DOD Still Barring 50 Priests from Administering Sacraments - - TopicsExpress


DOD Still Barring 50 Priests from Administering Sacraments - CNSNews - Locks Up Eucharist, Priest Sues After the Obama administration, for the second Sunday in a row, continued to prohibit approximately 50 Catholic priests from saying Mass and administering other sacraments at U.S. military facilities around the world, Father Ray Leonard, who serves as the Catholic chaplain at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia, filed suit Monday against the Department of Defense, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, the Department of the Navy, and Navy Secretary Ray Mabus. DOD is prohibiting Father Leonard and the other Catholic priests from administering the sacraments and providing other services to their congregations even though two weeks ago Congress passed, and President Barack Obama signed, a law that instructed DOD to maintain on the job and keep paying contract employees who were supporting the troops. (Read more) - It has come to our attention that multitudes of saints around the world, who themselves are suffering under persecution, are now praying for the church in America to find the strength to not compromise and to survive these times in our own nation. How humbling this is to us! Pray in agreement with these saints, many of whom are suffering in silence tonight in prison cells. Praise God for each one of them. - But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. (Job 23:10) Contact your U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator to voice your opinion. All people of faith need to respond. I can remember in typing class in Junior High School, having to type as an exercise: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. We had to type that as many times as we could in one minute! That typing chant needs now to be enforced by us all as citizens of the United States of America. Please, understand!! Our country has made a HUGE LEFT Turn in the Change focus that was promote by this administration from the beginning. Our freedoms and constitutional rights are being grabbed from us by those who have no respect for the founding and values that has made America great! PLEASE STAND . . . CALL YOUR U.S. LEGISLATOR TODAY. See link for information: Pray the News and Act Responsibly.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 03:08:53 +0000

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