE, HAVE THOU AUTHORITY OVER TEN CITIES-Lk 19:17. 16-SOME FAITHFUL PEOPLE IN THE BIBLE It is written, FOR THIS CAUSE HAVE I SENT UNTO YOU TIMOTHEUS, WHO IS MY BELOVED SON, AND FAITHFUL IN THE LORD, WHO SHALL BRING YOU INTO REMEMBRANCE OF MY WAYS WHICH BE IN CHRIST, AS I TEACH EVERY WHERE IN EVERY CHURCH-1 Cor 4:17. Paul writes, NOW CONCERNING VIRGINS I HAVE NO COMMANDMENT OF THE LORD: YET I GIVE MY JUDGMENT, AS ONE THAT HATH OBTAINED MERCY OF THE LORD TO BE FAITHFUL-1 Cor 7:25. BUT THAT YE ALSO MAY KNOW MY AFFAIRS, AND HOW I DO, TYCHICUS, A BELOVED BROTHER AND FAITHFUL MINISTER IN THE LORD, SHALL MAKE KNOWN TO YOU ALL THINGS-Eph 6:21. AS YE ALSO LEARNED OF EPAPHRAS OUR DEAR FELLOWSERVANT, WHO IS FOR YOU A FAITHFUL MINISTER OF CHRIST-Col 1:7. ALL MY STATE SHALL TYCHICUS DECLARE UNTO YOU, WHO IS A BELOVED BROTHER, AND A FAITHFUL MINISTER AND FELLOWSERVANT IN THE LORD-Col 4:7. WITH ONESIMUS, A FAITHFUL AND BELOVED BROTHER, WHO IS ONE OF YOU. THEY SHALL MAKE KNOWN UNTO YOU ALL THINGS-Col 4:9. SO THEN THEY WHICH BE OF FAITH ARE BLESSED WITH FAITHFUL ABRAHAM-Gal 3:9. AND I THANK CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD, WHO HATH ENABLED ME, FOR THAT HE COUNTED ME FAITHFUL, PUTTING ME INTO THE MINISTRY-1 Tim 1:12. AND MOSES VERILY WAS FAITHFUL IN ALL HIS HOUSE, AS A SERVANT, FOR A TESTIMONY OF THOSE THINGS WHICH WERE TO BE SPOKEN AFTER-Heb 3:5. BY SILVANUS, A FAITHFUL BROTHER UNTO YOU,…I HAVE WRITTEN BRIEFLY, EXHORTING, AND TESTIFYING THAT THIS IS THE TRUE GRACE OF GOD WHEREIN YE STAND-1 Pe 5:12. I KNOW THY WORKS, AND WHERE THOU DWELLEST, EVEN WHERE SATANS SEAT IS: AND THOU HOLDEST FAST MY NAME, AND HAST NOT DENIED MY FAITH, EVEN IN THOSE DAYS WHEREIN ANTIPAS WAS MY FAITHFUL MARTYR, WHO WAS SLAIN AMONG YOU-Rev 2:13. 17-GOD IS FAITHFUL It is written, THERE HATH NO TEMPTATION TAKEN YOU BUT SUCH AS IS COMMON TO MAN: BUT GOD IS FAITHFUL, WHO WILL NOT SUFFER YOU TO BE TEMPTED ABOVE THAT YE ARE ABLE; BUT WILL WITH THE TEMPTATION ALSO MAKE A WAY TO ESCAPE, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO BEAR IT-1 Cor 10:13. FAITHFUL IS HE THAT CALLETH YOU, WHO ALSO WILL DO IT-1 Thes 5:24. THE LORD IS FAITHFUL, WHO SHALL STABLISH YOU, AND KEEP YOU FROM EVIL-2 Thes 3:3. WHEREFORE, HOLY BRETHREN, PARTAKERS OF THE HEAVENLY CALLING, CONSIDER THE APOSTLE AND HIGH PRIEST OF OUR PROFESSION, CHRIST JESUS; WHO WAS FAITHFUL TO HIM THAT APPOINTED HIM, AS ALSO MOSES WAS FAITHFUL IN ALL HIS HOUSE-Heb 3:1,2. LET US HOLD FAST THE PROFESSION OF OUR FAITH WITHOUT WAVERING; (FOR HE IS FAITHFUL THAT PROMISED)-Heb 10:23. WHEREFORE