DOES GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES¿ Often, ive heard - TopicsExpress


DOES GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES¿ Often, ive heard people say: GOD helps those who help themselves/MWARI vanobatsira anozvibatsira... Some people go on to claim this phenomenon is a Biblical sentiment, which i meantersay a Bible verse :( . Of course, even if you read backwards from Revelation 22:21 to Genesis 1:1, you will NEVER find a verse that says that, at least not explicitly, not in those very words...although people have been known to INTERPRET Bible verses in their own ways, some which are very wrong, Ill still say: that notion is a very wrong, very misleading, phenomenon. It encourages people to think they can somehow help GOD help themselves :( . It gives the false impression that GOD needs our help in certain situations... even though Ephesians says ...this not of works, lest anyone should it Eph 2:8? Ill say this: GOD wants us to participate in our salvation, not be passive by-standers... when GOD asked Moses: what do you have in your hand?, and instructed him to use the rod to split the Red Sea, it wasnt because HE couldnt do it any other way... when GOD says bring the tithes & offerings to MY house, its not because HIS Kingdom will collapse without your tithes and/or offerings,... It wont make HIM less of GOD if you sit back , fold your hands, relax & do nothing..... Let me illustrate. Once upon a time (somebody shout DZEPFUNDE!), the King of the Jungle called for an important meeting which all animals were obliged to attend. Now, a certain Mr. Mouse lived 20km away from the Royal Palace, & had always had challenges going to the meetings. On this day though, when he had almost given up hope of going, along came a Mr. Elephant, travelling to the Royal Residence alone. Mr. Mouse asked if they could keep each other company, to which Elephant replied: Climb and make yourself comfortable on my right ear. So, mouse sat on Elephants flappy ear, and off they went. About 1km from the Royal Palace, they came to a river in flood, but there was a footbridge which most animals had used to cross the river, i.e. those that had gone before Elephant (oh, & Mouse perched on the ear). Elephant decided he would try and cross via the bridge, like all before him. He put one foot forward, and the next, but when he tried to put the 3rd foot forward, lo & behold, disaster struck :(. The whole bridge plunged into the murky waters. Mouse clung tightly to the ear, as Elephant fought the tide, and walked to the shore. On arrival at the palace, the meeting had to be momentarily stopped, as mouse went around shouting: Guys, see what we did? Elephant and I? The bridge fell down from our combined weights! Hatiite hatiite popopopopo!.... Whats your take on that? Elephant & Mouse.... and the bridge fell down?
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 07:56:57 +0000

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