LET THEM THAT SUFFER ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD COMMIT THE KEEPING OF THEIR SOULS TO HIM IN WELL DOING, AS UNTO A FAITHFUL CREATOR-1 Pe 4:19. IF WE CONFESS OUR SINS, HE IS FAITHFUL AND JUST TO FORGIVE US OUR SINS, AND TO CLEANSE US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS1 Jn 1:9. AND FROM JESUS CHRIST, WHO IS THE FAITHFUL WITNESS, AND THE FIRST BEGOTTEN OF THE DEAD, AND THE PRINCE OF THE KINGS OF THE EARTH. UNTO HIM THAT LOVED US, AND WASHED US…IN HIS OWN BLOOD-Rev 1:5. AND UNTO THE ANGEL OF THE CHURCH OF THE LAODICEANS WRITE; THESE THINGS SAITH THE AMEN, THE FAITHFUL AND TRUE WITNESS, THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION OF GOD-Rev 3:14. AND I SAW HEAVEN OPENED, AND BEHOLD A WHITE HORSE; AND HE THAT SAT UPON HIM WAS CALLED FAITHFUL AND TRUE, AND IN RIGHTEOUSNESS HE DOTH JUDGE AND MAKE WAR-Rev 19:11. 18-WIVES ARE TO BE FAITHFUL It is written, EVEN SO MUST THEIR WIVES BE GRAVE, NOT SLANDERERS, SOBER, FAITHFUL IN ALL THINGS-1 Tim 3:11. 19-THE SAINTS ARE TO BE FAITHFUL It is written, PAUL, AN APOSTLE OF JESUS CHRIST BY THE WILL OF GOD, TO THE SAINTS…AND TO THE FAITHFUL IN CHRIST JESUS-Eph 1:1. TO THE SAINTS AND FAITHFUL BRETHREN IN CHRIST WHICH ARE AT COLOSSE: GRACE BE UNTO YOU, AND PEACE, FROM GOD OUR FATHER AND THE LORD JESUS CHRIST-Col 1:2. AND THEY THAT HAVE BELIEVING MASTERS, LET THEM NOT DESPISE THEM, BECAUSE THEY ARE BRETHREN; BUT RATHER DO THEM SERVICE, BECAUSE THEY ARE FAITHFUL AND BELOVED, PARTAKERS OF THE BENEFIT. THESE THINGS TEACH AND EXHORT-1 Tim 6:2. AND THE THINGS THAT THOU HAST HEARD OF ME AMONG MANY WITNESSES, THE SAME COMMIT THOU TO FAITHFUL MEN, WHO SHALL BE ABLE TO TEACH OTHERS ALSO-2 Tim 2:2. FEAR NONE OF THOSE THINGS WHICH THOU SHALT SUFFER: BEHOLD, THE DEVIL SHALL CAST SOME OF YOU INTO PRISON, THAT YE MAY BE TRIED; AND YE SHALL HAVE TRIBULATION TEN DAYS: BE THOU FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH, AND I WILL GIVE THEE A CROWN OF LIFE-Rev 2:10. THESE SHALL MAKE WAR WITH THE LAMB, AND THE LAMB SHALL OVERCOME THEM: FOR HE IS LORD OF LORDS, AND KING OF KINGS: AND THEY THAT ARE WITH HIM ARE CALLED, AND CHOSEN, AND FAITHFUL-Rev 17:14. AND WHEN SHE WAS BAPTIZED, AND HER HOUSEHOLD, SHE BESOUGHT US, SAYING, IF YE HAVE JUDGED ME TO BE FAITHFUL TO THE LORD, COME INTO MY HOUSE, AND ABIDE THERE. AND SHE CONSTRAINED US-Acts 16:15. The Lord is clearly telling all true Christians, Be faithful.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 19:50:20 +0000

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